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Selling phobia

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I am completely phobic about selling the curriculum I recently bought. I'm so phobic I wouldn't ever consider having yard sale. I completely fall apart at the mere thought of pricing things, let alone the thought of the huge rejection I'd feel if I got negative feedback. But I could use the money. If only to buy more curriculum. I've donated things in the past, but we don't itemize our taxes, so.

I don't know, how does one get over this phobia? I think if I'm going to continue to homeschool that I'd better. Well, at least I feel better admitting I have a problem.

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LOL..I guess I should have phrased that better. Thanks for the laugh, Saille, I don't think I would have ever caught on...:lol:


Phobia of selling, perhaps?



But then again, maybe people don't want what I'd be selling in the first place. Yet another reason I shouldn't try. LOL

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I am completely phobic about selling the curriculum I recently bought. I'm so phobic I wouldn't ever consider having yard sale. I completely fall apart at the mere thought of pricing things, let alone the thought of the huge rejection I'd feel if I got negative feedback. But I could use the money. If only to buy more curriculum. I've donated things in the past, but we don't itemize our taxes, so.

I don't know, how does one get over this phobia? I think if I'm going to continue to homeschool that I'd better. Well, at least I feel better admitting I have a problem.

Depending on the matterial you have I use Amazon a lot to get a feel of the correct price.

As far as negitive feed back as long as you describe the item honestly, ship out in a timely manner and are courteous/helpful during inquirys, pack things well for shipping, really just normal things that you would want in buying used from someone you will be ok.

I couldn't homeschool if I didn't sell curr that I am through with or not going to use.

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I have the same kind of phobia! I thought I was the only one! I also can't talk on the phone, but that's another topic. :)


What helps me is to just MAKE myself list 2 or 3 things, then I seem to get over it. It's only hard listing the first couple of things.


Just be honest in your descriptions and don't overcharge for shipping. Most buyers are very nice and easy to work with. Ok, I talked myself into wanting to sell a few things. :)


Good luck! :)

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I suffered from the same phobia--it just seemed too hard. But a recent reversal of fortune has forced me into selling some of my ridiculously huge collection of unused curriculum. Guess what! It's waaaay easier than I anticipated, and I feel like kicking myself for not doing it sooner. I'm enjoying the money, the added space, and the feeling that I'm helping someone else who will actually use the stuff.


Go for it!

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Well, I'm not too worried about negative feedback. I've done book swapping on Bookmooch before. I'd still be doing that if any books I wanted were actually available, but they aren't. *sigh* That made it easy for me. I just don't know why I find it so hard to sell, well I usually get stuck on the pricing things, so I never get that far!


And Kim, I also can't talk on phone, well, I can talk on the phone, but I have to know the person I'm calling. I guess if I had to call order the curriculum I wouldn't have any. :lol: I love internet ordering! (It also means I don't have to leave the house). I do love dropping off packages at the post office to send stuff to people who will actually use them.

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I know someone who used to have this fear. She was being seen by a psychiatrist because her dh insisted she get help. It all came down to her childhood and how horrible it was, and now that she was grown she tried to maintain control of things. Sort of how an eating disorder starts. (for her, I'm not saying your childhood was horrible because I don't know.) Anyway, just seeing that it was not OCD for her, and that it was some sort of control issue, she worked on releasing control to God who is more than capable of handling things. He does a better job than any human. She made steady progress and then one day not long after, she actually listed 5 things on ebay to sell. She panicked throughout the listing process, but was giddy with glee the second they were in the mail. She was beyond ecstatic, it was so great to see.

I know you're not her, and each person is different, but maybe if you just did it and worked through it, you'd feel such a weight off your shoulders when it is finally DONE and you SURVIVED. :001_smile:

For what it's worth, I bet there's lots of folks here who would love to pay you for your curric! It's a win-win situation! :001_smile:

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LOL. Ummm, apparently admitting I had a problem made it worse.

I had so much trouble sleeping last night because now I feel guilty that I can't do something that seems so simple to me. I guess I could see a doctor about this phobia however I'd just be selling things so I could pay them. Hardly seems worth it at that point. :tongue_smilie:

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I am so sorry. I can only tell you that I have sold many things via this board and homeschoolclassifieds.com and I have never had a problem. My suggestion would be to list one or two things to get started. Look at the For Sale threads to see what others are asking for for the same or similar items. What are you looking to sell? Let me know. Maybe it is something I can use. I would be happy to do a trade with you to get you on your way.





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Though I can't say it was a phobia, I did have trouble getting started on selling because of the "what if's". Here are some tips I use to get rid of stuff (and get $$$$!)


Depending on the matterial you have I use Amazon a lot to get a feel of the correct price.

As far as negitive feed back as long as you describe the item honestly, ship out in a timely manner and are courteous/helpful during inquirys, pack things well for shipping, really just normal things that you would want in buying used from someone you will be ok.

I couldn't homeschool if I didn't sell curr that I am through with or not going to use.


:iagree: This is great advice. - I also check Rainbow Resource to see what an item would be new. And I don't always try to meet Amazon's lowest used price - just get a feel for a fair price and meet that with what I'd like to get out of it. And make sure you take a look at how much stuff is from Amazon or RR with shipping. They usually charge more than it will cost you to send it via media mail. (Oh - and media mail is your best friend for shipping books!:tongue_smilie:)


I use the sale & swap boards here, and I also used usedhomeschoolcurriculum.com I've sold tons more here than there. Likely because most of my items were from WTM suggestions & classical-oriented.


I use a paypal account, and mostly deal with others who do. It was easier to print shipping labels that way (with media mail & discounted delivery confirmation). But when someone wanted to pay another way, I asked for a cashier's check, and shipped after the check was received.


I priced things ppd (post-paid) and offered insurance at the buyer's request & expense.


Don't worry about negative reviews (unless you're planning to cheat or scam someone!) I've bought & sold many items (I'd estimate about 75-90 packages) through the board here and never had a bad buying or selling experience. Make sure you get delivery confirmation when you ship to help keep track of it along the way (you can track through the usps website with the # they give you!) And don't procrastinate sending it - if you send it within 1-2 days, you'll have no problem. If you do run into a snag - communication goes a long way! If you didn't make it to the post office because the kids or dog are throwing up that day, just e-mail your buyer to let him/her know it will be delayed an additional day. And I try to remember to e-mail the buyer the tracking # so that they can watch the package, too. (This happens automatically if you print shipping labels off paypal. You only need to e-mail them if you sent it through the post office.)


That ended up being so long! I hope I didn't make your reservations worse! The people here are for the most part very flexible and accomodating. I can't imagine you'll have a problem if your intentions are good. :)

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Like someone else said, look at the FS board to see what prices other people are asking to give you an idea on what you might offer. If you are selling something that is well known, it will likely be easy to sell.


Stay firm on your price and terms, even if they may differ from what you are posting. For example, if you offer something for $20 and want the buyer to pay shipping, and the buyer says they are only interested if you pay shipping, you might decide that's a good deal to get it sold. But if you are offering something for $20 and a potential buyer tries to talk you way down, like to $10 and you're uncomfortable, it's perfectly fine to say NO. Lots of buyers are trying to get as much as they can for as little a price as possible. That's not a bad thing, but you don't have to accept just any deal. When that happened to me, I had other potential buyers contacting me and I got the price I was asking.


I have no problems selling and buying online, but I definitely do not do yard sales. I don't hold them or go to them. I've never been comfortable with the idea. ;)

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LOL. I hadn't even considered paypal. :tongue_smilie: Yet another reason for my phobia LOL. Paypal scares me. Yes, I've used it for buying things, eons ago. But its been so long. I feel as though I've been living in a cave. :glare:

No, you didn't make it worse. I'm actually amused at my phobia now.

I just want to hand off everything to someone else and tell say, "Here you deal with it"

I hadn't considered the "what if" I made a mistake and I really shouldn't have sold it. Then I'd be kicking myself. I really don't though because I am really confident that my daughter, age 6 will never like workbooks! And if she ever got into them and well used them for coloring books, well, I'd be unhappy.

My intentions are that someone get use out of these things. I *just* don't have patience/energy to make them work in my home. I want them to work because well, I jumped the bandwagon, but..

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I'm not trying to add anxiety on. The way to deal with this aspect is to offer actual shipping. If you have a scale you can figure this out using information from the USPS or UPS websites. Or, you can look at the websites for the postal services and go with the rate that would be the highest (say you live in Connecticut, what would it cost to send to some zip in California).




Shipping is the *one* thing that never worries me. I am really familiar with how much books cost to ship, and I get such a thrill mailing packages that it makes it all worth it, if only I can get to that point. LOL.

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I am completely phobic about selling the curriculum I recently bought. I'm so phobic I wouldn't ever consider having yard sale. I completely fall apart at the mere thought of pricing things, let alone the thought of the huge rejection I'd feel if I got negative feedback. But I could use the money. If only to buy more curriculum. I've donated things in the past, but we don't itemize our taxes, so.

I don't know, how does one get over this phobia? I think if I'm going to continue to homeschool that I'd better. Well, at least I feel better admitting I have a problem.


I can't help you with the phobia. . . I do feel your pain. . . I am happy to get rid of clutter and have things I don't plan to re-use get a second life. . . but I don't want hassles.


I did just start to let some things go recently on these boards . . . this is how I'm doing it. . .


+ I check around for the going "new" price for whatever I want to sell and I set my price at abt 60% of new, assuming it's in good shape, and I include postage paid in that price.


+ If it is not in good shape, I'd either not bother to sell it at all, sell it for a lot less, either throwing it in for postage with related items, or selling very cheap (say 25% of retail, so long as that covers postage and a few dollars for my trouble.)


+ I only list a handful of items at a time so I don't get confused with all the emails. I started with easy-to-sell stuff (R&S, etc.). I will post another handful every couple weeks until I run out of my stash of stuff I've been accumulating for eternity.


+ One of my first sales got lost in the mail. It was media mail and my packaging got split open and items lost (I got part of the envelope back from the PO with a notice to this effect.) Even though the buyer didn't pay extra for insurance, I immediately refunded their full payment w/o them having to ask for it. I figure I'd refund someone in pretty much any circumstance unless I felt I was being scammed. The one time I sold something pretty pricey (rosetta stone, over $100), I sent it FedEx so I'd have insurance and tracking. The rest of the items (under $60 or so), I just send media mail and hope for the best, knowing I'd eat the value if the purchaser never gets it (or claims never to get it). I am also much more careful about proper packaging after my first mistake. So far, it's worked out fine.



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Where can I do that? I haven't seen anyone who does this...I'd prefer this option, but I don't know how to go about it.


You'd probably have to do some searching to find someone who does it, but they're out there. Look for a used bookstore in your area and see if consignment is offered. There are also some internet stores that do consignment for homeschool books (you would have to ship your books to them), but I don't have personal experience with that. A google search should produce some results for you. :)


The thought just occured to me because I used to work in a local bookstore and we sold items on consignment there. My friend owned the store and even after she decided to close the brick and mortar, she continued to sell consignment items online.

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You'd probably have to do some searching to find someone who does it, but they're out there. Look for a used bookstore in your area and see if consignment is offered. There are also some internet stores that do consignment for homeschool books (you would have to ship your books to them), but I don't have personal experience with that. A google search should produce some results for you. :)


The thought just occured to me because I used to work in a local bookstore and we sold items on consignment there. My friend owned the store and even after she decided to close the brick and mortar, she continued to sell consignment items online.


Well, there is nothing remotely local.

I've done the google searches and now I'm just ready to tear out my hair. I know it is easy, just list the stuff and get it over with, but I just can't do it. And now even consignment doesn't look possible unless I just hire a fellow homeschooler locally to list the things for me.

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Well, there is nothing remotely local.

I've done the google searches and now I'm just ready to tear out my hair. I know it is easy, just list the stuff and get it over with, but I just can't do it. And now even consignment doesn't look possible unless I just hire a fellow homeschooler locally to list the things for me.


I have sold things on consignment for other people, so it is possible. :)




I wish I could do something to help you out. I don't have any issues with selling, but I sometimes get nervous about spending the money. Especially if it's a lot of money, I start to worry, "what if they aren't happy and want a refund?". So far, though, I have never had a buyer ask for a refund, and I don't recall anyone telling me that they weren't happy with their purchase.


I hope I'm not making you even more nervous, just wanted to tell you that I might understand how you feel. :001_smile:

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Here are a few places that came up in a google search:




http://www.curriculumexchange.com/index.html (there is a page for consignment under the policies tab)






Let me know if you want me to keep looking. :)

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Ok, no one is making me more nervous about selling things. I'm slowly coming to the realization that no matter what I try I just can't talk myself into it.


Thanks for the links..I think most appeared to be all of the walk in the store with your stuff variety. Most had a ton of rules, not just about condition, either. It doesn't seem worth it unless there is a store nearby.



I just feel like just giving it away to the first person to come to my house. :lol:

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After thinking about it, I think I should just donate what I have, so I don't have to look at anymore. I just can't pull the trigger so to speak. And just be way more careful in the future about what I buy. It just not worth the stress or the doctors bills.


Just don't stress about the future. You can't know what curriculum might or might not work for you, especially since you obviously already have something that didn't work out. If you aren't going to recoup money by selling, then give yourself permission to donate it hoping it will go to someone that can really use it. :)


FWIW, I have 2 boxes full of books that I could likely sell but they are sitting in my garage and I'm about to bring them back in and put them in storage. I just haven't wanted to deal with the hassle of selling them. I answered someone's WTB post and sold a math set. Thank heavens she wasn't in a hurry because it took me a week to get it out! That's very unlike me. I've purchased and sold curriculum many times over the past 9 years of homeschooling. It's just not my season for doing this right now, so I'll keep them in storage to possibly sell later. Removing the books from the shelf clears up much coveted bookshelf space.

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Just don't stress about the future. You can't know what curriculum might or might not work for you, especially since you obviously already have something that didn't work out. If you aren't going to recoup money by selling, then give yourself permission to donate it hoping it will go to someone that can really use it. :)


FWIW, I have 2 boxes full of books that I could likely sell but they are sitting in my garage and I'm about to bring them back in and put them in storage. I just haven't wanted to deal with the hassle of selling them. I answered someone's WTB post and sold a math set. Thank heavens she wasn't in a hurry because it took me a week to get it out! That's very unlike me. I've purchased and sold curriculum many times over the past 9 years of homeschooling. It's just not my season for doing this right now, so I'll keep them in storage to possibly sell later. Removing the books from the shelf clears up much coveted bookshelf space.


Well, I wasn't stressing about the future, but now...:) I never thought that I would be this unable to sell things. Now that this is where I am, I don't have the money to buy things that would work better. I can make things work for now but now I need a much larger homeschooling budget to make up for the fact I just for the life of me can't sell a darn thing. And I certainly want my materials to go to someone who could really use it. Oh my, yes that would give me such a thrill. Oh and the bookshelf space would be an added bonus, not that it would cleared for very long!

Edited by Hathersage
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