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what to get an 8 year old son for his bday

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He has everything from playmobile, lego's, scooters, balls, blocks, ds, Do I have to really get him something? We are having a big party with all his buddies at Jump Zone. Any ideas, suggestions anything, anyone, Please. TIA

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Well, no, you don't HAVE to buy him anything. :) Eventhough my boys have TONS of Playmobil, they play with it all the time, and there's always a set they don't have. I usually find that I want to buy them so much because the choices these days are so fabulous. I will say, though, that we haven't had any parties beyond pizza, cake, ice cream and grandparents over, so if I shelled out money on an expensive party, we would definitely cut back on actual "gifts."


I always find art supplies, craft things, audio books, pirate/knight costume - play things for their outdoor fort, science kits would be great, games, and the snap circuit sound great. Binoculars?

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Super Easy Origami and

Klutz Book of Paper Airplanes are hits with my ds8 & ds7.


They are always happy to get more Legos. What about a pair of roller blades & set of pads? My 2 oldest are having fun learning and, quite frankly, it's hysterical to watch them try to stay up :D. What about K'nex? They have kits now so you can connect them to Legos (we don't have a set of those, yet, though).

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We bought my son bedroom furniture this year! A new loft bed, storage for his overwhelming amount of legos, shelves, and one stuffed animal.


It wasn't intended to be the only gifts we bought, we were also going to buy him some toys, but as it turned out, he was *so* thrilled with his new room that he proclaimed it his "best birthday presents, ever." We gave him these things early, because at the time DH wasn't going to be here on the actual day (but will now, because he came home due to illness in the family).


I have a couple small things to give him on the actual day, but he was thrilled with the non-toy gifts...

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He is really into RC planes but this one is nice and small and not easily broken. I like the bi-plane ones better than the single wing because they are smaller and studier. They are for ages 8+ in fact DH has one also.


Sometimes you can get them from Toys Are Us, I got ds's from Amazon a few weeks ago when they had free shipping.


Of course these would not be good if you don't have some yard.

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How about a special outing with either just you or Dad? Depending on what his interests are and where you live...


Zoo, Sporting event, Movie, Play, Music Performance, Hiking, etc


We did this one year for all our nieces and nephews and they loved it. We did take each one to a book store also and let them pick out a book. (The boy, who I think was around 8 that year, chose comic books...but hey at that time I was just the fun auntie so it was ok with me. :))

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Neither of ours ever "needs" anything at birthday time, and it's hard to come up with something special enough not to get lost in the gift-giving mania. This is especially true for my daughter, since her birthday is in December, but my son's is in March and the holiday stuff is still pretty new by this time.


So, we always give them an "experience": tickets to a show, a trip to the indoor skydiving place, a special event at a theme park, etc. For my son's 8th, I think it was the indoor skydiving. For his 9th, we got him tickets to Pirates of Penzance (one of his favorite shows) and rented a convertible to take him to the show in style. This year (actually, this week!), for his 10th, my husband took him to see Blue Man Group, with seats in the "poncho section."


My daughter's 8th was Phantom of the Opera, I think. For her 9th, my husband arranged to take her supplied-air snorkeling in the big tanks at the Living Seas (Epcot).


Ours definitely look forward to these outings, and I like giving them memories much more than just another toy.



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