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How much does the Tooth Fairy pay....

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When I was a kid I got a dime for each tooth! My kids got $1 a tooth. For the first tooth they got a $1 gold coin. Surprisingly they didn't like it because they didn't think it was real! I thought it was special.


I really think the cost depends upon how many kids you have. If you are a family large in number, you could do less than $1. Just remember how many teeth you're signing up for!

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Tell her Congrats for us! :D Losing the first tooth is fun....

We pay $5... However I have only one kid :w00t: you may want to do something special for next time to a Silver dollar!!!! oooohhh fancy! Stock up so you have some stashed away :D.....

My dd9 lost another about a week ago and she recently found out all about the tooth fairy's info (if you know what I mean--- wink wink);) and so when the tooth fell out I had no cash and told her "oh well all you get tonight is an IOU!":001_smile:


I should have included in my original post the story behind this question.....



DD 6 lost her first tooth the other night. She is the oldest so this is all new to us. I was holding the tooth in my hand and I dropped it.......down it went, right down the heating vent! :lol: DD did not find it as funny as the rest of us did. DH went to bed early and I was left to play tooth fairy. I paid $3.00. When hubby found out the next day he had a cow! Looking back I think I was feeling bad that I lost it and I guess since she was the first one......well I can see now that that might be a bit over the top since we have 4 kids and how many more teeth to go......


So I was just on the phone with DH and I mentioned something I heard on the forum and he suggested I ask about the tooth fairy.


Thanks for all your answers in advance


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Jackie, your son is very special!


My nephew lost his teeth before my kids, and my sister gave him $5.00 for the first tooth and $2.00 for subsequent teeth. I had a cow because, of course, my nephew called here to tell his cousins what he got. My son just lost his first tooth last week, and fortunately he didn't remember the amount his cousing got, so he received $2.00 for his first tooth, and it will probably be $1.50 for subsequent teeth. I gave my sister an earful for setting such a high precedent!! LOL!


To keep this from being an issue, we've always told the girls everyone has a different tooth fairy. :)

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Ours brings toys instead of money. The first tooth gets a toy in the $5-10 bracket (small lego kit, small doll, book) and a new toothbrush. Every tooth thereafter is something smaller (matchbox car, hair bow, et cetera).


I rarely have cash on hand. I do have a Grab and Go gift tub in the hall closet, though, that is stocked throughout the year ;)

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It is always a $1 coin here, but my middle daughter and the tooth fairy have had quite a correspondence. Her little notes are so earnest & sweet I get teary. Now that she is no longer losing teeth, she helps her little sister make things for the tooth fairy. They made her a little paper gazebo so she could have a place to take a nap.


Funny story: My older sister thought I was hanging on to the tooth fairy a little too long so she told me that along with the tooth I should put a note asking the tooth fairy to prove that my faith in her was not misplaced by bringing me something besides money. I feel terrible for my poor mom confronted with this note in the middle of the night. This was in our tiny, podunk town back in the dark ages before all night grocery stores. My mom sent my dad out to the only open store in town; the 24-hour liquor store. The next morning I found under my pillow, a box of breath mints and a comic book. :D I was elated to be proven right.


Amber in SJ

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