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Limiting the number of subjects (& my dd-7th) -- any thoughts on this?

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I've been thinking about how I had 7 subjects, including electives, when I was in Jr. High and HS. My 7th grader has more than that, especially when we add in co-op classes. Some don't require much work, but it still means opening each of these books, etc. Limiting her school to only 7 subjects is difficult, especially when we're trying to do 2 languages!


These are her current subjects -- look at all this LA!


~ Math (CD Pre-Algebra)

~ LA (TOG-Literature, CW-Diogenes/Poetry, Voc-VFCR, R&S English, Spelling Power)

~ Science (Gen Sci at co-op)

~ History (TOG)

~ Latin (Intro to Latin, Wheelocks, online)

~ Greek (EG)


Other co-op classes:

Fallacy Detective




Piano lessons


Geography hasn't been as consistent as I'd like, partly because I think they already have enough work to do.


Bible -- personal time with God and memorizing passages as a family.



I'm considering limiting or changing her grammar program because she's getting grammar in CW, Latin, & Greek. What do you think about that for 8th grade (or maybe even the rest of this year)? Maybe the CW grammar would be enough -- we could look up any new issues in the R&S Handbook (?). (We've been using R & S English with CW, not Harvey's.)


Do you think I need to make some changes this year? It's not so much that she's struggling as it is that I'm realizing that she has so many different areas to think about. I'm wondering if it would be better to be more focused.


Do you limit your dc's subjects to a certain number each year? I remember having to choose which classes to take in school because of the limited number of class periods!

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I would only stick with one language, but that is just me. Bible isn't so much a "subject" as just part of life and family.


Is there a way to combine the language arts? It seems like so much there. We do R&S but just skim it, I don't have her write every little thing out. Just go over it verbally make sure she does understand it.

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I would allow CW to serve for spelling/vocabulary. If you feel they need outside work I would rotate them or pick one only. We do not do grammar every year. We covered it in 4th, now in 6th, and will repeat in 8th. Between CW, Latin, and Greek you should be able to either use that as grammar and use R&S as a reference help.


I was just tweaking ds' schedule for this year and classes for next year, so I understand your concern. I continue to re-read LCC to help me understand how the additional languages and CW can cover a multitude of areas. I always want to add more. :001_huh:

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Hmm. When I was in 7th grade, we had up to seven class periods a day, but there were 8 total periods (A-H) and the schedule rotated so that we had each period four times each week. I'm seriously considering something similar to this starting next year. At any rate, from what you listed, we wouldn't have had Bible as a class, despite it being a private school. We also didn't have Logic, but we did have a class called "Reading" (separate from English/Language Arts) that covered a lot of informal logic - it met just three periods a week for only half the year. Fine arts were twice a week for each, so two different fine arts classes fit in each period. Geography was folded into history (actually, come to think of it, our History class for 7th was Geography, but we didn't do a chronological approach). Finally, we would have had just one language. I mention all of this just to give another perspective (and, well, I felt like I got a pretty good education, even if we did do every subject just four times a week :) )


Overall, though, looking at your list, I would mainly consider paring down with regards to grammar and spelling.

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We are also doing 7th grade next fall with many of the same subjects. I have had to keep pulling myself back from trying to cram too much in for each day. Just today I told myself, a few subjects done well is better than many done poorly;).


I am going to try to make writing and math our main priorities. I am also currently on a rampage regarding leadership skills (DON'T hang out over on the curriculum board!). So I will be trying to organize literature, history, and science to emphasize reasoning, logic, observation, etc. I would like 7th to be the year dd gets a great handle on writing, takes her math from a 90% to the 95% range, and when we can start a solid focus on leadership, excellence, and worldview. It saddens me, but languages, music, and art will have to be the fill-ins, not the main focus for this year.


I don't want to accept that we can't do it all at the level of intensity that I want. But I know if I try, I will cause burn out for both dd and myself.

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Thanks everyone! I think I will retest her with Spelling Power and see where she falls. She likes Spelling and wants to do it, but we'll see if we really need to. So far, Latin has been her main language (and she's doing well with it), and Greek has been done at a slower pace with me and ds-5th.


Thanks again. I'll continue to think about this and your comments.

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Yes, focus is what the upper grades are all about! I've had to get "real" about what needed to get done on a daily basis and then rotated the other subjects as needed even if it means that we don't finish them in one school year.


Can I ask you about CLE math? Are you going to continue using it for 8th grade? I am considering it. Can you tell me a little about it? What level is 8th grade?

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