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What to put on dd's windburned cheeks?

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I agree with the aloe. It's great for relief and healing.


Now, this may sound strange, but when I used to go outside to play in the winter, my mom would rub Vaseline on our faces. It would keep our faces warm and protect them from the wind. I have no idea how 'healthy' it is/was, but it really worked!

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Rubbing chapstick on her cheeks works well too (and I was more likely to have some in my pocket than Vaseline).


The various little jars of "hand salve," healing salve," or "wound salve" at the local health food store all work well too.


Another vote for chapstick - the plain kind.


It doesn't sting.


It doesn't feel "goopy" after you put it on.


Can't smell it.


And it works great!!

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