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When do you go over errors?


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For all subjects where the kids have errors, when do you go over questions they got wrong? It takes up a lot of time it seems in our day to go over things dd has gotten wrong in various subjects. And frankly I'm tired of spending the time. But I can't let errors go.


Do you have them correct the errors or do you just go over what they did wrong, or both? How are you working this into your day?

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We correct it together and fix the problems right then and there, while the concepts are still fresh in their mind. I think of correcting errors as teaching what we apparently didn't cover well or thoroughly enough the first time. I think of the corrections as part of the lesson. If they didn't understand it the first time, there is no point in going on until they do.

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Because we have 4 dc hs'ing right now, initially it seemed impossible to get the corrections done right away, and yes it does seem to take up a lot of time. I used to wait until later in the evening to do corrections, then review them with the kids the next day before we started our work for that day, and it turned out to take way more time, and the dc did not cooperate. :confused: It is not fun to try to stay on top of all their corrections throughout the day without letting things slip through the cracks, but it does work better if stuff is fresh in their minds and then it is done and you don't have to think about it later. IMO, corrections can become that little black cloud that follows you around everywhere, sometimes getting bigger and bigger, if your day has interruptions, etc. Do yourself a favor and don't let it happen, just get them done right away!:glare:

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We correct it together and fix the problems right then and there, while the concepts are still fresh in their mind. I think of correcting errors as teaching what we apparently didn't cover well or thoroughly enough the first time. I think of the corrections as part of the lesson. If they didn't understand it the first time, there is no point in going on until they do.




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Okay, I'll confess. I do not always do corrections as the child works. Sometimes (often?) I do corrections on Saturday, and then have a correction day/subject with each child on Monday. Sometimes the child is required to rework the problems; sometimes he/she just needs to be shown what was done wrong.



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As the subject is completed we go over it. Depending on the mistake, my mood, position of the planets, I either have them redo the problem, explain to me what is incorrect, or just go over the mistake so they know what they did wrong and then move on to the next thing.

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There are several subjects where I have ds correct his own work when he is finished. That way, he is able to see his errors and ask for help understanding what he got wrong (if he needs it).


In the subjects where the material is more subjective (i.e. History where he reads a lesson and then answers some questions), we go over those as soon as we work together (he does most of his day by himself until the end of the day when I need to go over English, grade work, etc). Most of the time, I have him read his answer and we discuss anything he seems to have "missed" from the lesson and answer the questions aloud in the correct way. Many times, his answer is completely acceptable, even if it is not exactly what the answer guide said it should be, and we move on. :)

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I have 4 kids, and so my time is spread so thin during the day. I have to schedule an hour for each of the olders in the morning, then lunch, then another hour with the 2 oldest. That's just for getting lessons done, all the while juggling the 2yo and 5yo. Afternoons are spent on activities like scouts, swimming, and church group. So our routine is that DADDY does the corrections. He comes home from work, eats dinner with us, the kids go up and get ready for bed while Daddy does corrections, they come down and discuss/fix what was wrong, then they can have free time (usually TV) before bed.


Last year, I noticed that things weren't getting corrected as often as they should any more, so I off'ed this responsibility (for the most part) to my DH. It's been really great actually, b/c now he is more aware of what they are working on and more a part of it.


HTH and GL! - STacey in MA

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I correct all my kids' work in the evening and then I go over their errors with them first thing in the morning. They correct all of their errors before moving onto their new schoolwork for the day. Doing things this way has been much more efficient and less stressful for us.



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If it is something we do together then I correct it immediately, but the math, Latin, ect... that they do independently I correct that evening and give back to them for corrections the next morning. With the younger kids I often just wait till I work with them and we go over it then.



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