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Anyone shop Black Friday online instead of at stores?

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A lot of stores have good deals online that day; I'm not sure about Amazon, though.


Honestly, I really dislike shopping in stores, and I try to avoid Black Friday at any store as much as possible! I think it was just last year that some poor Wal-Mart worker was trampled to death at a Wal-Mart store on Black Friday because masses of people were pressing against the door, trying to get in.


There are just way too many people at the stores on that day for me to venture forth. If I do any shopping, it'll be online. I would just check around at your favorite stores, because many of them should be advertising online specials this week.


Good luck! :)

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Wal-mart is going to do their's like Best Buy does...gives out tickets for hot items, so there's no trampling, cuz if you have a ticket you get one, if you don't, you don't. They will be open Thursday night, but the sales still don't start until early a.m.


Amazon will do a Black Friday special, but they are starting Black Friday week on Monday....I plan on checking everyday, as they have great specials when they have them.


I do plan on doing both, online and in-store. Problem with online, is that the websites often get overloaded and crash.


I would never shop Best Buy online on Black Friday. Last year, I worked Customer Service for them, taking phone calls, at home. I had so many calls where people had bought items, TVs, computers, etc online Black Friday, so happy they got THE deal. A week later, they received an email stating the item was sold out and they would receive a refund. Apparently BB oversold their BF deals online, and even though it was all confirmed when you ordered it, they did not have enough items to fill the orders. Meanwhile it was too late for the customers to go elsewhere for the deals. They were so mad!


There's several websites out now that have the BF ads already listed. I have been looking at them to see what is worth my sleep. So far, Wal-mart is the only one that has what I need, but I hate to shop there. so not sure what I am doing at this point.


But I love the BF deals!!

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I know people say they hate Wal Mart on BF, but it is actually my very favorite BF place to shop. They make sure they have PLENTY of everything. I have NEVER not gotten what I went to Wal Mart to get on BF. And I like how our local ones set them up too...much more organized than other retail stores. Last year I wanted a few different things and was able to get them all with no problems.

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I did all of my BF shopping online last year and ended up with some very good deals but I didn't shop Walmart and places like that.


Dealnews.com is a site that lists all of the latest and greatest deals.


They weren't the best ever but through dealnews I ended up with some mens dress wool sportcoats for $5 and several hundred $$ worth of clothes for my new college graduate needs a professional wardrobe all of a sudden daughter for about 1/4 of the original price (mostly from Ann Taylor Loft).


I love shopping in jammies (my checkbook doesn't like it quite as much :glare:)

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I can't go out that day because DD will be at work. Does Amazon or anyone else have good online deals?


Funny you should ask! I've spent the afternoon creating my promotional email for my online business's phone-in sale that day (people have to phone in their orders) so yes I know there are you-don't-have-to-leave-the-house sales out there! :001_cool:

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I did a bit of a hybrid of in-person and online shopping last year at Sears. I paid for my item online, but picked it up in the store -- much less hassle than dealing with the crowds and lines, and instant gratification of having the item in my hand within hours of ordering! :D (The item was a cordless phone set which was sorely needed at the time.)


Obviously that can't be done at every store, but for certain items it helps. I believe Best Buy might do something similar.

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i have a long list for Kohl's. I am planning to try online at midnight and then hit the store if I really want something I didn't get online.


I am just shopping for the deals on some things we should replace but it is nothing I will be too upset over if I can't get. I don't mind fighting the crowds to get one or two items but I don't want to fight all over Kohl's for 12 different things. And their shopping carts aren't that big!


I have shopped online Amazon and Kohl's in the past and didn't have any problems. I am a little more into it this year though.



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I can't go out that day because DD will be at work. Does Amazon or anyone else have good online deals?


I will not order from amazon at Christmas anymore. Two years in a row we ordered early but got an email the week of Christmas that they were out of items. We lived in Germany at the time and couldn't just pick something else up.

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