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Oral conscious sedation for dental work -- any opinions?

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I need to go to the dentist, but I hate having dental work done because novocaine doesn't work effectively for me, my teeth are always super-sensitive, and I have some TMJ issues as well, so it always ends up being a miserable experience.


I saw an ad for one of our local dentists, and he uses oral conscious sedation, where you take a pill an hour before your appointment, and although you're not really asleep, you're supposed to be super-relaxed and they can do several procedures at once, while you feel like the whole appointment was only a few minutes long.


Has anyone tried this? Does it really help with the pain?


I don't want gas or an IV antibiotic, because I have an incredibly weak stomach, so this oral sedation thing sounds pretty appealing to me.


I'd really appreciate it if anyone would share their positive and negative experiences with this sort of thing!


Thanks! :)



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It's probably Versed, which is a benzodiazepine similar to Valium or Xanax. It has the added benefit of causing amnesia so you don't remember much about the procedure. It's considered very safe and well tolerated.


I just had a bunch of dental work and really regret that I didn't use it. Next time I need anything done I will take it. I have somewhat of a phobia of the dentist though.


ETA: If you don't like the idea of amnesia, they can probably just give you Xanax.

Edited by Perry
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I've used it and though I do have some memory (evidently that is rare), I didn't care much during it. I was very very woozy. And very :chillpill:. You know, the drill was just a background noise that was very far away and somehow didn't have much to do with me....


Definitely the way to go for dental work. You will have to have someone drive you to and from. ;)

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I also have a sedation dentist. Unfortunately I have had to have several root canals and crowns and believe me, it is the only way to have the work done. I usually take an early morning appointment because it works best on an empty stomach. You can't drive to the dentist or back so you will need someone for transportation. Once my husband had it and when I went to pick him up after the appointment he was sitting in the waiting room that had several windows. He said very groggily, " I see two red mini vans going by. Now I see two blue trucks going by!"

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I just called and made an appointment, and I asked what drug they use. I was told that they'd give me full details when I go on Tuesday afternoon, but that usually, you take Valium the night before the appointment and Triazolam about an hour before the appointment. (I'm not sure if I spelled that correctly!)


I've never taken Valium, but I know enough about it because they gave it to my mom and dad prior to some of their surgeries over the years. I hope Triazolam is safe and effective. I will look it up later, but if anyone knows anything about it, please let me know!


Thanks again!



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I had oral sedation at the dentist before when I was having a broken and infected wisdom tooth removed. I have a HUGE fear of dentists and the tooth was in very bad shape because I'd waited so long to get it taken care of.


Anyway, I didn't feel anything and the procedure went off without a hitch. I don't remember ANYTHING.


BUT apparently . . . the sedation must have released all of my deep dark dental fears . . . and my inhibitions to voice them must have also been released as well. My spouse (they need an adult to stay with you during your procedure because you'll be unconscious) said that I told the dentist some pretty mean things, things I won't repeat here, in no uncertain terms and then proceeded to tell the cashier not to rip me off :lol:. Like I said earlier, I had no idea and to this day I have no memory of it at all.


I apologized at my follow up visit, but they all just laughed at me and told me it happened all the time.


So the moral of this story is work out your issues before you go under, LOL.


But I'd definitely use it again if I have to get more dental work.

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this thread makes me chuckle. My son had his wisdom teeth out today. His fiance was his driver. She said when he saw her he kept telling her how much her loved her but that they needed to get to Target to buy the windshield washer fluid that was on sale.



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No need to regale you with my reasons and traumas but here ya go.


I needed it for a root canal 2 years ago. MY family has a history of a huge tolerance towards medication and therefore we always need more than a normal person. Telling this to a new Dr or dentist often gets us poo poohed.

So I am always terrified of any procedure.


I took the pill as ordered and was driven to the dentist. I got in the room and he walked in and said, yeah, you are not where we need you, take another. About 30 minutes later, same thing.


I then recall the dentist sitting down and getting ready..... and then I remember the next day.


Works for me. :)

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Thank you so much for all of your encouragement! I have been putting off this dentist visit for... well... years, and I am so glad I finally made the appointment and that you've given me the thumbs-up for the oral sedation.


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!




Do you want a dental friend?


I haven't gone in years and I CONSTANTLY hear ads for this kind of work. I told myself I'd call the first of the year for info and I haven't yet.


I am so so so scared.

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If it's Versed, try it!! My ds had to have some stitches done by a plastic surgeon done when he was 3. He was given Versed and it was wonderful! He was practically asleep and remembers NOTHING!!!! It truly was the most humane way to do it!!


My son becomes a raging drunk on versed. He was wrapped up in a sheet in the ER to hold him down after giving him versed and he broke free with 3 people holding him! He was only a year old. The other time he had it, he was 15 months and *wide* awake and even punched my dad in the face. :001_huh:

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