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Rosetta Stone for Latin?


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I've got Rosetta Stone Latin. I really love the Rosetta Stone program, but not for Latin. Because Latin is a dead language, and you're not trying to become fluent in speaking it, the format of Rosetta Stone just doesn't do it justice. I've had my ds9 doing it for awhile, but he's missing the benefits of the logic of the language. He enjoys it because there is no writing, though.

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I have tried Rosetta Stone Latin and would not recommend it. I think it is important to get a feel for grammar since that is one of the greatest advantages of Latin. It helps you to master English grammar and words:)



I would consider it for modern languages but there are many other things that are just as good and are cheaper or free.

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I think it's been great for my six-year-old who will start a grammar-based Latin in a year or two. The language skills a kid learns doing RS Latin will be different from what they pick up in any other Latin class (except maybe Ørberg), so I'm determined to include it in the K-12 Latin plan for each of my kids. Because of the auditory format, it's a helpful way to get over the hump of trying to consistently internally hear a language that no one you know speaks. (And unless you hear words the same way each time you see them, you're gonna get really confused.) It's also a good enough stopgap program if your kid needs to be more independent in Latin for just a year. RS Latin isn't going to work as your only Latin course ever, and I don't think I'd use it in high school except as a supplement.

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Anyone tried Rosetta Stone for Latin? We have been using it for Spanish and like it. We are currently using Latin Expressions for Latin, but feel that we need a little more. Also, something not so hands on for me :)


Any suggestions?


If you want an immersion Latin experience (Latin can be learned fluently) a better choice would be "Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata" by Hans Oerberg. It's also less expensive. It comes in either book form or CD or online from Pullins.

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I had RS Latin years ago. Latin just really isn't an immersion language (unless you are an Other.) We returned it.


I almost just spewed my lunch on my computer. I'm going through LOST withdrawal I think. E tu, Benjamin Linus?


If you want an immersion Latin experience (Latin can be learned fluently) a better choice would be "Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata" by Hans Oerberg. It's also less expensive. It comes in either book form or CD or online from Pullins.


I've had minimal Latin (ds and I are in our 2nd year) and I really enjoy this book. I highly recommend the CD. Spoken Latin is very beautiful.

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We are using it (my kids love it - probably because it is the closest thing to a video game...). We did Prima Latina last year, and it was like pulling teeth. So, this year we are doing Great Latin Adventure and then Rosetta Stone on the side **for fun**. I feel like it they are picking up the grammar in GLA, and Rosetta Stone is giving them a place to learn more vocabulary (which, for some reason, is really important to them - they want to *speak it* not just learn it on paper...). Now that we have been using the two together for a while, I can see the grammar spilling over to the Rosetta Stone (we are using Version 3). They were having trouble with the writing and grammar portions, but now those areas are getting smoothed out...so it tells me that it is all sinking in somehow :001_smile:. I hope that my ramblings are making sense.


I will say that the only reason we are even using RS for Latin at all is because we managed to acquire it for free....otherwise, I would not be using it because of the cost. But I also think that my kids would not be enjoying Latin as much.

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We are using Rosetta Stone as a fill-in resource for dd6. She finished Song School Latin last spring, but I'd like her reading to develop a bit more before we launch into Lively Latin. In the meantime, RS is reinforcing the vocabulary she learned, and we're all finding the pronunciation helpful. But no, I wouldn't use it as a long-term stand alone resource.

Edited by Saille
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