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What is covered in health class?

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And can at least part of health be covered by reading the animal anatomy and physiology section of a college level biology book?


Here's what I was thinking for health:


The animal anatomy and physiology material mentioned above

Another more teenager friendly book about teenager stuff, such as Changing Bodies, Changing Lives (I know it's liberal and explicit as I own a copy)

A first aid and CPR class

Some sort of coverage of nutrition and the importance of exercise


Am I missing anything?

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When I was in high school, I remember learning first aid, CPR, and about birth control & STDs / reproductive anatomy, which was definitely my teacher's favorite part. There could have been more, but I sure don't remember it. I definitely don't remember anything about nutrition or exercise, but it sounds very appropriate. I think in the old days they taught about how to take care of sick people at home (or maybe this was part of home ec); I don't know if it's "health" per se but knowing what to do when someone is not feeling well, that is more than emergency intervention like first aid sounds useful to me.

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I remember MANY gross videos of what STD's could do and they were shown in a co-ed class right after lunch! :ack2: :blushing:


I also remember studying the 5 stages of death and dying, which about put me over the edge, as I had just lost my dear grandfather..... He was the first person in my life I had lost, so sitting in that class having to listen to the stages of death and how to deal with grief, etc, then having to watch those horribly gross and embarrassing videos was just too much. I remember nothing else about the class.


I found an older Health text at a thrift store and plan to have my ds read through some of that in addition to using the H&A chapters in his bio book. I'm also adding in a free 2 hour health & nutrition class that a registered dietitian is giving at a local grocery store, getting a First Aid/CPR certification, and whatever else I can come up with.


I will say that the health text I found for $.50 has a BUNCH of info on personal cleanliness. :confused: Ds has had that covered for quite some time!! :tongue_smilie:

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I remember learning about nutrition and vitamin or mineral deficiencies (like scurvy), Hygeine issues like tooth care and what can go wrong, skin problems, etc. I also "learned" about female issues, but I don't know what the guys discussed. It seems to me that they have fewer things to consider.


Most of it was very obvious, but the names for the vitamin deficiencies was something new for me at the time.

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I bought a used Health book from Amazon. Ds reads the chapters and answers the questions at the end. I also have him copy and label diagrams such as the tooth, the ear, layers of skin, etc. I rent health related videos from Netflix and have him take notes while he watches them. Then, he writes up a summary. This year he has to plan and cook dinner once a week and I discuss the nutritional considerations in meal planning as I help him decide what to cook. I also plan on trying to get him into a CPR class. I plan to give a full credit, since all this work is surely equal to 180 hours which the public schools label as one credit. Besides, if I call it "Health and P.E." I could factor in all the hours ds spends cycling.

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I'm not sure whether animal anatomy/physiology would relate to personal health or not? I don't know how similar our bodies are to theirs - clueless!


I really like Total Health because it's more about HEALTH instead of about LACK OF HEALTH that permeates public school textbooks. Even my son's public schooled friends (mostly 9th graders) scoff at how their class is totally about drugs and alcohol and sexual diseases. Total Health covers those, but focuses more on how to stay healthy, both physically and mentally.


If you need secular, then I'd just keep that in mind when you're looking around. Or do it yourself, as the OP is attempting.


One thing I had my older dd do was write a page on each vitamin & mineral -- where can you find it? what happens if you don't have enough? what if you have too much? etc.


If you're including fitness/exercise, then there's a lot that public schools do along the lines of introducing kids to various "healthy hobbies" from bowling to tennis. If you read a little about the rules of the games and such, then you can spend some time having fun :)



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