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Elf on the Shelf... just heard of this, thanks to a Facebook friend. Do you have one?

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I Googled it and it looks ADORABLE and sounds like fun! I wish I'd known about this (or thought of it myself) when my kids were little! But there will be grandchildren someday, I hope!


The one I saw in a picture online looks amazingly like the little Knee-hugger Elf my parents always put in/on our Christmas tree when I was growing up. When I was younger, I named him Seymour -- no idea why, though. LOL!

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We do! My MIL gave him to us a couple of years ago. The first thing my kids do in the morning when they wake is to immediately ask where "Alfie" is and start looking. It's a very fun tradition, although I cringed the last time I walked into Borders and there was a huge display of the Elf Upon the Shelf (the elf & book that comes with it). I quickly steered my kids the other way and will not be taking them back in there until after the Christmas season is over!

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We have an Elf, that we got two years ago. My ds got such a kick out of it both years. I have it out this year, but we have not talked about him or done anything with him.


I can't believe how mainstream they are now, I have seen displays at a couple of different stores. When I got it, I thought it was the cutest idea and no one had heard of them.

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Yes! We do! My kids absolutely love it! I didnt get the Elf on a Shelf kit, but I do my own version. Our elf is Hermie and he is active at night, but not during the day. My kids love waking up to see what sorts of mischief Hermie has gotten into that day. Sometimes he even leaves little gifts!


If you want to see our Elf Adventures (with pics) from last year, here they are: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=136373&id=612887026&l=7395dd9e3e


And this is what our elf has done so far this year (I haven't posted today's yet though): http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=136982&id=612887026&l=a6c7fe9c4e

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Yes! We do! My kids absolutely love it! I didnt get the Elf on a Shelf kit, but I do my own version. Our elf is Hermie and he is active at night, but not during the day. My kids love waking up to see what sorts of mischief Hermie has gotten into that day. Sometimes he even leaves little gifts!


If you want to see our Elf Adventures (with pics) from last year, here they are: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=136373&id=612887026&l=7395dd9e3e


And this is what our elf has done so far this year (I haven't posted today's yet though): http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=136982&id=612887026&l=a6c7fe9c4e



That looks like a lot of fun!

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I Googled it and it looks ADORABLE and sounds like fun! I wish I'd known about this (or thought of it myself) when my kids were little! But there will be grandchildren someday, I hope!


The one I saw in a picture online looks amazingly like the little Knee-hugger Elf my parents always put in/on our Christmas tree when I was growing up. When I was younger, I named him Seymour -- no idea why, though. LOL!

I have a little knee-hugger elf my mom bought for me 40+ years ago. He is always the first decoration placed on our Christmas tree (after the lights, of course). I saw the Elf on the Shelf book, packaged together with the elf, at Borders recently; I'd never heard of it before and I was surprised to see that the elf looks so much like my old elf.

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Here is our funny Elf on the Shelf story.


Thought it was a great idea for then 2 year old son. Really made a big deal out of the whole thing. After we had read the book, etc., we hid the Elf. The next morning, DS finds the Elf, informs us that his Dad put him on the shelf and ...then informs us "why should I behave differently when an Elf is watching me than I normally do? Inappropriate behavior is not tolerated!" and then proceeds to tell us that Santa is make-believe. :eek:


At least I was able to sell Elf to a friend in FL.

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We started the elf tradition last year, and my kids LOVE it! The only problem is that my 4 year old wakes up a lot earlier now to go find the elf! Her behavior has been "stellar" since the elf arrived. :D I heard her telling her brother yesterday, "The elf can hear us!"

My husband and I have fun trying to put him in crazy places for the kids to find. One morning, the kids found him among the donkeys and wise men in our manger. Even our older kids who know there's no Santa enjoy looking for the elf each day. I highly recommend it!

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We don't do the Elf on the Shelf thing, because we already had a very similar tradition before it came out. When I was a kid, we had one of those 3 foot Santas that moved back and forth and stood on the hearth. As I got older, it broke, until one year, I don't remember why, the head came off. Then we started moving the Santa head all over the room. Every time you saw it, you moved it somewhere more creative. The first year I was married, my mother made me my very own Santa head for this purpose, and although my husband didn't like it initially, he now tolerates the silliness.


BTW, be careful not to put it in the top of a lamp. The original Santa head has a burned spot because of that. :)

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