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So, if you're participating in the decluttering challenge, what did you get rid of?

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Is it better to Freecycle or Goodwill stuff? I ask because I have heard so many times that Freecycling is a pain because you have to wait and count on people showing up to get the stuff. I guess I could try. I also have some stuff to craigslist and I can't decide if I want to fool with it or just give it away. Stuff like dishware. It's a pain to move a bunch of plates and glasses around and I just want it GONE!

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My cap and gown are ready to go. I'm tired of using them for my yearly Halloween costume.


I'm reading Restoring Order to Your Home by Vicki Norris. Here's a quote from the back..."Does your home feel like a sanctuary or a storage unit?" Unfortunately, I think storage unit is an apt description at the moment. ;)

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My sister came over for dinner, and we reorganized a pantry cupboard, cleaned the fridge, and went through a couple of gadget draws & cleared them out. We ended up crock potting (I know!! But it's from 2007, so just maybe!) a roast, put in a turkey that had been in the freezer a little longer than it should have, and I made a pot of split pea soup with the leftover ham from New Years. Felt great. I need to drop a couple of small bags off at Goodwill later this week, but i did get them to the trunk of my van.

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Came across a great quote this morning. Hope you all find it motivating as well.


"In my view, organizing your home is about making room in your life (and your space) for that which is important to you now, not what used to be important to you or what might become important to you." (Vicki Norris, Restoring Order to Your Home)

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I got rid of a salad bowl I never use, and the Snoopy Sno Cone Maker that I bought my kids so I could live vicariously through them. After using it once, I realized why my mom never bought me one! What a PITA! So that's gone, and no longer taking up valuable cabinet space :D I also got rid of a pair of pants DS has outgrown, and a sweater DD has outgrown.

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Is it better to Freecycle or Goodwill stuff? I ask because I have heard so many times that Freecycling is a pain because you have to wait and count on people showing up to get the stuff. I guess I could try. I also have some stuff to craigslist and I can't decide if I want to fool with it or just give it away. Stuff like dishware. It's a pain to move a bunch of plates and glasses around and I just want it GONE!


It depends. If it's something that's a pain to take to Goodwill, then I Freecycle it, but I am VERY specific in my Freecycle ads. I say right out that if someone no-shows, they will not get a second chance, and I do keep a list of no-shows so if they contact me about an item I post later (happens ALL the time) I don't bother with them. If I have several people respond, I generally give preference to the person who can pick it up soonest. If they aren't there that day, I e-mail the next person to arrange a pick-up time, and so forth and so on until the item is gone. It CAN be a pain. Most people are good about picking things up though.


To be on the safe-side, all of the pick-ups (with the exception of large furniture items) are left on my front porch. I'm not comfortable having strangers come into my house when DH isn't here. If it's something huge that can't be left on the porch, the people need to pick it up after DH gets out of work or on a weekend.

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Today was a pair of very worn slippers (replaced with new ones for Christmas), a pair of sandles (will never stay together to see a third season), and 3 odd baby socks which have been living on my dresser hoping to find both a match and baby-sized feet.


Tomorrow I will get rid of a beloved Dr Seuss book which has come unattached from it's cover. I can do it... I can do it!!! (Even books have a lifetime, right?)

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Dr Seuss book is still sitting on my dresser. Waiting for me to decide that it really has lived a wonderful life... it was one of my favorites when I was a child, and I know I had it before I was 8... but it will sit on my dresser yet for now.


But today I did quickly (10 mins) go through 3 of our supply drawers. Haven't really gone in them in the last year. So I figured we could use them better. A huge pile to recycle, and two are now useful, and one drawer needs a purpose! (I'm sure it will find one fast.)

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Today I completely cleaned up my pantry and made room for all my baking stuff that has been temporarily set up on shelves in the dining room. Whew! it was a big job. I got rid of 2...yep 2...old coffeemakers. I guess we were holding onto them in case of a coffee pot emergency. Anyway...they are gone. I also found 4 (go figure!) springform pans! So now I am down to only 2. This is what being disorganized does to me...4 springform pans. I can't really remember when I used one last. Crazy! I also got rid of some chinese noodles that are ancient and nobody likes them but were unopened so we just kept them. I am getting much better at getting rid of things. The kitchen looks wonderful now! I am really getting into this! :)

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I'm not technically in the challenge...can I answer anyway? :D


Today after I dried my hair, I fiddled through the drawers in my vanity and chucked several things: an old perfumed lotion that was a gift, an empty Tea Tree Oil bottle, a couple of mini baby shampoos, CVS bags with prescription info on them :tongue_smilie: and tablets for a waterless vaporizer that I don't even own anymore.


When I got something out of the freezer, I snatched up two ziplock bags with frozen coleslaw in them. That was a bad idea in the first place and I left them there in denial for the past 8 months.


Then, I copied a few old favorite recipes from one dilapidated cookbook, which I threw away - which was hard to do. And then two other cookbooks that I just don't need.

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Is it better to Freecycle or Goodwill stuff?


I do both. If it's just a few things and it's specific (i.e, all my dd's sz 14 clothes; all kids winter gear; etc.), then I Freecycle. If I have lots of stuff and it's all mixed together, I Goodwill. I'm preparing to make a big Goodwill run now, for just that reason.


I'm very particular and careful about Freecycle because it really is a huge pain when people no show. I'm more apt to select a replier whose name I'm accustomed to seeing on there. I assume they have somewhat of a reputation and probably won't no-show. I also make my posts very clear, to help weed out wishy-washy people. I rarely give something when the replier has said it's for "their cousin's neighbor" or some other removed person. People are more motivated when it is for their own immediate use.

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I didn't officially 'sign-up' for the challenge, but I'm gonna try to participate. Over the weekend we sold our elliptical on craigslist. I've listed all the FIAR books that I bougth for the class that I was suppose to teach in a co-op, that fell through on EBAY, most of them are sold (not yet mailed, but sold!) And I've listed/mailed 5 or 6 books on paperback swap. Oh, and I sold the girls' old iPods. Gramma upgraded them.


Tomororw, I clean out the shoes in our house. Yesterday, my daughter informed me that her pink gymshoes are too small. I know for a fact the ones she wore BEFORE the pink ones are still in there somewhere. :001_huh:

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Cleaned out junk drawer. Do we really need 6 phone books? Alot of this stuff went in the trash, Phone books will be recycled.


Pot rag Drawer. Had all those little various packages from food places. I just closed my eyes and dumped.


Freecycle Box:

1 Golf Club..lol

1 Flower spray

1 Cd holder Case

Old Christmas Decorations

Skate Board

Plastic Flute + Book

Ball Caps

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I have really enjoyed this!


I have gotten rid of at least one thing a day, more on most days. DH suggested I set up some guidelines for myself regarding this challenge. These are just my own crazy little "rules," but they have made it more fun for me:


*** Things I am donating don't count as gone unless they are out of the house. That means they get put in a bag or box in my vehicle. Once a week I must drop off at Goodwill or wherever the donation is going. I haven't gotten rid of anything really large yet, though. Big items can't sit in my car a week!


*** Items I am selling don't get counted as gone until they leave the house. As in, purchased and picked up.


*** Some sets count as one thing (ie, a pair of shoes or earrings). I am allowing myself a wide prerogative on that one! For example, I got rid of a set of 6 napkins and I counted them as six items because I *could* have kept one to use as a basket liner (but I didn't!). Shoes and earrings, on the other hand, I wouldn't normally wear one at a time.


*** I have also been doing the Read the Bible in 90 Days challenge, and yesterday I read about the Hebrews in the desert gathering twice as much on the day before the Sabbath, because there would not be new manna on the Sabbath day. So, I have decided that on Saturday, I can throw away something a day early and count it for Sunday's toss. That's the only time I can work ahead, though, any other day of the week nothing I toss counts forward of that day. At the end of the year, I should have a notation for what I tossed on every day on my calendar.


*** Trash doesn't count. If it's something I'd normally throw away, I can't count it as my "thing" for the day.


I am counting even the smallest of things. One day I got rid of one CD I didn't like. Voila, done for the day!


So far I have parted with clothing, kitchen gadgets, linens, a few baskets, a couple other odds and ends. At Day 9, I am 45 items lighter! I have kept a record in my day timer to know that I have covered each day. That's been helpful, as I am a list-maker/list-checker-offer by nature.


I will probably not respond to this thread again, but will change my sig line on a regular basis to reflect my progress.


Thanks again to the OP for throwing down the gauntlet!

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Came across a great quote this morning. Hope you all find it motivating as well.


"In my view, organizing your home is about making room in your life (and your space) for that which is important to you now, not what used to be important to you or what might become important to you." (Vicki Norris, Restoring Order to Your Home)


Love the quote. It's a good reminder.


I've been organizing the school room, tossing old school papers, found some books and flashcards to give away, put away holiday decorations, organizing craft supplies, tossing old newspapers, catalogs and magazines. Doesn't sound like much but it feels good! And it's making a dent.

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So, I have decided that on Saturday, I can throw away something a day early and count it for Sunday's toss. That's the only time I can work ahead, though, any other day of the week nothing I toss counts forward of that day.


This is a good idea - thanks!


I am keeping track of my decluttering on my blog and it is amazing, the crazy stuff that I have been keeping! I post every few days but I am making sure to actually do the decluttering every day - except Sunday, now!

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My girls and I worked on the their room yesterday; went through all draws and shared closet. They even parted with some stuffies, and a few thousand pieces of paper. I was thrilled. lol We had a some bags of clothing for a friend with younger dds and some for Goodwill as well. My oldest cleared out the whole bottom cabinet of her armoire for her some of the art she wants to keep. (She's been drawing and paint since she could hold a cheerio. lol) Major accomplisment for us.

Edited by LibraryLover
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