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Advice, a vent

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Why is it that the people who live the most contradictory, messed-up lives always seem to have it all figured out for everyone else?


Is it just me? When person has their own affairs out order it tends to dicredit everything they say. Why is it these people always have the most to say on every matter and they just won't stop?


Is there even a polite way to tell them no one wants to hear it? I'm sure there is no nice way to say "get your house in order before you tell me what needs to happen in mine." But if there is...:bigear:

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I've encountered a couple of people who complain an awful lot about the sorry state of their lives, yet seem to have TONS of advice for me on how they think I can improve, or how I should conduct my life.


It is hard to take their advice and admonishments seriously, when they go on and on with updates to the sad and unfortunate things that seem to befall them because of "other people" or "circumstances."


Honestly, I don't listen to them. I change the subject, or say something generic like, "That's certainly something to think about."

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They talk about it and push their opinion because they're unsure of how they're doing things or unhappy with how things have turned out. When you talk about something with an air of authority, it seems to lend some validity to it. In other words, they say it because the more they say it, the more they believe it, and they want desperately to believe it. I know because I am frequently one of those people. ;)

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They talk about it and push their opinion because they're unsure of how they're doing things or unhappy with how things have turned out. When you talk about something with an air of authority, it seems to lend some validity to it. In other words, they say it because the more they say it, the more they believe it, and they want desperately to believe it. I know because I am frequently one of those people. ;)


I can be guilty, too!

In fact, I was on the phone with my sister last night and specifically said "I know you know I do the same exact thing. I often need someone to talk *me down, so now I'm doing that for you!" :tongue_smilie:

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Why is it that the people who live the most contradictory, messed-up lives always seem to have it all figured out for everyone else?


Is it just me? When person has their own affairs out order it tends to dicredit everything they say. Why is it these people always have the most to say on every matter and they just won't stop?


Is there even a polite way to tell them no one wants to hear it? I'm sure there is no nice way to say "get your house in order before you tell me what needs to happen in mine." But if there is...:bigear:


Seeing this phenomena has caused me to reflect, too. I suffer from "big sister syndrome" :D and tend to think that if li'l ole me can make something work, then anyone can and I praise it up. In examining those choices, though, I can see that not everyone would touch our lifestyle with a ten-foot pole. Our choices fit us. Sometimes for reasons that are much farther reaching than they would appear on the surface.


When others whose choices I wouldn't dream of imitating give me advice, I usually just nod and smile. And vent about it later. I can't control their speech, only the amount of time I spend with them.

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