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IRS kicked back return...question

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The IRS kicked back our return saying that the name and social security number of our first dependent did not match their records. It also threw out her education credits for the same reason.


However, my daughter is 17 and her name and social security number have been the same for a few years. I would have understood if this was the first year she had this name (her ss# remained the same), but it's been awhile and we've filed a few returns since then (and last year, we used the same method).


The information on the kickback just says the name and number don't match IRS records and to check that the name/number match on the SS card.


I REALLY need this money. I don't know what else to do!

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We had this happen to us a couple of years ago. We had to go to the local SS office to get it staightened out. I had to bring a social security card and birth certificate of the child and my driver license to the office. They found the error and told me how to file to assure it would get past the automated scanner and gave me a signed document in case I had any additional trouble (which I did not.)

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I had this issue the first time I e-filed. I fussed to everyone. I was told that the records are very often incorrect and nobody knew until they began trying to match things up electronically. Now they are correcting decades old problems. My birthday was off by one day for 34 years.

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I had this issue once because one system had me under my married name, and another system had me under my maiden name. I was fortunate that the correct name was the one the real, live person on the questions hotline saw when I called about it. I haven't tried to e-file since -- I'm not sure if the issue was ever resolved in the database that caused it to be a problem in the first place.

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Have you double checked the number to make sure that there wasn't a typo? Also, are you sure that you have the right number for her? We were using the wrong number for my oldest until she was about 13 years old because we didn't have the actual physical card and had orginally wirtten it down incorrectly. We didn't learn of the error until we sent off for a new card when she was a teen. Things weren't computerized back then so they didn't check them. Finally, one year we sent in a return in which we mistyped one of the girls #s and it was returned but went through quickly once it was corrected.

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We had something similar happen with our twins: same birthdate, two ss#'s. We got it straightened out with the IRS. We had another issue with getting the education credit for our dd (they lost the addendum showing her as a dependent). We got nowhere with trying to go through the IRS. Dh ended up contacting the Tax Advocacy Help line. A couple months later we got our refund. All total, it took a year to get it corrected.

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This happened to us...I think it was last yr. Dh did our taxes for the first time, & the man can't remember that our oldest was born in '01, not '00. Since we were married mid '99, the Jan birthdate w/ the wrong yr has been an embarrassing mistake more than once. :glare: :lol:

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