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California again

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There's a spoof going around about that. LOL. Nope, no door-to-door dragging out of homeschoolers.


Sigh, yeh, the schools are hurting bad. I sometimes feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place as a homeschooler and wife of a public school teacher.

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Good time for a cross country field trip... if it's true.


But (and no offense to Gramma) it would be an extremely silly thing to imagine happening. Door to door rounding up homeschoolers? No.


The perpetually breathless commentators on Fox perhaps said, "And next, they'll be going door to door in California rounding up homeschoolers." Gramma hears it in passing and knows what she heard, so she reports it as what "they" are going to do next.

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Well I went and took a peek at the biggest hs propaganda site on the web..... yep.... World Net Daily:tongue_smilie: and they have nothing up about it. If it was even remotely true they would have it pasted all over their website. Along with heart wrenching stories of children crying moooooooooommmmmmmm help meeeee and mothers being drag away in handcuffs by their hair :w00t: While the brave HLDL filed briefs, posted bail at lightening speed :smash: But no such articles are posted :D

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I figured she must have got something terribly mixed up. This is my grandma who thinks that when she gets a forwarded email, that is originated from the sender--like it is their story. Once she told me she was getting these really personal emails from her neighbor(a man about 20 younger than her) saying how much he thinks of her and this and that. Turns out they were just those hokey forwards...


I'm sure that even if the law stays they'd have to give some type of grace period to either enroll their children or get the needed teachers cert. But I doubt it will hold up.

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20,000 pink slips to PS teachers this week, I can't imagine the schools here are in any situation to take in potentially 200,000 homeschooled students.


Michelle T


That is usual here, too - it is the non-tenured yearly folk who get laid off in the spring and rehired in the fall. That way they do not get paid (or benefits) over the summer. I think if a person is worth hiring - hire them and keep them! And FIRE the nincompoops - nuts to tenure!!!

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That is usual here, too - it is the non-tenured yearly folk who get laid off in the spring and rehired in the fall. That way they do not get paid (or benefits) over the summer. I think if a person is worth hiring - hire them and keep them! And FIRE the nincompoops - nuts to tenure!!!



Two teachers in our local district who have tenure were pink slipped. I don't know the details. Just heard the news.

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But (and no offense to Gramma) it would be an extremely silly thing to imagine happening. Door to door rounding up homeschoolers? No.


The perpetually breathless commentators on Fox perhaps said, "And next, they'll be going door to door in California rounding up homeschoolers." Gramma hears it in passing and knows what she heard, so she reports it as what "they" are going to do next.


Dh and and I live in constant frustration with our manager and her mother. That is exactly how they think. And they think they know it all.

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