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Week 5 Diet/Health Challenge...check in y'all!

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I'm posting an evening too early because we're going skiing first thing tomorrow and I may forget. Check in with your successes....and even your struggles.


Again, a crappy week for me. Not good eating, but I am continuing with my 10k running clinic. We're up to 6k. It's been extremely cold running (-14F with the wind chill), but I've been out there! Nevertheless, the eating has GOT to get under control.


I think I'll for sure be training for a 1/2 marathon which will take place the beginning of November. I'd really like to beat my last time, so can you guys kick my butt in the eating area??? :)


Looking forward to hearing from everyone! Have a great day!

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I'm here:seeya: I'm right there with you on a bad week for eating. I seem to

use ANY excuse for eating badly. (Oooh, snowed in, break out the cookies and junk food. It's the weekend. I'll get back to a better diet on Monday) :glare: But,the good news, I'm still exercising.


I'm working on portion control but that's tough as I just seem to have a really big appetite and am HUNGRY! I know I need to satiate that hunger with lots of fiber and protein.


You're doing great with your 10k!! You've proven you have self-discipline and perseverance in that area. You can do this! You want it. Get back on the horse :)

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Nicely done!! I'm impressed with your running! I got out there 5 mornings this week. I'm living through the getting up early (not a morning person) and I really like the walking part, but I sincerely hate running. It just doesn't get easier for me. I think it would take me about 7 years to work up to a 5k. Good grief.


I had 2 sodas this week, which is better than 3 last week, I guess.

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Well, I lost maybe 1/2 a lb. this week, but my eating was good all week, so I'm not too upset. I've done this before and I know that some weeks you just plateau. I'm not on an extreme diet, and I'd rather it come off slowly and stay off than drop quickly and bounce back when I'm off the diet.


Other than my two pilates classes, my exercise is still nonexistent - well, I did go to a free skate with my kids, but that was it. I'd like to set a goal to get on the elliptical at my pilates studio at least once a week. I used to do that...

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I'm still doing well. We've had a lot of ice since Saturday so I've been on the exercise bike rather than running, but I should be able to run again tomorrow. I like the bike, but not three days in a row. I'm eating fairly well, although last night was bad, we ate at the neighbors'. I'm down 8 pounds since I started! My pants are getting quite loose.


I'm sorry many of you are having trouble with eating too much. I don't know WHY I've finally seemed to get my eating under control. I think cutting out the sodas and sugar and focusing on getting a lot of fiber through fruits and veggies just keeps me feeling pretty satisfied. When I occasionally want something sweet after dinner (when everyone else is having dessert) I'll make a chocolate soy milk. I know I don't get enough calcium anyway.

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It's great to come home from skiing and see the responses. It's funny that some of us are having a harder time with the eating, then a few are doing awesome. At least we're pressing forward and continuing with checking in. For some reason, I think the accountability does help. And heck, though we're not doing great in ALL areas, at least we're doing great in SOME areas!!!



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Number-wise I am doing well. I have lost almost 10 pounds....3 more to my goal weight. I haven't missed a day of exercise yet:) I started the 30 Day Shred and am on Day 5. Man, that is a HARD workout! Sticking to my calorie budget has been hard....but i've done it. I have been using the Lose It app for the iPod. I will admit...I was in a bad mood for about 3 weeks. But, this past week has been easier. Hopefully my body will adjust top this new healthy eating and stop craving junk all the time!! It's nice to check in and see everyone elses progress...and to know I am not alone:)

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but at least I am exercising again. I was off the wagon for a few days. I bought the 30 Day Shred and today I did day 2. OWWWWW!!!!!!! I walk like Quasimoto or Igor! My calves are so painful I can barely walk and I can hardly lift my arms. Please tell me this gets easier. I cannot even get through every rep of every exercise, but I try so hard. I told my family maybe they could start a pool as to how long it would take me to get to level 3 and my loving and supportive dh said, "I get dibs on never!":glare:

HA! He was being ornery, of course. But, oh how well he knows me.



I love sweets and one serving of just about anything (except healthy food) is never enough. But I was better today than yesterday, and who knows-maybe tomorrow will see me eat nothing but fruits and veggies (ok, maybe not). Hang in there, everyone, and keep the love coming.



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