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How do you combine FLL and WWE?


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It's pretty self explanatory, you'll see if you get the books :) They both cover the same things at the same time. For FLL you learn it (particular part of speech, for instance) and WWE you use it for the dictation/copywork exercises.


Lol... it's so easy that... I can't think of how to explain it :lol:

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I do FLL 2 times a week and WWE 4 times a week. I don't do any of the copywork or narrations in FLL. Some weeks I will combine the first two days of WWE into one day, so one narration and one page of copywork on the first day, copywork only on the second day, narration with copywork on the third day. If you did that you could do WWE on M/W/F and FLL on T/Th. :001_smile:


It takes us about 5-10 minutes to do FLL and 5-15 to do WWE, depending on the assignment.

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We are in FLL2 (at the beginning, just finished FLL1) and WWE1 (2/3 of the way through, going at double pace right now). I do not do the copywork in FLL at all, since we get it every day with WWE and some days with history as well. We double up on some repetitive lessons in FLL, and skip some of the narrations. (I skipped them all in FLL1, but I think we may do some in FLL2 because she likes them.)


I am not sure if we will use FLL3 and FLL4. I think we will cover grammar enough with Latin, and then some informally in English.

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My 7 year old is in level 1 of both books. He does FLL 3 days a week, alternating with WWE the other 2 days. We double up on WWE lessons so he does 1 copywork and 1 narration on each WWE day. When narration comes up in FLL we generally do it, since that is an area ds is weak in and he needs all the practice he can get!

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I don't see any "combining" as necessary. Just do both programs. (To finish one level a year, you need to do WWE 4 days a week and FLL about 3 days a week.) I think the amount of writing in each is so small that *most* children should be able to handle both without any adjustments.

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We use both and treaty them as different subject. We double up on WWE1 four days/week and do several FLL daily. We're to lesson 80 in FFL and I've recently noticed that the subject matter in WWE is lining up with WWE nicely. I don't expect that to continue, but I found it interesting.



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