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Opinions on Writing Tales I & II??


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My only complaint is that there won't be a 3rd level. :( We're almost finished with WT2. I actually stretched it out over a longer period of time and did some other writing with my ds just so we could start WT3 up when she created it. I think she had to go back to a full-time job and wasn't able to go on to the next one. :(

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We also use R&S grammar. WT1 can be started in 3rd grade, and the child really doesn't need any writing before that point anyway. My future plan for my youngers is to probably do WT1 in 3rd, WT2 in 4th, then move on to IEW or something. I'm still not sure. We may use WS after that, but I just. don't. like. it. I wish I did.

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I used WT 1 last year when my ds was in 3rd grade...I liked everything (grammar, vocab, games, etc) except the actual writing part! I felt there was not enough instruction (for either of us!). And every re-write went like this: Once there was...and then...and then...and then... Definitely not beneficial to his writing abilities! We did finish the book but then I gave it away. This year I'm using IEW's All Things Fun and Fascinating with him. It's a much better fit for both of us.

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It was the first time she had writing instruction. Last year she was using Growing with Grammar and Editor in Chief. This year, we're using Editor in Chief 2/3 of the year and JAG the other third, as far as grammar.


We're also using IEW's Geography-Based Writing Lessons sporadically this year (substituting for history summaries the weeks we use it), and dd continually tells me that "This is soooo easy!"

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You're going to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Writing Tales!!!!!!!!!!!! It's totally simple to implement in a co-op setting and crazy fun. I had my students hand in their final drafts all typed and ready to go every other week, then I compiled and had them bound at the end of the year, making a nice keepsake.


Any specific questions?

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Lovedtodeath, the grammar in WT is enough that you can just add a light touch on the side and be fine. When we did WT2, I had them do an editing workbook as the class warm-up, and that was worthwhile too. Actually, we did editing 1st semester, Punctuation Puzzlers 2nd semester.


BTW, with a boy I would feel free to extract elements from IEW to make it fit them. You could develop checklists, start keyword outlines earlier (WT2 does them, but you could start in 1), focus on adverbs and verbs, motion and action, rather than description and feelings. Don't be afraid to tweak WT and make it work for you.


On the follow-up to WT, well Homer is fine. Someone on the boards is doing Homer re-using the WT2 models, and I think that's an EXCELLENT idea. I'm doing Paragraph Writing Made Easy right now, and it's good. I wanted to keep up with the WTM skills (outlining, beginning paragraphing, etc.) and run that parallel to our more progymnasta progression, so we're alternating approaches. (PWME for a while, then we'll go back to Homer.) About the 1st half of Homer A overlaps with WT2 heavily, so I would even consider doing a more traditional program for a year then going into CW Homer for Older Beginners, which compacts A and B, if your dc is of age for that. Lots of options!

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