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If you were to run away from home - where would you want to go

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Some far off enchanted island in a charming bungalow perched right over the clear blue water.... with warm breezes and the glorious sounds of the gentle waves lapping underneath....ahhhhhhhhhhhh



My mental image, stolen from the film, sounds a lot like your description. It's not the movie for everyone because it glorifies a life of extravagence and crime, but it happens to be one of my VERY favorites. The Thomas Crown Affair



Guess I'll have to find my own bungalow, huh? :D



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Ah, one can dream. I'd really like a secluded island getaway with my family, dog included, maybe the cat. No phones, no motor cars, oh and no Gilligan. I want peanut butter, some good books, and some suntan lotion. Give my dh a bag of tools and a machete then he can build me a house, finally!


Ds can fish, chase iguana's, and start a fire with a magnifying glass.


Oh, a sat phone worth two calls, one to Rainbow Resource which can drop ship my order, and one in case we ever want to leave.


There are so many places in the world I'd like to see, but I'll take about a year just to enjoy my family first. I really miss being able to just hang out without the stress of life.

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(...and we know how dangerous thinking is...)


...I'd stop in at Mindy's parents' house, figuring they'd fix me a nice, warm meal while Min and I smoked little green rep squares together. Then, she and I would pop over to Colleen's for a Mik..er..I mean, for some raw milk. After that, the three of us would stop in to see Rose and Jennifer in B.C., maybe slip over and check out Karenciavo's place (wait...where is that exactly? Oh well, who cares, we'll find it). We could hit the Oprah store (another thread, sorry), and then, let's see, then we'd have to stop down to Quiver's. Cinnamon rolls would hit the spot about now. Jenny, we could join you on the beach for a few days. Then, we could all hook up with Kelli. Shoot, we'd have to stay there for about a week while Amy, GothicGyrl...shoot, why don't all you east coast girls come join us? Then, with so many of us traveling, we'd need to pick up the flaming sword -- you know, for protection. Except, when we got there, we'd find that Pam and Bridgett had already gone off with their snacks, rotten things. So, then we'd have to stop in at Peek's, for a Coke and a private jet ride to the Greece. Mamagistra could come, too, since she's right there. There's a lot of room on those fancy schmancy jets Peek-a-Daddy flies, right? 'Cause I have a feeling there are going to be whole passle of gals from Texas getting on board with the rest of us. Sounds like once we get to Greece, the rest of the WTM crew will already be there, with pretty little beverages (and snacks) just waiting for us.










Now that would be a party NOT to be missed!!!!!!! I'm getting my passport now!!

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I am not running away. I like to be home. Can y'all take my husband and kids with you? I really want to be home all by myself. Oh, take Henry the Psycho Dog with you as well because I don't want to listen to him barking at everything that moves.


I just want to be home by myself!


This was my first thought. Just get everyone else out of here, and I'll be happy as a clam. And definitely take this dog of mine that barks at wind.


As a matter of fact, take all of my neighbors while you're at it.


Greece sounds nice, though. Do y'all think you can find some isolated place to tuck me while you're out having fun? The side of a mountain, maybe? Overlooking the sea?

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Someplace in the mountains, any mountains. It has to have lots of trees, with a big, sunlit meadow, and a babbling brook close by. Someplace quiet, peaceful, serene; a back to nature kinda place. With all the comforts of home. I need my indoor plumbing and electricity. :D


P.S. when do I leave?

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