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AAS users, level 3 question/help please!


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We have just completed level two. We have worked through levels one and two at a step per day. My son has always been a good speller, yet wanted him to have the rules solidified, thus when he writes and gets to harder words can be much more successful. Prior to using AAS, we had learned all of the phonograms, yet they have also been good review. All this to ask, now that we are ready to begin level three, I notice that there are quite a few more sentences per level. Should I have him do each sentence in each step, perhaps broken into two days? Or if he has mastered the rules for the step, can I only dictate half the sentences? Is there a general rule of thumb for this??? Thanks!

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We are just completing level 2 (1 step over 2 days) and i require 3 phrases and 3 sentences 100% correct before moving on, punctuation, capitalisation, spelling. If there are more in level 3, have not checked yet i would look at stepping it up. For a 9yo it should be easy to do 3/4 of those provided over 2 days. Any errors then an extra sentence. That's what we will do anyway, HTH.

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We slowed down in level 3 and spend 3 days at each level. He does 4 sentences a day. He is having a more difficult time remembering all the rules now, so I don't want to skip any practice. I consider the sentences more important to improve his daily spelling than I do the word cards. He rarely ever gets a word card wrong after learning a new rule, but frequently has trouble with the sentences.

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I wonder if this means I'm a mean mom. I have dd do all the sentences, twice. We spend a week (4 days) per step. She does half the sentences on the 2nd day, the other half the 3rd day, then all of them again on the 4th day, along with the writing station. I believe that using the words in the sentences is the most important part of the program. She has made a lot of progress over level 3, with fantastic retention. We start level 4 next week.

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We slowed down on Level 3. I love all the review in those sentences -- they are chock full of great practice. They provide the 'something' that was missing in other programs. Rather than memorizing a list, my son has to recall and apply all those 'key card' rules.


We spend 2 - 4 days per 'lesson' and are getting great results.


I'm sure there are kids who could plow through all those sentences in a day and do quite well, though. If your student was already a good speller, he may be one of those.

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the length of time it takes us to get through a step varies as well. It depends on how well she is already getting it, whether she is struggling, how much review we have to do at the beginning of the step, etc. I set my timer for 15 minutes, and if we aren't done with the step we just continue it the next day.:001_smile:

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We take it a step at a time. I've never even paid attention to just how many sentences my kids do. If they have struggled with a particular step, they do more. If they get any wrong, they do more. But if I give them 3-4 of the sentences after they have breezed through a step, I call it good and move on.


:iagree: This sums up how we handle it here.

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We take it a step at a time. I've never even paid attention to just how many sentences my kids do. If they have struggled with a particular step, they do more. If they get any wrong, they do more. But if I give them 3-4 of the sentences after they have breezed through a step, I call it good and move on.


:iagree: This sums up how we handle it here.

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