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Would you get a 4yo son...

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A Nintendo DS or Leapster?? He's already playing some games on his older sib's DS's, so he's getting the hang of that pretty good. I have no experience with the Leapster, although I did find one on a Black Friday sale so I scooped it up just in case. I need to get him one of the two since we are spending a great deal more time on the go and he's really starting to show a great deal of interest in hand-held games. He has plenty of imaginative toys- Lego, Playmobil, train sets etc, but this would be his first go at an electronic toy that would be "his" (we have a family Wii that everyone, including him plays).


I had initially thought we'd get Leapster this year, then "graduate" to the Nintendo DS next Christmas, but now I'm wondering if I should simply get the DS now. Whaddya think?

Edited by plain jane
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I have 2 kids that play the DS. Ds, 11 yrs., and dd, newly 6 yrs. Ds got his first when he was 6 and I was po'ed (g-father bought it). I felt it was too young. He was perfectly able to operate it but I didn't want another piece of technology to police. His biggest problem was handling it gently - it eventually fell to pieces b/c he was way too rough w/it. His recently turned 6 yr. old sister has been using his DS for at least a year, sometimes she needs his help w/reading though. She will be getting one for Christmas - I'm having very mixed emotions about this but, in the end, it's going to be for the best. She got a Leapster last year and it's gotten minimal play. IMO, once the child learns to play games for the DS, the Leapster games seem childish or too easy or just not as interesting.


I'm voting for the DS. It's young in my book but after our experience w/the Leapster, I'd purchase the DS (and dd is not going to be nearly as rough as her brother was so that concern is covered - you may not have that concern w/yours either). 1) Having older siblings and playing their DS automatically makes them more saavy. 2) It will have much more longevity of play than a Leapster.

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I would not buy a 4 yr old either. I think a leapster is good for 5/6 and up and a ds for 9/10 and up. I am a fan of waiting and not robbing our kids of the joy of anticipation


Ha! I'm of this opinion too, or atleast, I should say, I used to be. :tongue_smilie: Sadly, 'round here, the joy of anticipation is quickly deteriorating to the frustrations of sibling rivalry and jealousy over the "cooler" toys. :glare:

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Leapsters were a waste of money here. We have two, but neither of the kids they were bought for really cared a hill of beans about them. Of course, they did have older siblings with DSs, so maybe that was part of it? I do think my 5 year old would enjoy a Leapster much more than the others did, but who knows. She's cut from a different mold than they were. ;-)

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A Nintendo DS or Leapster?? He's already playing some games on his older sib's DS's, so he's getting the hang of that pretty good. I have no experience with the Leapster, although I did find one on a Black Friday sale so I scooped it up just in case. I need to get him one of the two since we are spending a great deal more time on the go and he's really starting to show a great deal of interest in hand-held games. He has plenty of imaginative toys- Lego, Playmobil, train sets etc, but this would be his first go at an electronic toy that would be "his" (we have a family Wii that everyone, including him plays).


I had initially thought we'd get Leapster this year, then "graduate" to the Nintendo DS next Christmas, but now I'm wondering if I should simply get the DS now. Whaddya think?


My son has a Leapster, my dd has a DS. There is no way I'd get a 4 yr old a DS. They are not sturdy enough to stand up to the potential abuse/accidents. The Leapsters are quite sturdy and will handle being stepped on or tossed down the stairs. Ours was even thrown out of a car window while we were flying down the highway. It survived.

If you think your son has been "spoiled" by playing the DS and therefore a Leapster may not hold his attention, then I'd give him neither right now. It might be worth waiting until he's around 9 to get the DS... or whatever newer gadget may replace it. The Weenie-Wii? :tongue_smilie:

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We bought a leapster for our older on her 4th birthday. She loved it for a short time and has asked for a ds for christmas (she just turned 5). Our 3 year old loves the leapster.


I think the biggest issue is that the games for the leapster are just too easy.

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Leapster - yes; Nintendo DS - no.


My son can pretty much handle the leapster and the only thing that could get lost are the game cartridges and they are fairly large and easy to find.


The DS is more fragile, and both the stylus and games can easily be lost. My son got one last year at age 6 and although he can play it (big brother and sister have to help out at times) he still is not responsible enough to be careful with it.


And the games for the leapster are better suited for the younger age and they often have varying degrees of difficulty on the same cartridge. DS games can be too complicated for a 4 year old.

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When my DD turned four, we got her a Leapster for her birthday. She loves it....still does. I have a Nintendo DS that she uses sometimes. There's games that she enjoys on there. However, I've found that most of the DS games require quite a bit of reading, which she cannot do yet. It is very frustrating for her if a game requires lots of reading. I'd definitely go with the Leapster. I think that the 4-6 age range is the perfect age for the Leapster.

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