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How can I challenge my second grader and not spend any more $$


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How's that for an odd title?? lol


Ok, here's the scoop. My daughter is 8, a second grader by "school standards", but way beyond that academically. She can read anything, and is quick with math. She's had loads of history, a decent amount of science (would like more) and really, has learned so much just through life with an older homeschooled sister that teaching her typical "second grade" stuff is a joke.


She's not "gifted", btw. She's just a smart, quick learner. Her maturity level is a solid second grader, so I don't want to accelerate her into a level that has too heavy a workload, or too mature a content.


She's completed 80% of Calvert 2, all of Oak Meadow 2 & Oak Meadow 3.


I really don't want her "school" to last more than a few hours at most - she's only 8, y'know?


And I am out.of.money.


(I will probably never be able to afford Calvert again (which is just fine) - so things like that are out.)


Any ideas?


Thank you for your wisdom - I know many of you have been down this road, and I'm grateful for your help!



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Library? Paperbackbookswap?


My son sounds like your daughter; maturity level matches chronological-age grade, but academic level stretches higher. Mine isn't particularly gifted either, just quick and smart.


Since yours likes science, why not do some mini unit studies? She can get very hands-on and apply the things that she has read about. I do this with my son; right now he's doing anatomy. We've checked out every book from the library and have looked online for ideas on how to apply that knowledge. Some worksheets to label parts, some latin roots and vocab, some basic skills like coloring parts, minor experiments using the senses, and more. My library was happy to order Janice Van Clxxx (can't remember entire name!) books for us with additional science project-y ideas.


Before this we did a 3-4 month study of military weaponry, including building a catapult. Before that, the solar system complete with 3D paper mobile. And so on. Most of this required project parts we had around the house already, but I know from prior experience that random things can be found/had from craigslist. I used craigslist to get the few pieces of wood and nails for the catapult, for example.

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Youtube videos - Schoolhouse Rock, Bill Nye, Magic school Bus, Animaniac songs to memorize - presidents, states, countries, & lots more on Youtube if you look; play card games & other logic/math/fun games; draw what's in your backyard; watch the birds & identify them .... the list goes on as long as your imagination...

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All great ideas. And you're all right - there are no limits. Just use our imaginations and stop worrying about programs, what to do when, etc.


Sometimes I just panic, kwim?


(and I know that panic mode is the *worst* time to think about school, truly)


Thanks again,



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What about adding in handicrafts and cooking? Cooking needn't cost any more than you have to spend already, and it's surprising how many handmade things can be made out of stuff you already have, or your mum already has. You can also find cheap stuff at thrift shops. I've somehow picked up a bunch of canvases for making hook rugs. The tool, if you haven't got one is not expensive and most people have wool lying around. Tablet weaving can be set up very cheaply. That sort of stuff also classes as living maths, if she asks :)



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