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after a new baby


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At what point have y'all started your full load of schoolwork after you've had a new baby?


I'm most likely going to have my crew start the stuff they can do basically independently next week (baby will be 2.5 weeks old), but I'm not sure when I'll start the stuff that includes me.


Just curious as to what everyone else does.;)

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Caroline was born 9/8/9 and we were full speed at the beginning of October. We have a daily routine, and at first, I did it but only a couple days a week. We only do school four days a week normally, so by the beginning of October, I was doing all four days.


But I have one student, and doing school keeps everyone out of trouble. So actually I was taking the easy way out. True story.

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Congrats on the new baby!

My baby was born at the beginning of December. The others kept doing independent stuff until they finished the semester...which varied in time & number of subjects based on each kid. We started fresh & full steam at the beginning of January. If it hadn't been for Christmas with dh being home through New Years, we probably would've started when she was 2-3 weeks. There is nothing like a good known routine to keep everyone in this house happy!

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I just want to say that I have missed seeing you on these boards!!! I was glad to see your post today. And *Congratulations!* So, everything is going well? How did your labor go? Is the baby sleeping okay for you?


It's been a while since I have had a newborn. But, best I can remember, I usually waited until they were about 6 weeks old at least to start back full time. I just needed that time to adjust. ;)

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However, I know another homeschooling mom who got up immediately after giving birth (homebirth) and went in and taught her kiddos their lessons. :eek:




We definitely NEED school - they are bored out of their minds. We haven't done any since Dec. 23. Mostly due to the holidays, but also because my 5yo was in the hospital for 8 days and then 5 days later I was in it for 2.:tongue_smilie:So at the very minimum we'll be starting their independent work ASAP.


Delivery went well, but I was in labor (albeit start/stop, not very hard) for about 56 hours.:001_huh: Thanks to the beloved tub it didn't get hard till it was time to push.


He's a little peanut because of the altitude, but very healthy, and we're both doing well outside of some nursing issues.:D

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congrats on the baby!

we have 6 and homeschool year round for this very reason. one can never tell when a break MUST happen, therefore i feel its best for us to never really stop. lol. plus, we live in las vegas, so in the summer it is too hot to do anything outside anyway. i say workbooks and readers for the kiddos that can handle it with your doing history,science and anything else you do when you can catch a moment with baby sleeping or in a particularly good mood. this can go on for as long as it needs to, since i have found olders can get work done pretty well on their own and can even help teach youngers (contrary to putting my 11YO DD in a "mothering" position, i find it makes her feel more mature and she really likes to do it. i feign hesitation when she asks with an "um....well, okay". lol!).

ITA with a routine's ability to keep all happy here! i honestly dread breaks! too many pinging children! lol.

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Well, Keer, I'm a little nuts (and you know that LOL), but baby was a week old when we started back 1/2 speed, and 2 weeks old when we started back full force.


That's similar to what I did. I felt so good NOT being pregnant we started back up quickly. I took about the last 6 weeks of pregnancy off though (did I mention I dislike pregnancy :D) so we need to keep moving.

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I felt so good NOT being pregnant we started back up quickly. I took about the last 6 weeks of pregnancy off though (did I mention I dislike pregnancy :D) so we need to keep moving.


Me too. I felt like were going half speed through most of my pregnancy. So we started up again a couple weeks after dd was born. They were driving me crazy when we had no school to add structure to their day.

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my midwives always tell me to stay in my pajamas for 2 weeks. with #4, i didn't listen. i went right ahead with homeschooling and in about a month i hit the wall. a major funk and it took me several months to get completely out of it. that was my 'hazy' time, i honestly don't remember much. so with #5 i took it seriously. i let everything go and did the easy stuff - reading, history, art projects. lots of outside time. i probably spent 6-7 weeks this way (oldest child was in 5th). what a difference it made in the rest of my year. now that i'm expecting #6 in may, i plan on doing the same thing. i can't burn out 3 months later because i push myself too hard. plus, they're only newborns for a few short weeks.

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