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We're doing MFW this year, but I'm not sure we'll continue...


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with it next year. I feel like we're "missing" something. I can't put my finger on it really. Maybe I'm just being silly. I don't know! If we didn't use it though, I'm not sure WHAT we'd do. I do like how they blended unit study/literature/classical aspects into it though. And the price can't be beat!


Any suggestions?:001_smile:

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I'm not sure if this will be helpful for you or not, but I felt that same way when we first used MFW with my ds. We used ECC and then CTG when he was in 2nd and 3rd grades and I felt the same way you have described so we moved to other things. When my dd came along we went back and used the first grade and adventures with her. It finally hit me that our most successful years were the ones in which we had used MFW. So this year both children are doing MFW ECC. We are once again having a very good year. There are several people using MFW that frequent this board that always have some very good advice to share. They may have some ideas about how to make this more what you are looking for. Which year are you doing? What doesn't feel quite right to you?



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Same here. We're using K and it's just not exciting to my kids. They like the activity stuff, some of it, but that's it. Dd gets mad that they change the words to real songs, lol. It's been better received than some things we've tried but if it doesn't click soon I'll be replacing it. I'm already working out my new plan, actually.

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We used MFW first and Adv. sort of. I never could seem to pull Adv. together.

We are now using HOD Bigger and loving it. The TM is so much easier for me to follow. I already have next years Preparing purchased and am excited about it. I don't use the math nor LA.

I am also thinking about integrating CLE science in with it.

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Oh my goodness. Do you ever post something and forget about it?? LOLOL...That's what I did with this thread. I'm sorry that I never got back :).


Ok, I'm not really sure why, I guess. I know, I know...it doesn't help with out a reason. Maybe it's because I have a hard time pulling the crafts together and the boy's really don't care about them. I know that I'm not liking the Usborne Science experiments either. As for the history portion, it just seems like we need more.


Let me back up a bit. We're using 1st for my 1st grader, who has Asperger's and writing issues, so we have to modify quite a bit. We'll have to modify even more in the coming weeks because we're coming up on the NT portion and it really kicks writing into high gear, which I know is not going to work my Aspie. He is doing well with the bible reader though. Just not the bible notebook and blue workbook. I can't imagine expecting more out of him writing wise though, we already have many frustrations there. Oh, he's also doing CLE math, which is ok, but it too requires much writing, so we do a lot verbally.


Now, my 3rd grader is using Adventures. My 1st grader is supposed to be joining him for the history portion, but that's hit/miss, which is fine. It just seems like my 3rd grader hungers for MORE. I'm already having him to more LA than what's suggested by MFW. He's done with PLL and I'm going to be ordering ILL soon. He also does Writing Tales and does fine with it. Honestly, he usually get's everything done in two hours. That includes reading from the book basket, math and art (on M/W). Oh yes, don't forget handwriting. It just seems like he should be doing more at the 3rd grade level, you know? I'm looking into Spanish or Latin too, but we'd do those on Tues/Thurs when we're not doing Art.


Suggestions? I want more meat I guess, lol. Thanks a lot for your ideas!

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It just seems like he should be doing more at the 3rd grade level, you know? I'm looking into Spanish or Latin too, but we'd do those on Tues/Thurs when we're not doing Art.


Suggestions? I want more meat I guess, lol. Thanks a lot for your ideas!


My son did ECC in 3rd and did fine, and maybe your 3rd grader would have been ready for that this year. But you have a lot on your plate right now, and maybe Adventures is "enough" for this year.


Maybe you can take advantage of his desire & his free time, and add in things that you may not have time for in the years ahead. ECC is definitely going to be a step up to a full day. I think Spanish is a great idea, and can be done as often as he has time for. Also how about things like typing, critical thinking, learning proper manners, instruction in household chores, or service?


Also, when I did ECC with a 3rd grader, I didn't over-do it (he's my youngest, so it was easier for me to scale back). He basically had free afternoons, and I would make a little list of choices for him. He enjoyed that. Here's a post I made back then over on the MFW board; maybe you'll find some ideas there:




Edited by Julie in MN
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My son did ECC in 3rd and did fine, and maybe your 3rd grader would have been ready for that this year. But you have a lot on your plate right now, and maybe Adventures is "enough" for this year.


Maybe you can take advantage of his desire & his free time, and add in things that you may not have time for in the years ahead. ECC is definitely going to be a step up to a full day. I think Spanish is a great idea, and can be done as often as he has time for. Also how about things like typing, critical thinking, learning proper manners, instruction in household chores, or service?


Also, when I did ECC with a 3rd grader, I didn't over-do it (he's my youngest, so it was easier for me to scale back). He basically had free afternoons, and I would make a little list of choices for him. He enjoyed that. Here's a post I made back then over on the MFW board; maybe you'll find some ideas there:





Thanks for your input Julie:001_smile:. In hind sight, my 3rd grader probably *should* have been doing ECC, if it's as full as you say (not trying to sound snarky, but I couldn't think of another want to say it, lol).


As far as learning proper manners, instruction in household chores, and service, on many occasions, we do these things as part of daily life. I guess I never thought about it before:tongue_smilie:. They *are* important things to have :001_smile:.


I will check out your link, thank you! Blessings to you!

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As far as learning proper manners, instruction in household chores, and service, on many occasions, we do these things as part of daily life. I guess I never thought about it before:tongue_smilie:. They *are* important things to have :001_smile:.


I hope you didn't think I was implying your children were ill-mannered & such! I just have found that there is never enough time to teach my children all the things they should know in life. Two of my kids are in their 20s now, and they still have many questions about details of etiquette and household management. Having that time when they were young was something I sometimes overlooked. So it's a BTDT type of suggestion, but maybe not what you're looking for.


As far as strictly more academics, I'm a strong believer that younger kids absorb and retain more if they are reviewing/relearning, rather than adding. Games, activities, easy readers, re-reading their notebooks, adding more book basket books and videos, and play-acting what they have read (things which are often suggested in the Adventures manual) are actually tools of learning and will last longer in their minds than more lessons, IMHO.


But if you have one who really likes the feeling of more academics, like my oldest son did, you can always have him write a report on the president or state you are studying, read more literature on the topics, create a project showing what he's learned, etc. My oldest son was public schooled, and he often asked his 3rd grade teacher if he could do something more. It's such a treat to teach a child like that, isn't it?!


By the way, future MFW years are written for 2nd-8th grade, so there will be more suggestions for older kids that you can draw from. Adventures was written for 2nd-3rd only. It's written by a former school teacher, with training in curriculum development, and experience homeschooling 6 kids -- so it's pretty on-target for that age group. But sometimes there's a kid who just likes more academics. This WTM board should be a great resource for you on that!



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It just seems like my 3rd grader hungers for MORE.



Suggestions? I want more meat I guess, lol. Thanks a lot for your ideas!


Agreeing with what Julie said. I know my educational philosophy was ok with a 3rd grader getting done with "school" in 2 hours so it gave us flexibility to let everyone have other things. And that link that Julie gave is one my personal oldie but goodie favorites on the topic of free afternoons....


ADV... with 3rd grader... well, hmm... do you use the internet links in the Usborne science just to have more stuff to read on the topic or maybe an experiment that might be more to their taste? (my kids liked the science, so not sure what to say.) are the nature walks working out?


is it possible to use more books in book basket time too for the kid who wants more to read? My oldest used to read just about every book she could on the list.


and (((hugs))) on the aspie and 1st grade and writing. My youngest, on the autism spectrum, works as hard as she can in the workbooks. she loves doing the Proverbs verses and pretending she is like qwerty on veggie tales.


hope something works out for what you need.



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I hope you didn't think I was implying your children were ill-mannered & such! I just have found that there is never enough time to teach my children all the things they should know in life. Two of my kids are in their 20s now, and they still have many questions about details of etiquette and household management. Having that time when they were young was something I sometimes overlooked. So it's a BTDT type of suggestion, but maybe not what you're looking for.


As far as strictly more academics, I'm a strong believer that younger kids absorb and retain more if they are reviewing/relearning, rather than adding. Games, activities, easy readers, re-reading their notebooks, adding more book basket books and videos, and play-acting what they have read (things which are often suggested in the Adventures manual) are actually tools of learning and will last longer in their minds than more lessons, IMHO.


But if you have one who really likes the feeling of more academics, like my oldest son did, you can always have him write a report on the president or state you are studying, read more literature on the topics, create a project showing what he's learned, etc. My oldest son was public schooled, and he often asked his 3rd grade teacher if he could do something more. It's such a treat to teach a child like that, isn't it?!


By the way, future MFW years are written for 2nd-8th grade, so there will be more suggestions for older kids that you can draw from. Adventures was written for 2nd-3rd only. It's written by a former school teacher, with training in curriculum development, and experience homeschooling 6 kids -- so it's pretty on-target for that age group. But sometimes there's a kid who just likes more academics. This WTM board should be a great resource for you on that!



Oh Julie---NO, I didn't think you were inplying that at.all:grouphug:. Sometimes I don't like the way meaning come across the computer;)!


Thank you for ALL your thoughts. Maybe I will stick with MFW for 4th grade next year and if it isn't enough, add some cool critical thinking stuff. I plan on doing Spanish as soon as I can find something I like and the boys will like. I was thinking Flip-Flop Spanish.


As for my 1st grader...he's really up in the air right now. To be perfectly honest, I don't know that I'm giving him what he needs in the right way at this point. Praying that will change:001_smile:.


Agreeing with what Julie said. I know my educational philosophy was ok with a 3rd grader getting done with "school" in 2 hours so it gave us flexibility to let everyone have other things. And that link that Julie gave is one my personal oldie but goodie favorites on the topic of free afternoons....


ADV... with 3rd grader... well, hmm... do you use the internet links in the Usborne science just to have more stuff to read on the topic or maybe an experiment that might be more to their taste? (my kids liked the science, so not sure what to say.) are the nature walks working out?


is it possible to use more books in book basket time too for the kid who wants more to read? My oldest used to read just about every book she could on the list.


and (((hugs))) on the aspie and 1st grade and writing. My youngest, on the autism spectrum, works as hard as she can in the workbooks. she loves doing the Proverbs verses and pretending she is like qwerty on veggie tales.


hope something works out for what you need.




Hi Crystal,

I forgot the Science links in the Usborne books! I will check those out. We haven't really been doing nature walks as it's cold here and my 3 y/o doesn't tolerate being out in it for more than 5 min. (if I can get her to at all!).


I just got my Aspie some gel pencil grips and a small dry erase board this week-end. We took today off, so we'll see how it goes tomorrow. He is such a challenge in EVERYTHING though. He constantly tells me that he "hates school". I ask him why and he says that it's "too hard". I'm honestly hardly asking anything of him. It's getting so hard with him. I'm almost to the point of PS if I didn't know that it would open a whole new can of worms.


Thanks for your thoughts Crystal!

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with it next year. I feel like we're "missing" something. I can't put my finger on it really. Maybe I'm just being silly. I don't know! If we didn't use it though, I'm not sure WHAT we'd do. I do like how they blended unit study/literature/classical aspects into it though. And the price can't be beat!


Any suggestions?:001_smile:


I feel the same way you do. We used & LOVED ECC(and the price can't be beat!)! But when we got to CtG, it just seemed like something was missing, but just like you, I cannot put my finger on just what it was. Anyway, we moved on to finish out the year w/ MOH 1, Apologia Science & IEW for writing. This next year we are moving on to Sonlight (core 3 & 100). I have heard SOOOOO many great things about Sonlight, and have wanted to try it for years, just couldn't afford it. Well, after much searching and figuring, I am buying everything I can used, and getting many of the books from the library since most of them are not used more than 3 or 4 weeks anyway. Hope you find something that will sork for your family.

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We have used MFW with all three of our children all the way through. My children were reading at 3 and we still used MFW because I love the Bible and the way the author works to balance academics and hands-on activities. For my three who are avid readers and learners, I keep a full book basket and add Sonlight readers. I love the classical approach with MFW and I wouldn't want to move away from a chronological history program but we like more books so I just add them in for free reading. This keeps me from being overwhelmed with school as well as teaching my kids that they are free to go in as much depth as they would like.


I do understand that not all hs'ers have the same needs which is why there are so many curriculums but whatever program you choose, you will end up "tweaking" to meet the needs for each child. After all, isn't that why we home school? :001_smile:

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I feel the same way you do. We used & LOVED ECC(and the price can't be beat!)! But when we got to CtG, it just seemed like something was missing, but just like you, I cannot put my finger on just what it was. Anyway, we moved on to finish out the year w/ MOH 1, Apologia Science & IEW for writing. This next year we are moving on to Sonlight (core 3 & 100). I have heard SOOOOO many great things about Sonlight, and have wanted to try it for years, just couldn't afford it. Well, after much searching and figuring, I am buying everything I can used, and getting many of the books from the library since most of them are not used more than 3 or 4 weeks anyway. Hope you find something that will sork for your family.

Thank you. I hope we can figure something out too! I've looked (and drooled) over Sonlight...but it's just too much $$. I'm kind of thinking we'll just use MFW as the History spine and tweek what we need, where we need. Maybe it's just that I want to go more indepth with the history, but lack the organization and get up and go to do it:confused:. Sigh...Right now, I'm just trying to put one foot in front of the other with my Aspie (1st gr.). He's my current challenge:001_huh:.


For my three who are avid readers and learners, I keep a full book basket and add Sonlight readers. I love the classical approach with MFW and I wouldn't want to move away from a chronological history program but we like more books so I just add them in for free reading. This keeps me from being overwhelmed with school as well as teaching my kids that they are free to go in as much depth as they would like.


I do understand that not all hs'ers have the same needs which is why there are so many curriculums but whatever program you choose, you will end up "tweaking" to meet the needs for each child. After all, isn't that why we home school? :001_smile:

I like the keeping a basket of Sonlight readers near-by. Good idea! As to your last paragraph...HERE, HERE! That's a hardy, AMEN from me! It's just a process I've just started going through I guess. The whole tweeking to meet the needs of the individual child is kinda hard for me. It's not because I don't agree with it...I most certainly DO. It's that I'm a black and white, to the "T" kinda gal and it's really hard for me to think outside the box a lot of the time. I can see, we these issues, I defintely will need to. Thank you for sharing!

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I feel the same way. I have my daughter in MFW 1st and just not doing that great. She actually cried the other day because she didn't want to do the Bible Notebook--and she is generally very compliant. I really think the issue is definitely more me that MFW. She has really done well learning to read. But I fear I am lacking in all other areas. We will see how it goes, with me making more of an effort that to just rush through it quickly, etc. I just really can't get the interest to do some of the activites, etc.


That's all. Just glad I am not alone. Sonlight really interests me but I just can't seem to figure it out.

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