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DD6 wants to learn about dinosaurs. We've read every book our library has about dinosaurs, watched all the dino movies I could find (even those Land Before Time movies that I hate), have done the unit at learningpage.com, three of those Dinosaur Excavation Kid Kits from Usborne, and a *ton* of other worksheets and printouts that I found on the internet. What's next?


I plan to order the Complete Book of Dinosaurs workbook for her, but does anyone else have any recommendations? She wants to actually learn about them, not just do coloring pages and the like.




Oh yes, we are secular, so not looking for anything with a biblical viewpoint. :)

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Just let her keep plugging away at it.. buy her whatever books or movies she doesn't have, etc... my own DD is a self-professed expert in Dinos (hehe) and has been since about 2(she's 12 now). If it is a serious desire, it will not go away. :)


Let her play on Discovery/Nat Geo websites. they've a ton of dino stuff. Nigel Marvin does a cool Discovery show about dinos... Just let her have at it, it's the only way.

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Nigel Marvin does a cool Discovery show about dinos... Just let her have at it, it's the only way.


:iagree: My two LOVED Prehistoric Park. If you can find it, it's worth checking out. I TIVOd all the episodes for awhile. He goes back in time to save some of the dinos and then brings them to modern day. It's pretty cute, but also has some slightly scary parts. My son especially ate that up. He just about jumped out of his chair when it looked like the Mososaurs were going to get Nigel!


Sorry....babbling...but just had to put a plug in!

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Have you watched the Walking With Dinosaurs series? My son loved those. He's pretty easily scared (he's terrified of Veggie Tales) but loves dinosaurs and so is totally fine with the carnage in these.


We also visit the Discovery Channel and National Geographic sites a lot. You can watch some short clips of videos, play some games, etc.


I don't know where you live, but if you're close to a museum with any kind of exhibit that's a great field trip. We're lucky to be right outside DC and frequent the Natural History museum. I know Pittsburgh is supposed to have some kind of big dinosaur exhibit soon but I haven't researched it any more than that.

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I used the Complete workbook, too, and liked it. Some other books on ancient creatures that we own:


Big Creatures from the Past, Clare Watson, a pop-up book that includes more than just dinosaurs


National Geographic, Feathered Dinosaurs


Woolly Mammoth: Life, Death, and Rediscovery, Windsor Chorlton (love it!)


Where are all the Dinosaurs? Mary O'Neill - this one is put out by Troll Assoc.


Let's Dig-a-Dinosaur, Edmon J. Rodman - has a neat little feature: you turn a sand filled dial to reveal some of the fossils talked about throughout the book.....


Ice Age Cave Bear, Barbara Hehner


Walking with Prehistoric Beasts, DK, Tim Haines - this is based on the Discovery channel programming - have you seen that?


The Mystery of the Mammoth Bones, James Cross Giblin


Walking with Dinosaurs: The Evidence, Dave Martill and Darren Naish, DK - this is based on the BBC programming of the same name - have you seen it?


Supercroc and the Origin of Crocodiles, Christopher Sloan - I think that there might have been Discovery channel programming developed on this one, too.....


Feathered Dinosaurs, Christopher Sloan (National Geo.) - I *really* like this one!


DK Amazing Pop-up, Pull-out T-Rex, David Hawcock (5' high)


Graveyards of the Dinosaurs, Shelley Tanaka (I like this one a lot, too)


I'll bet you've already read The Magic School Bus in the Time of the Dinosaurs, huh?


Reader's Digest Pathfinders: Dinosaurs


I've bought a lot of these at book discount stores, so I'll bet you can find lots of them very inexpensively online, too..... I've used these for logic stage and up as most of them are bigger, more complex books with a LOT more info in them. You daughter is still pretty young, but if she has a real passion for learning about these creatures, she may be ready for more thorough info.....



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My son *loves* his Sticker Pedia book. It has about 200 stickers of various dinos and a short paragraph discription of each with info about where and when each lived. There are size pictures to compare a person with each dino and lots of other cool stuff. There is a Cd ROM for the computer that you can print off all the pictures too.


Right now, it is his self assigned copy work. :001_smile:


They are cheap between $10-15.



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I have yet to try it, but Live and Learn Press has a dinosaur lapbook. (I have bought it, but not started it yet.) Your daughter may wish to go more in depth than the lapbook, and I saw pictures from one lady who's children used the L&L lapbook as a "springboard" and they added a whole bunch of extra information. . .

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If you live in the midwest or may be passing through soon. The Indianapolis Children's Museum has a huge exhibit on Dinosaurs. There are computer games, real scientists that you can talk to, real dino bones, a dig (you get in there and dig with a scraper and find "bones"), reconstructed dinos, dress up as a dino, see like a dino, smell a dino, look at dino art and learn how to make dino art of your own, and then they have a smaller area with dino puzzles, puppets, and more computer simulations.


It is a great place and worth the price of admission. :001_smile:

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If you want to branch out into something more literary, check out Dinotopia.

BTDT. We enjoyed it.


Thanks everyone for the great ideas. I'm going to see if our movie rental place has some of those series. The lapbook sounds interesting too.

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