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Finished 2 full days with no Cymbalta


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Brain swishes, brain buzzes, electrical jolts in my brain, stomach cramps, sick to my stomach....oh and the all important sensation of feeling like my head was totally disconnected from my body for a few instants a couple of times.


None of the above was constant, and all were tolerable.


I may take half a capsule in the a.m. Depends on how I feel.


On the upside, I am happy as a chipmonk on speed. :D No depression.


Still can't sleep. :glare:

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Ah, yes anti-depressants. Whew! What a ride. :auto:

:lol: No thanks. But sometimes they are necessary.


I hope you feel better.




'Situationally necessary.' Such as when you find yourself in the situation of discovering your husband is a lying cheating no good dog and you can't sleep or eat or move really and your neighbor practically spoon feeds you to keep you alive for a few weeks.


I took the Cymbalta for 3 1/2 months. I'm good now.

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'Situationally necessary.' Such as when you find yourself in the situation of discovering your husband is a lying cheating no good dog and you can't sleep or eat or move really and your neighbor practically spoon feeds you to keep you alive for a few weeks.


I took the Cymbalta for 3 1/2 months. I'm good now.



:ack2: I understand. :thumbdown:


I'm so glad you are okay now.

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Brain swishes, brain buzzes, electrical jolts in my brain, stomach cramps, sick to my stomach....oh and the all important sensation of feeling like my head was totally disconnected from my body for a few instants a couple of times.


None of the above was constant, and all were tolerable.


I may take half a capsule in the a.m. Depends on how I feel.


On the upside, I am happy as a chipmonk on speed. :D No depression.


Still can't sleep. :glare:


Scarlett: I am happy you are getting through this and beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.


I want to be a chipmunk on speed!:tongue_smilie:

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So... does one quit cold turkey to achieve this effect? :D


:grouphug::grouphug: to you!


No. Apparently this is my natural personality that I had forgotten existed. I mean, hopefully, it will tone down a little once it has had time to express itself for a while, but basically just call me Alvie.

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Scarlett: I am happy you are getting through this and beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.


I want to be a chipmunk on speed!:tongue_smilie:


Thanks Mariann. I must say that some of my family has a shell shocked look as I speak to them. My mom has said a few times, 'wait. stop. you've just gone through 5 topics without taking a breath AND I WANT TO TALK TOO!!!'


My stbx told me 'you need help you are laughing too much lately.' I said, 'you may not like the real me but that doesn't make me crazy. I'm feeling more and more like my old self every day. And by old self, I mean the one I was before I met you.' That shut him up.

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My stbx told me 'you need help you are laughing too much lately.' I said, 'you may not like the real me but that doesn't make me crazy. I'm feeling more and more like my old self every day. And by old self, I mean the one I was before I met you.' That shut him up.


OMH, Scarlett! Those exact same words were said to me by the X -- with his voice dripping with scorn and derision. :lol::lol::lol: It was staring him right in the face that he had not crushed my spirit! Good for you!:D

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Hmmm ... I want what your on lol. I've been on generic prozac and it does give me a boost of energy. So much that I just can't sit still. My house has never looked more perfect IYKWIM. But I've never experienced what your experiencing.

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OMH, Scarlett! Those exact same words were said to me by the X -- with his voice dripping with scorn and derision. :lol::lol::lol: It was staring him right in the face that he had not crushed my spirit! Good for you!:D


:) Thanks. And yes on the voice dripping with scorn and derision. I said even more to him before I ended with what I posted above. I said, 'this is what you've done to me for 25 years. Shoving me down, making me feel like I'm stupid, telling me I'm 'too much' I need to be 'less', and I don't have to take it anymore. '


Ah Freedom.


And on the flip side when I would try to tone down my personality he would often say I looked like an unhappy bitter old woman. He has even said those words to me since we've been separated.

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Such as when you find yourself in the situation of discovering your husband is a lying cheating no good dog and you can't sleep or eat or move really and your neighbor practically spoon feeds you to keep you alive for a few weeks.
Wow. Could I borrow that neighbor? Glad you are feeling better. You are laughing etc. for 2 days now? (Since stopping the Cymbalta?)
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Wow. Could I borrow that neighbor? Glad you are feeling better. You are laughing etc. for 2 days now? (Since stopping the Cymbalta?)


Oh. No. I've been happy for about 3 months now. Ever since I received the Gift of Clarity and knew I would never take him back.


I think I've made a confusing mess of this thread.....The Cymbalta was given to me by doc at the worst point of all this. I thought, hey I will take it until the divorce is final. However, the divorce is dragging out and I clearly was feeling good overall about my life and feeling more like my old self, so I decided to get off it. I'm not laughing and happier in the last few days. I'm the same as far as happiness. My side effects of getting off it have been the brain swishes and stomach cramps.


I think a side effect--or perhaps the desired effect, but *I* didn't like it--of being ON the drug was I couldn't cry. Even when I found something sad, like a news story or a movie that normally would make me sad...I had no tears. I didn't like that. Not that I like going around crying, but I want my tears to come out when tears are there. This morning I read I sad story on CNN and I cried....


The other stuff about stbx's perception of me is long running and has much more to do with him shoving me down and changing my personality. I dont' have to be what he wants any more. I'm becoming the person I was before and that I'm meant to be.

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Hmmm ... I want what your on lol. I've been on generic prozac and it does give me a boost of energy. So much that I just can't sit still. My house has never looked more perfect IYKWIM. But I've never experienced what your experiencing.


What *I* am on is the sheer thrill of getting rid of my husband. Seriously. Beyond that it is just my personality. Happy. :tongue_smilie:

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The other stuff about stbx's perception of me is long running and has much more to do with him shoving me down and changing my personality. I dont' have to be what he wants any more. I'm becoming the person I was before and that I'm meant to be.
I know what you mean there! I recommend that you read "Relationship Rescue" for yourself. It will help you to get your self confidence up and showing, and help all of your relationships.


Be careful. I just read that article on depression that says people think they are better and get off of their meds too soon.... Be careful. :grouphug:

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I know what you mean there! I recommend that you read "Relationship Rescue" for yourself. It will help you to get your self confidence up and showing, and help all of your relationships.


Be careful. I just read that article on depression that says people think they are better and get off of their meds too soon.... Be careful. :grouphug:



Read it. Along with about 50 other self-help, couples help type books. (btw, I think it is a great book, but won't help your marriage if your husband is sleeping around). Oh and every article EVER published about how to improve/save your marriage.


I ran this by my doctor and he is fine with me weaning myself. He said if I experience too many brains swishes to break open capsule and take half a dose. I also have a close friend who is a pyschiatric nurse and he thinks I'm good to go cold turkey at this point....well, it wasn't totally cold turkey because I did every other day for a week.


I also have my mom on board to monitor my moods/reactions.....so I think I'm being careful.

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Read it. Along with about 50 other self-help, couples help type books. (btw, I think it is a great book, but won't help your marriage if your husband is sleeping around). Oh and every article EVER published about how to improve/save your marriage.


I ran this by my doctor and he is fine with me weaning myself. He said if I experience too many brains swishes to break open capsule and take half a dose. I also have a close friend who is a pyschiatric nurse and he thinks I'm good to go cold turkey at this point....well, it wasn't totally cold turkey because I did every other day for a week.


I also have my mom on board to monitor my moods/reactions.....so I think I'm being careful.

Sounds like you have things well in hand. It takes two to save a marriage. And one to improve her life!:grouphug:
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Sounds like you have things well in hand. It takes two to save a marriage. And one to improve her life!:grouphug:


Yep. Well improving my life without HIM. Certainly, not alone though. I am amazed at the support I've received. I will have a courtroom full of friends and family. If it gets that far. *I* wouldn't admit to adultery in open court if there was any way around it.

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:) Thanks. And yes on the voice dripping with scorn and derision. I said even more to him before I ended with what I posted above. I said, 'this is what you've done to me for 25 years. Shoving me down, making me feel like I'm stupid, telling me I'm 'too much' I need to be 'less', and I don't have to take it anymore. '


Ah Freedom.


And on the flip side when I would try to tone down my personality he would often say I looked like an unhappy bitter old woman. He has even said those words to me since we've been separated.


Yup - sounds like they are cut from the same cloth! It did not matter what I did - it was not EVER the right thing! I am so happy for you -- trust me, in a very short period of time, those 25 years will seem like a blip! G-d bless!

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Finishing up 3rd full day. Decided to go cold turkey.


Guess what I did this morning for the first time in 3 months? Cried. Yep. Real tears over a news clip on CNN.



I wasn't going to mention that because they tell you not to. This last time, I went cold turkey too...it sucked, but I pushed through and 2 MONTHS later, I finally felt like I was alive again.


Chipmunk on speed? :lol: Do you SING?:tongue_smilie:

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Chipmunk on speed? :lol: Do you SING?:tongue_smilie:


Not only do I sing, but I dance.


Stbx called the other morning (for a favor of course) around 10:30 I had the music up really loud dancing to this new song I heard called Say Hey (I love you). I saw it was him and considered turning the music down before I answered. Then I thought, 'heck no!' I answered the phone with the music blarring and he said, 'what are you doing?' I said, 'Dancing.'



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Not only do I sing, but I dance.


Stbx called the other morning (for a favor of course) around 10:30 I had the music up really loud dancing to this new song I heard called Say Hey (I love you). I saw it was him and considered turning the music down before I answered. Then I though, 'heck no!' I answered the phone with the music blarring and he said, 'what are you doing?' I said, 'Dancing.'




You are a much NICER person than me! I certainly would have answered his question, but not as courteously as you!:lol::lol:

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Thanks Mariann. I must say that some of my family has a shell shocked look as I speak to them. My mom has said a few times, 'wait. stop. you've just gone through 5 topics without taking a breath AND I WANT TO TALK TOO!!!'


My stbx told me 'you need help you are laughing too much lately.' I said, 'you may not like the real me but that doesn't make me crazy. I'm feeling more and more like my old self every day. And by old self, I mean the one I was before I met you.' That shut him up.



Yay feeling happy again!!!!


<gently> However, I think it would be good if you saw a doctor (preferably a psychiatrist) for a bit while you get off the cymbalta. I'm a little concerned by what you are describing, because it sounds an eensy bit like mania, which can be triggered by antidepressant use. It's probably nothing, but it is something to keep an eye on.

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Yay feeling happy again!!!!


<gently> However, I think it would be good if you saw a doctor (preferably a psychiatrist) for a bit while you get off the cymbalta. I'm a little concerned by what you are describing, because it sounds an eensy bit like mania, which can be triggered by antidepressant use. It's probably nothing, but it is something to keep an eye on.


Thank you. Just to clarify, I am not that way ALL the time. And my personality leans toward manic naturally.


Hmmm....now you are making me think I AM crazy. The words 'gently' and 'psychiatrist' jumped out at me.



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7:30 p.m. on day 4.


Wanted to report that my DREAMS are returning. I'm dreaming in overtime, part of the mania that is trying to restore my self to myself I guess.


I had not even realized that I had quit dreaming. I have great dreams though. Normally always have. My son used to wake up and say, 'mom what did you dream about last night?' And I could entertain him for 15 minutes just recounting my dreams.


I so wish I had not started on Cymbalta. I didn't go to the doctor looking for drugs. I went to be tested for STDs. They practically shoved Cymbalta into my hands. I'm wondering now if I really needed it. I had lost 20 pounds in 3 weeks when I went in and that concerned them....but I was also smack in the middle of the worst of it. Shrug. Oh well. 3 1/2 months out of my life. I guess I will be ok.

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Not only do I sing, but I dance.


Stbx called the other morning (for a favor of course) around 10:30 I had the music up really loud dancing to this new song I heard called Say Hey (I love you). I saw it was him and considered turning the music down before I answered. Then I thought, 'heck no!' I answered the phone with the music blarring and he said, 'what are you doing?' I said, 'Dancing.'






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