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Will you please pray for this sweet mother?

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Our associate pastor's sister has cancer. It started as breast cancer 10 years ago, but moved to her liver. She has always been very positive in thinking she would beat this horrible disease. But, we got word this morning that the end appears to be near.


If you are so inclined, please take a look at the video and pray as you feel lead.


Thank you!



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What a beautiful testimony of joy through adversary. Did you see her smile?! What an inspiration to live for today and keep your lives full of love. Truly beautiful. :grouphug: to you and all near this situation. Our prayers are with you.


I could not say it better than this. My heart hurts for her family, but to see her beautiful smile, the pictures of the trips with her family, her laughs with her kids. It really reminds me to live for today and love my kids. Bring joy in as much as possible. She may be losing her battle, but the beauty with which she fought will never be forgotten by those close to her. She embraced life and didn't stop LIVING. We could all learn from her. God be with this sweet family.

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