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Freshly milled grain to lower bad cholesterol level

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If I use freshly milled grain to make my bread products instead of store-bought bread products, will that help lower my husband's cholesterol level. He went to the doctor on Monday and found out he has a very high cholesterol level (he's out getting the report now so I don't know the actual numbers). I don't have a grain mill, but a friend of mine bought me a 50 lb. bag of wheat yesterday (she has a mill and has offered to grind it for me as needed) and I was just wondering if using freshly ground grain will have a significant positive impact on his cholesterol levels. Anyone have any experience with this?

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  • 3 months later...

Eating oatmeal and cutting out other white flour products will help as well.


I have genetic high cholesterol and "smart" carb (i.e. mostly vegetables, fruits, meats, and limited whole grains) helped for awhile, but eventually I had to go on medication.

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ok, I do not sell this so I am not marketing or selling on this board. 4 or so years ago my dh's triglierides (I sooo misspelled that) were 578. Too high to count his choresterol. My friend in Fla. sells stuff from Market America. She sent him "Lipitrim". and something called OPC-3.


My dh's doctor wanted to put him on Lipitor but my Grandmother in law had been on it for a year and she turned yellow and died within a year of being on it. But of course it has "nothing to do with the Lipitor" Yeah Right.

anyway within six weeks of the Lipitrim (all natural herbs) and OPC-3 and switching from sweet tea (we are in Savannah) daily and adding a salad every few days with a low fat dressing, his numbers went to 109. that is not a typo. His total choresterol was 189. I am a believer.


It is called Lipitrim and OPC-3. We both still take the OPC-3 everyday as it is a blood cleanser.


Just a thought.

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ok, I do not sell this so I am not marketing or selling on this board. 4 or so years ago my dh's triglierides (I sooo misspelled that) were 578. Too high to count his choresterol. My friend in Fla. sells stuff from Market America. She sent him "Lipitrim". and something called OPC-3.


My dh's doctor wanted to put him on Lipitor but my Grandmother in law had been on it for a year and she turned yellow and died within a year of being on it. But of course it has "nothing to do with the Lipitor" Yeah Right.

anyway within six weeks of the Lipitrim (all natural herbs) and OPC-3 and switching from sweet tea (we are in Savannah) daily and adding a salad every few days with a low fat dressing, his numbers went to 109. that is not a typo. His total choresterol was 189. I am a believer.


It is called Lipitrim and OPC-3. We both still take the OPC-3 everyday as it is a blood cleanser.


Just a thought.


Thanks, I'll check into those.:)

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Four years ago my total cholesterol was 240. The doctor told me I needed to lose 30 pounds, get more exercise, and clean up my diet. She wanted me to come back in 6 months to recheck my cholesterol. It was actually 4 years before I went back.


I have lost 25 of the 30 pounds she told me to lose. I do get a lot more exercise now (45-60 minutes of strength-training followed by 45 minutes of walking at 4mph on the treadmill, 4x/week). I cleaned up my diet a lot, although I don't like veggies much, so I don't have them on a regular basis. I do have a fruit smoothie every night and add 1 tbs of metamucil to it.


My bloodwork came back last week. My total cholesterol is just 181 now. The doctor wants me to take niacin because my lp(a) (inherited) was high. She also wants me to take fish oil because my HDL was borderline at 39.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have diagnosed heart disease and have had a heart attack, stent, quad bypass and 99% blockage in both carotids roto rooted and a stroke following that. I had all these things over the last 6 1/2 years. My cholesterol at it's highest was only 225. I was prescribed a statin drug following the HA 6.5 years ago but couldn't take it because of the severe muscles aches and pains. I acquired a grain mill not long after the HA and began milling whole grains and baking my own bread, muffin, tortilla, etc. 2.5 years ago I had to have quad bypass for unstable angina. My cholesterol was around 200 and my triglycerides were normal. My cardiologist was the one who put me on the statin & took me off after the reaction and has now put me on niacin and fish oil for the last 2.5 years. I also took fish oil prior to the quad bypass. I have heart disease in my family and can't seem to trump that with any healthy eating, exercise or the 7 prescription meds I have taken for the last 6.5 years. I do believe the whole grain bread products in moderation have helped my triglycerides and lowered my cholesterol to the 200 range. I also take aspirin and walk on the treadmill 3-4 times a week for at least 30 minutes. I am currently taking diatomaceous earth tauted as a natural way to lower cholesterol but haven't had a blood test since I started taking it in October. I will have checkup next month and get back with you. There are no clincal studies on the diatomaceous earth just anecdotal articles. Check it out for yourself. I will certainly also check out the two supplements mentioned above. I will say I had a very stressful occupation as a principal that greatly contributed to my health issues 6.5 years ago so get the stress out along with lowering the cholesterol. I also try to follow a low fat diet and eat more fish and chicken than beef. I haven't eaten pork of any variety in more than 20 years but it hasn't really showed in my cholesterol or arteries. Go figure! Hope this didn't discourage you. My cardiologist did say I could try red rice yeast but I haven't tried that yet. I know vegatarian diet is probably the best but I was raised on a beef cattle farm and I think meat eating is genetic for me. Oh well, I will keep on trying to elimate the processed foods and get more exercise and relax more. Good luck on lowering the cholesterol with grain. I wish I was a better testimony. I love the mill and baking and eating but had to moderate the bread eating after the bypass and stroke.

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I have not heard of wheat, but you ask you doctor about Metamucil and fish oil. They may be helpful. If these do not help, I would not hesitate to take something like Lipitor or Zocar which have long proven track records and can be life savers. I take zocar (simvastatin) and my dad takes Lipitor which I truly believe has saved his life.

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