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Update and ask for continued prayers.

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Well, it has been a week since Mom died. We had several "Irish wakes" with my siblings and with my cousins who flew in from California. At the visitation, I saw so many of my mom's friends from her 50 years living in this area. I saw childhood friends. I saw mom's cousins that we only see at funerals these days. I had dear friends come just for me. The funeral mass was moving and appropriate. I didn't break down while giving a eulogy - it was a fitting tribute filled with love and humor. I thank you who have been praying for me. I felt supported and comforted by your prayers, knowing that God has been with me every step of the way.


Well, everyone has gone home, life is getting back to normal, and I am so incredibly tired. I did not get much sleep last week, between the vigil at the hospital, staying up late to take care of things or just plain agitation. Well, now I am trying to go to bed at my normal time, but I am sleeping in later - I just don't have the energy to go exercise with my workout partner. All I want to do is crawl back into bed and pull the covers over my head. I have much to do here because of all I neglected in the past week. I shudder to think about how much work we have to do to get my clear out my mom's apartment - we have until the end of the month. I've barely thought about Christmas, much less started decorating or even shopping. I can't even begin to think about Christmas without Mom.


I ask for your continued prayers - that I find the energy to just keep going, that the demands of everyday life not overwhelm me, but mostly that I do not slip back into depression. Every time it happens, it takes monumental energy to get back out.

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:grouphug: and many prayers are being sent up for you.


If you've had periods of depression before, I encourage you to take a proactive approach this time. Talk to your doctor and see if he recommends starting on something now (Rx, natural, exercise, whatever works for you). By the time we recognize depression in ourselves others around us have been affected for quite a while. You have a lot to contribute to feeling overwhelmed right now and a little help through the hard parts is not a bad thing.



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Honey, what you're describing is grief. Allow yourself to grieve. You lost your mom and it's ok to not be back to 100% for a time. Do what you can, allow yourself to sleep a little extra right now. The adrenaline your body was producing this last week WILL exhaust you. Make sure to eat well, rest if your body needs it, stay hydrated. Spring will be here soon. :001_smile: :grouphug:

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:grouphug: and many prayers are being sent up for you.


If you've had periods of depression before, I encourage you to take a proactive approach this time. Talk to your doctor and see if he recommends starting on something now (Rx, natural, exercise, whatever works for you). By the time we recognize depression in ourselves others around us have been affected for quite a while. You have a lot to contribute to feeling overwhelmed right now and a little help through the hard parts is not a bad thing.




:iagree: I'm still praying for you, too. Will you feel better if you do a little shopping on Amazon or something? Williams-Sonoma has awesome appetizers and other food, too. We always have their croissants on Christmas morning. Maybe your DH could just order some gifts and food and then you'd feel like some things were taken care of. And if he's anything like my DH, he'll like being able to do something concrete that will help you. (not that he hasn't already:))


Sorry if suggestions aren't what you need. Here's a couple of :grouphug: :grouphug:, and you definitely have my prayers.


Would it comfort you to have a Mass said in your mother's honor every year during Advent?


Hugs to you.

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You can't feel any other way than drained. You've spent a week doing the things you must do to honor your mother. Now you must do the things you need to do to take care of yourself. Get plenty of sleep, eat well, take care of yourself, and let your friends do their job when they offer help or just a shoulder.


From personal experience I can tell you that the pain will pass, and there will come a time when you can think about your mom with joy and not pain.






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Honey, what you're describing is grief. Allow yourself to grieve. You lost your mom and it's ok to not be back to 100% for a time. Do what you can, allow yourself to sleep a little extra right now. The adrenaline your body was producing this last week WILL exhaust you. Make sure to eat well, rest if your body needs it, stay hydrated. Spring will be here soon. :001_smile: :grouphug:






I lost my grandma in August. She was my mother figure. My mom is still alive but I'm her mother figure.


Anyway, I felt very much the same as you're describing when my grandma died and I'm just now starting to feel somewhat back to normal. It will be four months in a few days.


Be gentle with yourself and allow yourself the time to process your grief.


I'm so sorry for your loss.:grouphug:

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