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Ugh. Broken Molar.

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While eating breakfast, part of one of the faces of a bottom molar broke off.


I feel like curling up in a ball and crying. It doesn't hurt (thankfully), but it'll cost a pretty penny to fix. I feel like it's my fault, because I don't have good dental genetics and I wasn't taught very good oral hygiene growing up. Now I feel like I'm wasting our hard-earned money on my stupidity.


And I do not like my dentist. Our dental insurance really limits who we can see, and dh was going to scope out a new dentist for us this year (neither one of us is confident in going to our current dentist for cleanings for various reasons--me it's because the hygienist pulled a filling out during a cleaning and denied it and I ended up with a root canal and crown).


Ok, big fat venty whine is over now.

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I totally feel for you. My teeth are literally crumbling from my anti-convulsants. I went in for a root canal and not only did the dentist do the wrong tooth, she botched it. So I had to have it re-done by another dentist AND have the correct tooth done. I just had the TWO crowns fitted (bill hasn't arrived yet...).


I would strongly advise looking for a dental school in your area. If one of your local universities has a dental school, there will be one. It will be worth the drive, as you of course know this is going to be around $1500-$2500 before it is all over.




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Ugh. I can so relate. I broke a molar (last one on the upper right, if anyone cares) last August. It scared me, really. My fault, too--bad dental hygiene as a child resulted in tons of metal fillings, and pica contributed as I craved and indulged in eating ice.

I have 4 cracked teeth that need crowns, two teeth that need fillings replaced, and crummy dental insurance.



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Thanks for the commiseration and hugs.


I'm going to the dentist in about 30 minutes. Hopefully they'll be able to do what they need to do today and I won't have to go back to get the work done. I'm praying there is enough left to save the tooth and get a root canal/crown.


I'm going to back to the dentist I don't like--I think he does a fine job on root canals & crowns (he's very gentle and numbs me up good), and then I'll try to figure out another practice to go to so I can get in and get a cleaning (it's his hygienist that does all the cleanings that I refuse to see).

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I broke a cusp off a molar once. The dentist said that there had been a tiny cavity going sideways through the cusp, which weakened it. I bit into a saltine cracker, and the cusp broke off. I was in my early 20s, and had good, strong teeth, but it still happened.


In other words, this wasn't necessarily your fault! Give yourself a break! :)


Oh, and the dentist was able to fill it with a regular filling, and I never really missed that cusp. Didn't cost much.


If the tooth cracked vertically, though, that's a different story. Crown city. :(

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