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Prayers Needed: Osmosis Mom inspired me to post.

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I have just found out that I am pregnant also. OOPS! We do have private insurance which covers everything so that is not the problem. I am high-risk due to high blood pressure and my age. My twins will be 9 in January, I am too worried to be happy about the pregnancy. I keep remembering the bed rests of the last 2 pregnancies, the stress, the panic because my pressure wouldn't respond to medication, hospitalizations, and I don't want to go through all that again. I am too old for this( I just turned 41). My dh was supposed to have done the big V years ago but he was too chicken. We agreed after the twins that he would get it done. I have to keep reminding myself sometimes I just have to trust God in everything, but the stress is too much for me. Stress with my blood pressure problems is definitely not what I need now. I have already seen my cardiologist twice since I found out and I see my Ob-Gyn next week. Please pray for me.

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I have just found out that I am pregnant also. OOPS! We do have private insurance which covers everything so that is not the problem. I am high-risk due to high blood pressure and my age. My twins will be 9 in January, I am too worried to be happy about the pregnancy. I keep remembering the bed rests of the last 2 pregnancies, the stress, the panic because my pressure wouldn't respond to medication, hospitalizations, and I don't want to go through all that again. I am too old for this( I just turned 41). My dh was supposed to have done the big V years ago but he was too chicken. We agreed after the twins that he would get it done. I have to keep reminding myself sometimes I just have to trust God in everything, but the stress is too much for me. Stress with my blood pressure problems is definitely not what I need now. I have already seen my cardiologist twice since I found out and I see my Ob-Gyn next week. Please pray for me.


Congratulations! My oldest was 9 when her sister was born. I know it's not the recommended child spacing:tongue_smilie:, but it's like having a built in baby sitter. Your older children will be so helpful. Since it's been awhile, your body has most likely forgotten what it's like to be pregnant (mine certainly did).


Relax. Take a load off. Let your children and your husband take care of you.

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I'll definitely pray for you! I also have twins and DH and I are considering whether to try again. We want another child, but I had a high risk pregnancy that escalated to pre-e/HELLP. The girls were delivered at 30 weeks. I know it may not happen again...especially for a singleton. But it's very scary!


So I completely understand the worry and panic. Keep us posted so we can pray for you as you progress. I know it's hard to trust God at times like this. :grouphug:

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Awww congrats! You never know....this time may be totally different than the last two. I know that my two pregnancies were night and day different! God will see you through this! :)


My best friend has a 1 year old baby and a child who is about to turn 11. It has worked wonderfully for them. It is almost like the baby has a second momma! And so sweet to see her older dd take care of the baby. :) Good practice for when she gets to be a mommy one day too.

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I am definitely praying for you. Been there, done that :) Our little "oops" is almost 3 weeks old :D And I have to agree with some of the other posters, having older kids (in my case 13 year old and 10 year old boys) absolutely saved me. I definitely felt older during this pregnancy, and now recovering, but the trade off is having these wonderful helpers.


I just keep reminding myself everyday, God know what He's doing.

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I'll absolutely pray for you. My older DD was 7 1/2 when I got pregnant with her now 3 y.o. sister. That's just the way God's timing worked for us, but I was so stressed. You can see the ages of all 4 of our DC in my sig. I was eight weeks shy of 41 with DS 2. The littles were both high-risk. DD 3 was in the NICU for a few days. I was so ill that I couldn't go there to visit her. It's all behind us now and everyone is fine. Please try not to stress too much. It will definitely make a difference in your health. :)

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I agree, you are still young! Congratulations as well! Please, please seriously do not stress. It will make things worse. I had heart palpitations when I got pregnant with my twins -something that is somewhat normal in a twin pregnancy- ER and doctors there freaked me out and my heart was basically jumping for a few days, did not calm down until I saw the US and then I got it!!!! So, my lessson was that your mind has so much power over your body.

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When things get to be feeling too much I feel like deep, mindful breathing can really help me in addition to prayer. I focus on my belly and just draw that breath in and gently let it out. Your mind can be like a dog chasing it's tail - it needs a little interruption to get out of that mode. Breathing like that for even 20 seconds helps me.

Congratulations on your pregnancy!

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I got pregnant with my surprise just befor I turned 41. My first 3 pregnancies were hard and I was scared that the last would be also. How was I going to school three kids (and one of them 8th grade) when I had to be in bed and too sick to cope with anything. To my surprise It was my easiest pregnancy! I was sick and in bed some, but not the whole time like I was with the others.


Relax. This pregnancy may surprise you. And I will pray.



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You are still very young! As my ob/gyn says, you are only too old when you have menopause. :)


High blood pressure - I have had it off/on since my first pregnancy (had preeclampsia) and it never really went away. I was on methyldopa for my pregnancies and it kept my pressure down during pregnancy. Right after I had my c-sections, my pressure shot back up and I had to be back on my regular hbp med, which was not safe for pregnancy. So HBP is definitely controllable during pregnancy. Also, the hbp is not a definite for preeclampsia. Just see your regular doctor during your pregnancy for your hbp. OBs are not great for monitoring hbp.


I would love to have another one or three. I am 42 and my fertility has slowed down. But I am not giving up until I hit menopause.





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I had Miss Bossy when I was 40, and it was the easiest pregnancy I've ever had. She is 8 years younger than Miss Beautiful, and yet they are inseparable.


This last baby wasn't exactly planned. We were open to another baby, but didn't really expect one due to my age, and history of repeated miscarriages.


I'm 43, and 36 weeks pregnant. I have been a little more sick. I have had to rest more, but I think I'm going to survive. I have to believe that we would not be having this baby if she did not have an important purpose in our lives.


Dh sarcastically said, "Yeah, we had way too much free time before." I know he was teasing.


I'm praying that you have an easy pregnancy, and that this baby is the biggest blessing in your life to date!

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