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Replace the microwave or not

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Microwaves and lawn mowers are something we either don't pick well or that we are really hard on. My folks have had their micro for 10 years now. We've killed 2 or is it 3 in the same 10 years!


First question is should we even replace the darn thing. The thing we do most in it is defrost things. Don't tell me that's the worse place to do it. I know that. But when it's 3 o'clock in the afternoon and you realize that dinner should have been in the crock pot and it's still in the freezer, well what other choice do you have? That happens all the time! The kids also heat up milk for hot chocolate in there. Left overs at lunch or once a week everyone has left overs for dinner. So do we even replace it? How hard will it be to live without?


Next question - if we do replace it, what works well for a long time? This one was a Panasonic. The last on was a Panasonic as well. Before that who knows?


Third question - is this an emergency fund thing? We're new to Dave Ramsey. Would this meet the criteria?


I guess that's it. Thanks for all the help!

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I could live without a Micro. Dh couldn't!! I do defrost in ours too that is main thing, I need to plan my meals better so I don't have to rely on it. I don't like the taste of food reheated in a Micro, dh doesn't seem to notice. He'll reheat pizza in the thing and it smells so bad I can't imagine it tastes ok! :p


Don't know much about Ramesy, but I would say qualifies for the emergency fund. Isn't the idea that the fund is there so you don't have to use a CC when something like this comes up?

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I wouldn't classify it as an "emergency", but we don't view the microwave as all that important. Mine has lasted nearly 14 years. I wouldn't replace it if it broke because we rarely use it for anything other than microwave popcorn.


Why not give it a try? How about saying, "We'll go a month without it and if we just can't stand it after that time period, we'll buy a new one."


Put as much money aside as you can over the next month & buy on if you need to. The after Thanksgiving ads will probably have a microwave or two in them.


Just an idea.

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Iwould not consider it an emergency fund thing. Emergency fund would be your water heater or fridge. Microwave is an extra. Viewing it that way, do you have the money in savings(beyond emergency), or are you still paying off debt? If you are still paying off debt I'd wait on the microwave, or see if you can get a used one. I like my microwave, for the same reasons you stated. But, we can reheat leftovers on the stove, and remember to defrost the night before. If you don't have any debt, I would save up the money and buy it when you can pay cash without dipping into the emergency fund.

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I would not consider it an emergency fund thing. Emergency fund would be your water heater or fridge. Microwave is an extra. Viewing it that way, do you have the money in savings(beyond emergency), or are you still paying off debt? If you are still paying off debt I'd wait on the microwave, or see if you can get a used one. I like my microwave, for the same reasons you stated. But, we can reheat leftovers on the stove, and remember to defrost the night before. If you don't have any debt, I would save up the money and buy it when you can pay cash without dipping into the emergency fund.


No debt! But also no extra money saved. DH just spent the extra we did have on kerosene for a generator.

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First question: Anything you do in a microwave can be done in the oven, the broiler or the stovetop (or shouldn't be done at all).


Second question: I don't know - but don't send your dh to find a replacement. I sent mine and I had to build shelves in the broom closet to house the thing because he came back with the biggest, baddest one he could find. We affectionately refer to it as 'The Monster in the Closet'. We always blow a fuse when we use it.


Third question: No, it is not an emergency! :lol: People have lived thousands of years without microwaves!


I am waiting for our beast to croak. I need the storage space. It will be a little difficult going back to the dark ages, but I'm willing when the time comes.

Edited by LauraGB
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We never replaced ours either, but our house came with a built in one from the 80s lol. We don't use it. Meat does not have to be thawed out at 3pm! Put it in a glass pan with a bit of water and your favor sauce on 300 and let it bake. In 1.5 hours chicken will be ready and beef will be ready between 5 and 5:30. I do it nearly every day!

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We didn't replace ours when it died probably a year or so ago. I prefer cooking without it anyway. And it's really not that difficult; just have to think ahead a little about getting meat out of the freezer. I find with a family of 8 that it's easier to time things to be ready at the same time when cooking in pots etc. rather than waiting for the microwave to finish so that I can put the next thing in.


I have an electric steamer now too. It's great for cooking vegetables together (and even some meats) and is probably much healthier.


There's my microwave stance :001_smile:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Cindie2dds

I like using mine to reheat coffee, that kind of thing. Pawn shops have them very cheap. I would replace mine, but set a small budget like $15 or something like that. Yard sales and thrift stores too. :)

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We haven't had a microwave in more than 7 years now. Truly, I've never missed it. The only time I think for a moment that it might be nice is, as you mentioned, when heating milk for hot chocolate. ;) As inconveniences go though, occasionally heating milk on the stove is pretty minor.


I heat leftovers in the oven. I guess I don't cook much frozen meat (other than occasionally chicken pieces or fish, which can be defrosted quickly in water), so that's not a problem for me.


Really, lol, I swear, the only one that has ever bothered me is the milk for hot chocolate. ;)

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We didn't get one when we first got married. Did care about it. My inlaws couldn't believe any one could live without one. They bought us our first one which lasted for about 10 years. We lived for 5 years without one. Didn't miss it at all. Now that we've moved back closer to them, guess what they bought for us? Yup, a microwave. I personally begrudge it the room it uses on my countertop.


I like the suggestion to try to go without one for the next month or so and see how you fare.

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