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Could someone please tell me how to hard boil eggs without cracking half of them?

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:iagree: with the other posters.

# Place the eggs in a pot. Fill the pot with enough cold tap water to completely cover eggs.


# Bring to a rolling boil on high heat.


# Cover the pot and turn off the heat, leave the eggs in the water for 20 minutes;


# Immediately chill the eggs by placing them under cold running water or in a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking process. Chill for a few minutes until the egg is completely cooled.

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I hardly ever have cracked eggs:

cover eggs in pan with cold water

bring water to a boil

turn off heat

cover pan and set timer for 15 minutes

remove eggs from pan


This is what I do. I don't do them in small batches though as someone else recommended, I do them all at once (usually around 40) but put a tea towel in with them to help cushion them a little.

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Oooh- tea towel- good one! Also, if you plan on using said eggs for food (devilled eggs anyone?)

you can store the egg carton on it's side for a couple of hours before cooking them and then the yolks will

be right smack in the middle of the eggs. Neato (learned that from Alton Brown)

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Thank you all so much! For once, I am looking forward to boiling my eggs with excitement rather than dread -- now I have The Secret!

(I am planning to try the tea towel trick as well as starting with cold water, turning off the heat after reaching the boil & letting them sit, and quickly chilling afterward in cold water! In the past, I have always kept my water boiling hard for six minutes -- obviously, that is Not the way to do it!)


Many, many thanks!

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What works for us:


Poke a tiny hole in the end of each egg with a large pin or needle (a florist's pin works well).


Place the eggs in a pot with enough cold water to completely cover them.


Bring to a rolling boil on high heat, then turn down to med-low and simmer for 15 minutes.


Immediately dump the hot water out and chill the eggs by refilling the pot with cold water to stop the cooking process. Chill for a few minutes until the egg is completely cooled, refilling with more cold water if necessary.

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