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Any other theatre geeks out there?

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No, but I want to be. I've never been in a play, but I think it would be great fun. I have a friend that is regularly in community theatre and he says I'd do fine (he's seen me act out a few poems). I'm looking forward to the day when I don't have a nursling anymore so I can try. I told my friend he'll have to help me with auditions since I have no idea what to expect.

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We are in a homeschool group in the north Texas area that has a drama club. My son is in the drama club. They have been working on Alice in Wonderland and will be performing sometime the end of April in McKinney. We are hoping that others that homeschool will come to the play to see plays can be done by homeschoolers.

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Well, I directed our homeschool group's production of Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream last summer. This summer we're performing Much Ado About Nothing. We will give the scripts out in advance, and (hopefully) the kids will have their parts memorized, but we will pull it all together in a week. :) Does this count?

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My husband and I actually met doing community theatre. I have a theatre degree and have done everything from acting to directing to costume design. My dh just got home from strike for a show where he designed the set. Now my daughters are getting involved as well. Sweet-pea has been in 4 plays now and Boo-Boo in two. Both are excited that the theatre we are involved with is doing "Annie" this summer. It will be a busy summer I am certain.

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yep we are. My kids have been involved for about 3 years in a local k-12 children's theater (about 235 kids total per performance). Ds (youngest) started with Peter Pan & got to fly as Michael (way cool). Middle dd joined for Oliver, then Oldest joined the rest to do Joseph and the Technicolor dreamcoat. After Joseph they did Music Man, then Wiz of OZ, and the fall show this year is Lil Abner (perform in Feb). Frankly it's a blast. DS is refusing to do Sound of Music which will come after Lil abner, but my girls are dying to be nuns (16yo and 18yo) LOL! It is an incredibly well run group, the directors are christians, but it isn't a "christian" group in any way. It has a good mix of public/private/christian/home schooled kids, and they do an amazing job. Totally inclusive (any kid can join, no auditions for ensemble cast)...they encourage parents with special needs kids to join. They have auditions for lead roles, they encourage everyone to try out who is interested, and they double or triple cast leads, and occasionally make up additional roles to include as many kids as possible. They are truly fabulous, they have fabulous people working for them. And they do their best to keep the cost relatively low. We're geeks all the way.

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We are! Local Broadway style musical theater for youth ages 8 to 18, with parents doing much of the behind the scenes work. The costumes and sets are extensive, professional directors, choreographers and musicians, so it is a very fun and high quality experience. Show season is throughout the school year.


I would love to do our local large summer time community theater together with all of my family. I just have to wrangle up the guts to get through the voice audition! I really enjoy designing and painting sets and working backstage. All the kids involved are terrific, so enthusiastic and talented! Usually 80 to 120 per show.


Of course we like to go to shows, too. We all love musical theater, in fact, I am trying to conjure up a "Wicked" weekend for dd's 13th. I also enjoy live Shakespeare and drama, and can usually manage to get someone else in the family to come along for the ride.

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I am! We don't have much available in our tiny area, but we did manage to pull together a decent production of Beauty and the Beast. I was Mrs. Potts! lol! The costume was ENORMOUS. Loads of fun. Other than that, I've just acted in church plays. Our church has done The Christmas Post a couple times now.


I wish we had more! This is totally out of character for me usually though. I'm pretty soft-spoken. But get me on a stage and somehow it comes out. lol.

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I used to be. I grew up on the stage but haven't performed since playing Grace in Annie about 11 years ago. Dinner Theater was very popular in my area when I was a child and teen. I enjoyed it and earned enough to pay for my first year of college. My children have expressed a little interest, but they are more interested in other things right now.

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I knew you were out there! :001_smile:


I was one of the makeup artists for ds's last show (lots of character makeup). While we were doing kids' makeup, the other gals and I were listening to and singing along to "Wicked". It always feels so good to be among my people. :D


I start rehearsals tonight for my next play, and ds has auditions for his next play on Wednesday.



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GS10 and I are, GS has done 5 or 6 plays. I got into it accidently when I filled in at a reading, and ended up getting a part. GS would love to do more but we live a distance from most community theaters and the time committment is pretty hard to work into our schedule. Rehearsals start tomorrow for the next one I'm in, there wasn't a part for kids in this one.

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