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So, we had the ultrasound

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and are excited to now know we are expecting a little girl. I am actually really excited!! I had asked the technician to show me the area, but not to tell as I wanted to check it out first myself to see if I could see what it was. Of course, I could and a little girl it is....


I had wanted a boy last time -which we got- but was hoping for a girl this time. I think she is going to be indulged a bit in girly things as my twin girls are hyped and I was more doing more practical than cute stuff when they were born.


I am due June 1st, but look further along (thanks to a stretched uterus??!!).

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Congratulations! Taking care of a singleton will be a walk in the park after twins! ENJOY!!!!!!! Oh, and yes, that little one is going to have LOTS of room to GROW!!!!!!!!:w00t:


Mariann, Exactly! BTW, what happened to your signature? Are you still in the hotel or did you guys move?

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Hi, Nadia!


I was working on a new one and things here got SO crazy --- right now I have to be content with the DOG AVATAR!!!!!:lol:


We are still in the extended stay hotel -- no place like home, you know! We have been here since 10/12! Will likely be here till the end of January - but that should be it and we should be able to move back home.


I do have a funny contractor story that I will probably post which will explain my total meltdown last week!


You are so sweet to ask!:)

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congratulations! I'm excited for you and your new little one!


Well, Emmy, enjoy your girls. I spent my whole twin-pregnancy contemplating how to take care of them and so enjoyed the time when they finally arrived. Main thing was to be practical and have diaper-stations near where you breastfeed and *of course* to feed them simultaneously day and night.


So, yes, one girl should be a piece of cake. Of course, ds who came after the twins could never have been a twin. The difference in flexibility was stark obvious actually from when he was born. While the twins would sleep next to eachother at first in a cot and reach out with their whole body towards the other one, then he needed space and stretching. Just interesting to notice how multiples adjust to eachother in uterus.

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