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Calling all Health Anxiety people..worried about "late period"

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Yes. I have health anxiety. So I apologize to all because I know I am in here asking so many questions. I tend to worry about health related issues especially when I know my body, and things are "off".


I started on Wellbutrin back in July and since then, I spotted during July and August. Saw the gyn, everything was normal, including pap.


Now, it is October. First day of LMP was 09/14. Went back to Dr's Thursday. Blood work showed negative for pregnancy, and U/S was normal other then she said my endometrial lining was thick and "looks like you are going to get a period".


Okay, I still haven't got my period.


I am so worried,, because I am like CLOCKWORK. I have never been late unless I have been pregnant.


And how is it that my endo lining is thickened, yet I don't have my period?


And what happens if and when I do get it? I don't want to be doubled over in cramps and bleeding for months at a time.


At what point should I call the Dr again if I don't get it? What will they do to get it going? Do they need to get it going?


Wondering(and he is to) that this is all due to this medication change(Effexor XR to Wellbutrin).


All he told me when I was there Thursday, that he would send me for U/S if it made me "feel better", so I did that. Preg test to rule that out. The office called and said it was negative. He just said to give it a week and I could always come back in for another blood test to rule out preg.


But that's it. He didn't say, well we will do this in a month if it doesn't come, or send you for more blood work to test for hormones or thyroid isssues.


I don't know what to do here.


So I guess I am asking, should I be worried, and what do I do next?

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I'd give it another week. Cycles change. My cycle has been crazy lately. I never used to spot....now I start spotting before I get my period. My period usually lasts about 4-5 days. Last month it lasted two days! Sometimes I'm late (used to be pretty regular)....sometimes it is weeks late. I used to never have any kind of period related feeling bad. Now my stomach hurts leading up to my period, I get headaches sometimes. I've asked my doctor many times and she says that a women's cycle changes sometimes. If a week goes by and still no period, I'd call back and ask about it.

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I have OCD and my manifestation of it is severe, life altering hypochondria. I feel ya.


Yes, SSRIs can affect your cycle. They often do. The last time I took Lexapro, my cycles were crazy and I had mid-cycle spotting the entire time.


This is going to scare you because I just know the way we hypos think....but the next thing he will do is either a saline ultrasound (hystosonogram) or a biopsy. If he does the biopsy, it will likely be to ease your mind, not his. I had one done and it was nothing. I still had spotting and late cycles, but the biopsy was totally normal. He may also check your hormone levels and your thyroid with a blood test.


If he is like my doctor, he will tell you, in the end that "you are a woman. Sometimes cycles change and there is no rhyme or reason. Welcome to womanhood." LOL (I am 30 by the way)


This is a GOOD health anxiety forum....you may want to check it out. It is amazing how often I see the same stuff I worry about posted there by someone else. And those folks really understand us "over the top" health worriers.

Edited by Tree House Academy
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I have had anxiety all my life, and I have never missed a period, unless I was pregnant.


Hmmm, I hear the biopsy thing is not to bad, but that saline U/S doesn't sound very pleasant.


Hyperplasia? I don't know about that.


He has not called me about my U/S readings yet, I am only going on what tech told me, and she has been doing this for a long time.


Yes, I am a Hypo/OCD. So both the word biopsy and saline U/s scare the you knows what's out of me.


Not so much the procedure, but the WAITING of test results. OH, and I am TOTALLY petrified of surgery and having to be put out. NO THANKS. Keep me awake if you can.


Thanks ladies.

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I had the same thing happen to me last year (late period, negative pregnancy test, thickened lining on ultrasound), and I ended up being pregnant (and later miscarrying). Did they do a qualitative or a quantitative pregnancy test? Depending on the lab standards, a qualitative one (yes/no) test may not be any more accurate than a HPT.


BTW, anxiety can't keep you from getting your period. Anxiety can delay ovulation, but once you've ovulated, it won't delay the amount of time it takes your period to start.

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I mean this with much compassion, so please don't take it as snark. OKay?


Have you considered speaking with a therapist about your anxiety? I think that this is your 4th thread about the late period in about a week, right? It appears as if the anxiety is more troubling than the missed period. Just a thought....


In one of your other threads I mentioned the possiblity of peri-menopause. I know that you said that your Dr doesn't think you are peri-menopausal, but it IS a very real possiblity. I have missed periods here and there. I believe that it is a normal variation.I'm not much younger than you and I assume that I will start skipping periods here and there as menopause approaches. Do you know when your mother started menopause?


Please consider speaking with someone about this. It seems like it is driving you crazy not knowing. (not literally crazy, just....causing more anxiety)


If any of this came across as harsh I apologize. I just hate to see you in such distress about one missed period. :grouphug:

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This is a GOOD health anxiety forum....you may want to check it out. It is amazing how often I see the same stuff I worry about posted there by someone else. And those folks really understand us "over the top" health worriers.


OMG Rebecca, thanks for posting this link. I am now realizing how crazy I must sound to my dh sometimes. :blush: I could so fit right in with those people. I'm trying to decide if reading it will make me come up with more things that are wrong with me, or help me see how I'm making myself crazy worrying about such things.

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Yes, I am a Hypo/OCD. So both the word biopsy and saline U/s scare the you knows what's out of me.


Not so much the procedure, but the WAITING of test results. OH, and I am TOTALLY petrified of surgery and having to be put out. NO THANKS. Keep me awake if you can.


Thanks ladies.



Oh man, I get this!!!!!!!!!! I freak at the thought of having to have a biopsy or surgery. Having to be put out would put me over the edge!!


I really think this is a result of the medication. You know, look for horses if you hear horse feet. Stop looking for zebras!!! You've had nearly all the tests and all looks normal.


OMG Rebecca, thanks for posting this link. I am now realizing how crazy I must sound to my dh sometimes. :blush: I could so fit right in with those people. I'm trying to decide if reading it will make me come up with more things that are wrong with me, or help me see how I'm making myself crazy worrying about such things.


Yea. When I read about things, I get them. I've stopped reading about health-related issues. I try not to read posts about health on here because, seriously - the next day - I GET whatever they were talking about. :grouphug:

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I mean this with much compassion, so please don't take it as snark. OKay?


Have you considered speaking with a therapist about your anxiety? I think that this is your 4th thread about the late period in about a week, right? It appears as if the anxiety is more troubling than the missed period. Just a thought....



None taken. I am in therapy. I have been for 2 years. I also take an anxiety medication on a daily basis.


In one of your other threads I mentioned the possiblity of peri-menopause. I know that you said that your Dr doesn't think you are peri-menopausal, but it IS a very real possiblity. I have missed periods here and there. I believe that it is a normal variation.I'm not much younger than you and I assume that I will start skipping periods here and there as menopause approaches. Do you know when your mother started menopause?




I am not sure as my mother is not capable of relaying information to me. She "says" 45. But my aunt, her sister, says 52.



Please consider speaking with someone about this. It seems like it is driving you crazy not knowing. (not literally crazy, just....causing more anxiety)


If any of this came across as harsh I apologize. I just hate to see you in such distress about one missed period. :grouphug:






Like I said, I am. It is really hard. I lost a twin baby at birth, and it was totally unexpected. It was right then and there that I realized that bad things DO happen to you, and I realized I was NOT immune from horrible things. Then when I turned 40, I totally had a meltdown because you start hearing about all these awful things you can get over the age of 40, and all these tests you should be getting{{sigh}}. It was really, really hard. Then after turning 40, I got a kidney stone, which was horrible. And after a CT Scan they found a mass on my kidney and I was convinced it was cancer. (Turned out to be an accessory spleen).Then shortly after I had the worse stomach pains for three months, and NOBODY could tell me what they were. They took over my life. I was finally diagnosed with IBS, and now I am on meds for that, so I am much better. So turning 40, and dealing with all of the above, I think kind of gave me a Post Traumatic Stress thing.


So although I WANT to believe that this could just be related to the med change, or peri-menopause. I can't. Because right now, I have no difinitive answers. And until I do, I will drive myself crazy. And when thingns do not make sense to me, I tend to ask question. IE: Why is my endo lining thickened, yet no period? To me, that does not sound like Peri-menopause, unless I didn't ovulate? I have learned though, that when I do get a diganosis, is to ACCEPT the diagnosis. At one time, I would go from Dr. to Dr. because I didn't believe them. Now, when a Dr difinitively gives me a diagnosis, I have to believe it. Except, if the problem still continues and it has not changed with the medical advice, then that is a different story.


To the other PP. I am not sure which kind of blood test they did. But I took another home preg test again today, and it is negative.


:grouphug:for putting up with me:001_smile:

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None taken. I am in therapy. I have been for 2 years. I also take an anxiety medication on a daily basis.




I am not sure as my mother is not capable of relaying information to me. She "says" 45. But my aunt, her sister, says 52.






Like I said, I am. It is really hard. I lost a twin baby at birth, and it was totally unexpected. It was right then and there that I realized that bad things DO happen to you, and I realized I was NOT immune from horrible things. Then when I turned 40, I totally had a meltdown because you start hearing about all these awful things you can get over the age of 40, and all these tests you should be getting{{sigh}}. It was really, really hard. Then after turning 40, I got a kidney stone, which was horrible. And after a CT Scan they found a mass on my kidney and I was convinced it was cancer. (Turned out to be an accessory spleen).Then shortly after I had the worse stomach pains for three months, and NOBODY could tell me what they were. They took over my life. I was finally diagnosed with IBS, and now I am on meds for that, so I am much better. So turning 40, and dealing with all of the above, I think kind of gave me a Post Traumatic Stress thing.


So although I WANT to believe that this could just be related to the med change, or peri-menopause. I can't. Because right now, I have no difinitive answers. And until I do, I will drive myself crazy. And when thingns do not make sense to me, I tend to ask question. IE: Why is my endo lining thickened, yet no period? To me, that does not sound like Peri-menopause, unless I didn't ovulate? I have learned though, that when I do get a diganosis, is to ACCEPT the diagnosis. At one time, I would go from Dr. to Dr. because I didn't believe them. Now, when a Dr difinitively gives me a diagnosis, I have to believe it. Except, if the problem still continues and it has not changed with the medical advice, then that is a different story.


To the other PP. I am not sure which kind of blood test they did. But I took another home preg test again today, and it is negative.


:grouphug:for putting up with me:001_smile:




You've been through a lot. I'm so sorry.

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LOL - I just saw your post on the board I linked...and you are already a member. haha! It is a good board, though.


Yeah, there was ONE time I worried about something after I read about it on there. However, yeah, like the Krista said, it really makes me understand how over the top and nutty I sound to others. It is hard for me, as a hypochondriac, to listen to other hypos because I do see the disjoint in their thinking. I just wish to God I could see the disjoint in my own thinking!

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LOL - I just saw your post on the board I linked...and you are already a member. haha! It is a good board, though.


Yeah, there was ONE time I worried about something after I read about it on there. However, yeah, like the Krista said, it really makes me understand how over the top and nutty I sound to others. It is hard for me, as a hypochondriac, to listen to other hypos because I do see the disjoint in their thinking. I just wish to God I could see the disjoint in my own thinking!


Tree...LOL....Yes I actually found that site by accident a while back. You know, reading some of the other stories does put things in perspective for you. Like you read some of the concerns and in "our" mind, we are like "Okay, so what is the big issue here".....BUT, when the tables are turned we cannot see the same illogical statements that we make ourselves.


I guess because it is easy for us to say "Oh it is no big deal" because it isn't US who is dealing with it.


When HA people have an issue, it is HUGE, and we want people to tell us it is going to be fine, even though somewhere(I don't know where) we know it will be fine.


I know I have a lack of trust in our medical care system.(Not that I am for socialized medicine at all). But everybody today is a "specialist". So I feel like there is way to many hands in the pot. And Dr's do not communicate with each other.


Because of this, we are hopping from Dr to Dr for every different ailment. GYN's, GI Dr's. Cardiologists, Psych, Endo's, Ortho's, Urologists, Optometrists, ENT's....etc.


Back in the old days you had ONE Dr.


And trying to get an APPT???? Forget it. You could be on death's door and they could care less. Their answer is to go to the ER.


Then the ER says, see your Primary Care Dr, then your PC Dr send you to a specialist and the cycle starts all over again{{sigh}}.


Oh wait. Then I love the test results "game". You get bloodwork. Supposed to take 2 days. A week later, you have no results because nobody excpet the Dr can tell you, or hopefully they give you an appt to discuss it but then it could all be fine, so you are sitting in a waiting room for 2 hours because your Dr was overbooked or out on an emergency, for you to go in and sit on some crinkled paper and then the Doc comes in and says "eveything is fine, here is a copy, see ya in a year"...WHAT?????


Oh boy, don't even get me going. This is why, when I have a problem, I get nervous because I know that it could be a simple thing, but it takes months to figure out what it is.


It sure would be nice, to walk into your Dr's office, tell them the problem, they give you the necessary tests, get the results, and fix the problem. All in the SAME day!!Either meds, or whatever. Or even schedule a surgical procedure for the next day. Geesh. By the time you see the Dr, get tests, get results it is like 3 months!!!


Okay, rant over. Sorry.

Edited by dancer67
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Knowing when you ovulated is the key to knowing if your period is truly late. Did the u/s tech mention a corpus luteum? That is the completely normal cyst that is left over after an ovulation. If there was no corpus luteum noted, you may not yet have ovulated. A thickened lining may suggest that you have ovulated, however, so I bet your period will be coming along soon.


Delayed ovulation is the most common cause of a late period, aside from pregnancy. You can't have a period until you've gone through the luteal (post-ovulatory) phase of your cycle, which is typically between 10 and 16 days long. Your luteal phase should be pretty consistent from cycle to cycle, until you begin perimenopause. Mine is always 12-14 days.


Delayed ovulation is not uncommon, and it can be caused by sickness, stress, perimenopause, etc. This is a great reproductive strategy! Think about it: your body knows that if you are stressed or sick, it might not be the best time to procreate. So you hold off on ovulating until things are a bit better. Think back a couple of weeks. How were you doing then? Or if approaching perimenopause or returning to fertility after pregnancy/weaning, you've got follicles developing, but your body decides that the follicle quality isn't quite up to par. So your body decides to scrap those follies and wait for some new ones to develop. (The only delayed ovulations I've ever noticed were just after an airplane trip that moved me 3 time zones, and during my return to fertility after having my second child.)


I'm lucky because ovulation is fairly obvious for me, but I'm betting that if you start looking for symptoms, you'll notice likely signs of ovulation in future cycles. I often have mid-cycle ovulatory pain, and I notice a significant increase in cervical fluid. My desire for (ahem) 'tea' increases just before ovulation. A few days after ovulation I start to notice breast tenderness. I used to chart basal body temperature (waking temperature), and that would also clearly show ovulation. Based on my symptoms, I note my suspected ovulation date on a calendar, and that gives me a ballpark range of when to expect my period.


I hope it comes soon, but try not to worry, especially if you have no idea whether you've ovulated or not. :grouphug:

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I agree about knowing when you ovulate. When I conceive My oldest, I didn't ovulate until day 30 of that cycle. Knowing that was crucial to dating the pregnancy.


With this last baby, I kept thinking, "I'm not pregnant, I'm just 43. Late periods are going to become a fact of life."


Then I remembered that I had ovulated on day 15 right on schedule, so I knew it wasn't just a late period.

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Knowing when you ovulated is the key to knowing if your period is truly late. Did the u/s tech mention a corpus luteum? That is the completely normal cyst that is left over after an ovulation. If there was no corpus luteum noted, you may not yet have ovulated. A thickened lining may suggest that you have ovulated, however, so I bet your period will be coming along soon.





Well, because my periods always came on time, I usually would have ovulated on day 8-14. But they have shortened from 28 days to 23-25 days apart for the past few years I "think", so I would have no idea, and I never really paid attention.


No, the U/S tech saind nothing about a corpus luteum. I asked if my Endo lining was thick, and she said yes "Like you are going to have a period".


It is possible though, to have a thickened endo lining, without having ovulated though, correct? Because without ovulation, your levels do not drop, therefore that lining does not shed. Correct?


Boy this is a lesson in BIO 101.


Now, my Dr. would be able to tell all this and if he sees that I did not ovulate, that could be an issue?


Or how would he know if it isn't Hyperplasia? He can't without a biopsy right?


I think I am a little confused on this Hyerplasia issue. Every woman has a thickend Endo lining prior to their periods, doesn't mean they have Hyperplasia. But if you do not get your period, it is probably a good indication that you might have it?

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Tree...LOL....Yes I actually found that site by accident a while back. You know, reading some of the other stories does put things in perspective for you. Like you read some of the concerns and in "our" mind, we are like "Okay, so what is the big issue here".....BUT, when the tables are turned we cannot see the same illogical statements that we make ourselves.


I guess because it is easy for us to say "Oh it is no big deal" because it isn't US who is dealing with it.


When HA people have an issue, it is HUGE, and we want people to tell us it is going to be fine, even though somewhere(I don't know where) we know it will be fine.




I think you are right...we do know it will be fine. However, we also slip into thinking..."well, it was fine all those other times, BUT something is bound to happen eventually." And the cycle repeats.


For me, when people post about heart worries at 22, I think, "Okkkaaay...." LOL But then, my swine flu thread over there has two pages and keeps going. Oh...and you let more than one of us get all freaky about the same thing and wow! LOL


The best one EVER was a girl saying her hair hurt and asking if she could have hair cancer. There was another woman who was a nurse and she would put herself through these crazy exercises to "test" herself for ALS. I mean, some of the things she did were things I couldn't even do without "weakness" or whatever. She was saying, "Okay, when I stand on my toes on one leg and close my eyes and lean to the left with my right hand on my right hip and my tongue sticking out to the left side, I feel a little unbalanced. Do you think I have ALS?" I had a hard time answering her posts.

Edited by Tree House Academy
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It is possible though, to have a thickened endo lining, without having ovulated though, correct? Because without ovulation, your levels do not drop, therefore that lining does not shed. Correct?

Yes, the lining will thicken even without ovulation.


However, even if ovulation doesn't occur, a woman may eventually have breakthrough bleeding, which can range from spotting to actual flow. This happens when the pre-ovulatory lining gets too thick to support itself. But this isn't a real period, because it wasn't preceded by ovulation and the accompanying hormonal shifts.

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Yes, the lining will thicken even without ovulation.


However, even if ovulation doesn't occur, a woman may eventually have breakthrough bleeding, which can range from spotting to actual flow. This happens when the pre-ovulatory lining gets too thick to support itself. But this isn't a real period, because it wasn't preceded by ovulation and the accompanying hormonal shifts



So, I would basically have to know my own body to know if it is a "real" period or not.


If the same thing happened the following month and thereafter, I would have to attribute this to possibly perimenopause, and/or the medication switch.


I cannot WAIT to get off this Wellbutrin. This way I will know for sure what the heck is going on. It is going to take a few weeks to get off of it, and who knows how long to get it out of my system.


I have looked up symptoms of hyperplasia, and I do not have any of them. I have never had heavy periods, prolonged periods. Only since July when I did the med switch, I had spotting prior to my period, then period came on time and was normal.


Now, nothing.


I am just so afraid now of that hyperplasia thing. Or anything that may possibly lead to surgery.


You know what is funny, is that not to long ago a friend of mine, who is my age, had a complete hysterectomy. And I had said to my husband that I was so lucky, because I have never, ever had any women problems. Ever. And nobody in my family has either. No fibroids, no cysts. Nothing. I spoke to soon.


Sometimes it really sucks being a woman.

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The best one EVER was a girl saying her hair hurt and asking if she could have hair cancer. There was another woman who was a nurse and she would put herself through these crazy exercises to "test" herself for ALS. I mean, some of the things she did were things I couldn't even do without "weakness" or whatever. She was saying, "Okay, when I stand on my toes on one leg and close my eyes and lean to the left with my right hand on my right hip and my tongue sticking out to the left side, I feel a little unbalanced. Do you think I have ALS?" I had a hard time answering her posts.


Okay, HAIR CANCER?? ummm, I am quite speechless on that one. I have noticed that many of us with HA worry about ALS and MS.


I wonder why?


My big fear is getting cancer and being told I am dying. Getting told I need major surgery and being put out. And something happening to my husband and kids.


I really wish I knew a way to get this under control, so it would stop controlling "me".


I am SO glad I am not alone in this. Seriously, I thought I was the only one.:confused:

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