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Am I ruining her already? (DD7)


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Do you mean more age appropriate than the kit I recommended? Just ignore the age recommendation. Seven is close enough to eight, and I have used many of those same experiments with my ds (who was then five and even under), and they were perfectly age appropriate.

Um, nope, I do not like that Magic School Bus kit. Too expensive for what you actually receive. I am waiting for more responses too…maybe it’s too late to talk science kits. ?


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:lol:What? Doesn't everyone stay up until 3 AM to recommend science kits? Okay, okay... I am working on Julius Caesar, got to get that done instead of socializing. :D


3 am!!!!!!! oh wait, it is only 2 am here. Whew, that was close.


p.s I wish I cared more about science kits.

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3 am!!!!!!! oh wait, it is only 2 am here. Whew, that was close.


p.s I wish I cared more about science kits.

:lol: Thanks so much for your detailed response about studying for meetings. It was so helpful! I slept way too late this morning. The kids won't sleep without me. ;) So I am making up for it.
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((((((Carmen))))) You are facing a lot of major issues and you certainly do NOT need to add guilt to your list!! You are doing absolutely everything you need to do already! No need for burdening yourself!!:grouphug:


How your dd is performing currently vs at younger ages is not a product of what you have or haven't done. Kids develop differently. Some kids that start off advanced at young ages do continue to advance at that pace continuously. However, that is not the case with the majority. Most kids do level off. If I looked at my kids performance at the earliest ages, my 15 yod should be my most advanced student. (she talked in full paragraphs with a huge vocabulary at 16 mos, read early, etc) She is actually my most average student of all my kids. She is still bright......but very "on grade level" all around. My late blooming boys (some not reading until 3rd grade) have left her academically in the dust. It is not me. It is not anything other than simply who they are and how they developed.


Kids the ages of your dd don't need anything more than what you are describing academically. The basics are the only essentials. Just make sure that the rest of her day is filled with self-entertainment activities which are actively engaging her brain and not passive activities like TV. Playdough, dress-ups, puppets, arts/crafts, dolls, house.......simply playing! Entertaining themselves is a huge mental skill.


My read aloud time for my younger kids is bedtime. I read them a chapter a night at bedtime. Would that work for you? I vary the types of stories. Sometimes I just read them wonderful lit like The Little Princess or the Secret Garden. Other times I read more "learning" type books like Helen Keller or Mother Theresa. On nights that life is haywire......it just doesn't get done. No stress. No big deal. The nights that we do read.....it is snuggling and enjoyment.


Prayers for improved health and peace of mind. :grouphug:


This is very wise advice & very sweetly given.


Carmen, I hope your health struggles end. I can't imagine the pain you must struggle with. :grouphug:

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LoveMyKids, I am not mad at you. We're cool.


I don't think copywork is busywork. I think all the tracing worksheets I assigned were busywork. Copywork is great. I just heard something about writing with her finger in the air and sand and I thought the OPs daughter was not ready for it. If she is ready, then go for it.


You seem like a really cool person!


Plus I want to eat that baby up (the cutie pie in your avatar!)

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You seem like a really cool person!


Plus I want to eat that baby up (the cutie pie in your avatar!)



Oh My Goodness! What a compliment, and so funny because I pretend to eat my children regularly. That picture is of my daughter when she was only 10 months old. She was huge. She smelled so sweet. Aaah, she was delicious.

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