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I'm SOOOO frustrated and I've been in tears for 1.5 hours . . .

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I am signed up to run the Detroit Marathon Relay on Sunday. The race is an international (and underwater - we go through the tunnel!) race and the people who run into Canada need to have proper documentation. Our team has five people on it. I sent out the information to the team as it came available.


TODAY, I hear from one of our members who has the leg that goes from Canada to Detroit. She does NOT have the proper documentation. The last day to make changes to our team was October 5. I've spent the last 1.5 hours making phone calls to see if we can't somehow make this work.


Best case scenario: I switch with the ditzy member of our team at the Expo tonight.


Worst case scenario: We are disqualified.


I am in knots over this!!!! We all worked SO hard. The other three members of our team have no idea about this. I was going to wait until I know something to tell them. So, please pray that this works out! I'm leaving now!!

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Jen, will it be on the local news? Will I be able to see you?! I hope it all works out. :grouphug: (You know, sometimes Deena from Fox 2 news does stuff like that, so I thought I'd ask if the news was covering it...)

Edited by bethanyniez
wrong station!
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IT WORKED OUT!!!!!! WOOHOO!!! I'm SO excited!


I don't know what happened, but when I got to the Expo, they had us listed in the order that worked for us. I had my passport, so we're good to go!!! I think we ended up signing up for the same leg and they just assigned us other legs. Thank GOD!!!!!


Bethany - I'm sure it'll be ALL over the news on Sunday. I remember last year I saw it a number of times. I don't know that I'll actually be on the news as my leg of the relay starts in Canada and ends in the US (I'm running through the tunnel! ACK!). I'll wave to the camera if I see one though!!!

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IT WORKED OUT!!!!!! WOOHOO!!! I'm SO excited!


I don't know what happened, but when I got to the Expo, they had us listed in the order that worked for us. I had my passport, so we're good to go!!! I think we ended up signing up for the same leg and they just assigned us other legs. Thank GOD!!!!!


Bethany - I'm sure it'll be ALL over the news on Sunday. I remember last year I saw it a number of times. I don't know that I'll actually be on the news as my leg of the relay starts in Canada and ends in the US (I'm running through the tunnel! ACK!). I'll wave to the camera if I see one though!!!



I'm SO glad it worked out Jennifer! Can't wait to hear all about it!! YAY!!

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