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Update on nursing questions

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Some of you may remember that I asked for advice (ok, permission!) about feeding on demand versus scheduling feedings. Once I largely ignored the clock, things were a lot better, though he still wasn't very happy. His poop started turning green and frothy and he was spitting up a lot. From reading about these symptoms on a La Leche League website, I discovered that I have an oversupply of milk, so Keaton was not getting satisfied at each feeding because he was getting too much foremilk. After reading this, I tried out my breast pump, I got 4 oz. in 4 min. from one side on the lowest setting! Now that I only nurse on one side at each feeding and use a towel to catch the spray at the beginning, he's doing much better and going 2-3 hours between feedings rather than 1 hour!


Thanks for your help!

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:party: :thumbup:


CONGRATS !!!!!!!!!! You should be very proud of yourself ! I am so glad you found the problem. I know even though I nursed my older kids, I had to learn and research all over again with these two little ones. I felt like a new mom. :D



Of my 4 daughters who all had babies last year, only one is still nursing. They all made it to the 6 month mark, but Misty is still going strong at the 10 month mark.

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