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Please share your favorite historically accurate Bible translation...


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I also used the NIV for years, but when I started dabbling in learning Greek (inductive method by studying the Gospel of John, using a book written by my uncle-a seminarian of 50 years!) I started noticing the NIV was very off the original.


I did a LOT of research and now use the English Standard Version (ESV)-incredibly accurate, yet flows nicely. You can google it and find out lots of info.


It's been slightly hard to switch since most of my own memorization was NIV. But I feel so much better knowing I am using an accurate translation!

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The ESV is next in line to NAS for literal accuracy, but it reads MUCH more fluently and, not only that but if you buy an ESV Bible you can register it online and get LOADS of online stuff. You can read it online, take your own margin notes online and keep them and add to them, and all the cross references and other study aids such as maps, outlines and background information are there, too. Lots more, but I can't remember. Cross references are in orange print, and you can just click on the cross reference and a little window will come up with that verse in it. Oh my, it's GREAT!!! My dh absolutely loves it. For online ease of use, I don't think there is anything that can even come close.

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Anything that isn't KJV..bleh. I don't really know, I own a NKJV but don't really like it either but it is what we have. It is have to find anything that isn't KJV, NKJV or NIV.


Reading others posts I may look into the English one and see what it all about!

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Author: Jason David BeDuhn is the Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. He holds a B.A. in Religious Studies from the University of Illinois, an M.T.S. in New Testament and Christian Origins form Harvard Divinity School, and a Ph.D. in Comparative Study of Religions form Indiana University, Bloomington.

The Nine English Translations Compared in BeDuhn's book are:

- The King James Version (KJV)

- The A mplified Bible (AB)

- The Living Bible (LB)

- The New American Bible (NAB)

- The New American Standard Bible (NASB)

- The New International Version (NIV)

- The New World Translation (NW)

- The (New) Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

- Today's English Version (TEV)

Personally, I like a combination of The New World Translation (which was decided most accurate in the above book) and the Jerusalem Bible (which is easier for me to understand). I also like to switch it up sometimes because reading the same verse I have heard hundreds of times in my life seems to have more meaning in a different translation.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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