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for all you Christian hypochondriacs.....

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I feel for you! I used to lay awake at night worrying about finances, my health, my kids health, my dh's health, you name it, I worried about it. It's really awful to be enslaved in fearful thoughts!


Can I recommend the Bondage Breaker? This is a WONDERFUL bible study and it is what helped me not to allow my thoughts to control me. I used to run through scenarios in my head over and over, be easily offended and hurt, etc. But this bible study REALLY helped me. I learned to take EVERY thought captive and turn it into prayer. And I'm SO GLAD to be FREE! Not that I never worry, but I've come SUCH a LONG WAY and I'd really like everyone to experience the freedom I have. The Bondage Breaker and the Boundaries bible study were both life changing for me.

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THANK YOU!!!!!! Being a hypochodriac and a Christian is hard! I WANT to believe and trust, but it's just SO hard!!! I'm looking it up now!


I *SO* get it. That's why I posted, because I really would love for more to experience the freedom that I have. What used to consume me the most was my fear of losing one of my kids to sickness. I'd go check on my newborns constantly and too many times awoke them to make sure they were still breathing. Poor babies!

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I *SO* get it. That's why I posted, because I really would love for more to experience the freedom that I have. What used to consume me the most was my fear of losing one of my kids to sickness. I'd go check on my newborns constantly and too many times awoke them to make sure they were still breathing. Poor babies!


Oh yea. Been there. Done that. I ordered the book. My library didn't have it. But, it was only $0.50 on Amazon!!!! Thank you!

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Oh yea. Been there. Done that. I ordered the book. My library didn't have it. But, it was only $0.50 on Amazon!!!! Thank you!


AWESOME price! Please post here on your progress or PM me. I know this book really spoke to me powerfully and I hope it will help you! I'm saying a prayer!

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AWESOME price! Please post here on your progress or PM me. I know this book really spoke to me powerfully and I hope it will help you! I'm saying a prayer!


THANK YOU!!!! Really, I could use it. I need to see my doctor and ask about options at this point. But, then I go through a really good, easy period and all seems good. And, then the next "scare" happens. I'll definately let you know. . . .

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THANK YOU!!!! Really, I could use it. I need to see my doctor and ask about options at this point. But, then I go through a really good, easy period and all seems good. And, then the next "scare" happens. I'll definately let you know. . . .


Unfortunately, that is the cycle for us HA sufferers. We are all good until the next scare. Honestly, when I am having a good period, I forget how devastating the "scare" can be. It takes over my entire life.

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You guys totally described just how I am. I'm all good and fine till a "scare" comes along and then I'll be freaked for weeks/months. The worst I ever have been was about 2 years ago. I never want to go through that again. And the thing is, I'm so good about hiding how freaked I am. No one knows but me, and it runs through my head constantly. I'm going to look this book up on Amazon right now. I'm going through a "good" period right now, so this would be a great time to read through the book.

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Unfortunately, that is the cycle for us HA sufferers. We are all good until the next scare. Honestly, when I am having a good period, I forget how devastating the "scare" can be. It takes over my entire life.







It is debilitating.

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I should read this book . Unfortunately the things that I worry will happen... really do happen to me. My husband really did leave me. I really did end up having an abnormal pap with precancerous cells I have to watch. For years I had recurring dreams about losing my teeth. No matter what I have done I still ended up with periodontal issues. The things I have anxiety about seem to really happen to me. So that only makes it worse. I want to believe that I'm just anxious over nothing but when these things actually do happen to me it makes me wonder if there is some black cloud following me.

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I just stumbled upon this thread while searching for help on the internet and I'm so overwhelmed with emotion right now. All the things that have been said in this thread could be describing me. I'm a Christian and a severe hypochondriac and I always feel so alone. No one I know understands what it's like to deal with this constant anxiety about my health or the health of my loved ones . . . I sometimes feel paralyzed with fear. I need to check out this book - I'll try anything!! I'm so tired of being afraid, and the fear is just compounded by the guilt I have for not having enough faith in God. So glad to know I'm not alone with these thoughts . . .

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After reading this thread, I decided to look the book up. About three years ago, my Dh started having anxiety attacks out of the blue. He will go weeks where they are quite managable, and then he will have weeks where he worries about every little senstation in his body.


I have question about this book...it seems that it is very heavy on addictions, demon possesion ect. I don't feel like he needs things like that...however he *does need something that can help him control his thoughts when his mind is telling him that his heartburn is really a heart attack!


Will this book help with that...and is it easy to wade through the rest of it? I am nervous about him latching on to something else he percieves as being wrong with him...because he read it in a book that is supposed to help him. Does this make sense?


Thank You!


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