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I'm torn about the H1N1 vac - what if....

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you had a son who had pneumnonia THREE times in NINE months LAST YEAR? Or what if you have a husband that gets asthma every winter after a cold, and is forced to be on inhalers?


I'm so torn and can't decide if it's more dangerous to vaccinate or more dangerous NOT to vaccinate.


I stocked up on Vit. D, probiotics, liquid silver (ds says we're so rich we're going to drink silver!) multis, vit C, etc. I need to be more forceful about cod liver oil and Vit E.

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I don't have any words of advice but I'm in the same boat. I go back and forth daily on what is the right thing to do. If I don't have family get the vaccine and something happens I will feel responsible and if I do have family get the vaccine and something happens I will feel responsible. In the end I'm just going to go with my gut (it usually works out well) and hope for the best.

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If it were me, I'd vaccinate. But I'll probably get boxed about the ears for saying so :D



On the flip side of the coin:


If it were me, I'd NOT vaccinate. But I'll probably get boxed about the ears for saying so :D ;)


But that is me. YOU have to weigh out the pros and cons for your family. Is your family's health issues such that they risk reacting to the vaccine or actually getting sick from the vaccine? Are you willing to risk the chance of getting sick naturally vs intentionally introducing the virus into their system, whether that virus is dead or alive? Are there other precautions you are taking to reduce your risk of catching the virus? Are your children in a public atmosphere on a regular basis or are they at home more? Would you vaccinate for any other flu?

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You know, it's a really tough call. The vaccine is so new and no one knows the long term effects. That's what concerns me most.


I don't like the things I've read about this vaccine, but I've also become a non-vaxer. Although I do admit to looking at each vaccine individually closely and carefully to make sure I'm making the right decision.


I'm pregnant and I have a 2 year old. Do I want to end up with this flu? Absolutely not. But does anyone know what it's going to do to my son or my unborn baby? No.


Considering that I rarely get the regular flu, and recover fairly quickly from that, I'm thinking that for my family, we will just be extra careful with handwashing, getting plenty of rest, eating a healthy diet, and taking our vitamins. I'll probably also limit or visits to high traffic places.


You have to weigh the pros and cons and think about what's best for your family. That's often not an easy thing.

Edited by Dawn in OH
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have you done the pnuemovax? I think in your circumstances I'd do that first & then the h1n1.


effectmeasure had a discussion of pneumovax....

here: http://scienceblogs.com/effectmeasure/2009/06/pneumococcal_vaccine.php


here: http://scienceblogs.com/effectmeasure/2009/09/swine_flu_will_modern_medicine.php#more


when they were trying to figure out WHY ds had pneumonia 3 times in such a short period, the last test was the pneumovax vaccine, and then they tested his titers. (sp?) We went to a specialist in an excellent hospital. His opinion? Freak occurrence. Hopefully it won't happen again.


Dh gets the pneumovax.


I need to go read your links. Thanks!

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I'd like to refer you to this link where they outline the various vaccines on the market, their testing etc:




Honestly, I'm not persuaded by the supposition that the novel H1N1 vaccine is somehow more dangerous &/or less tested than the seasonal flu vax. It's made the same way, all that's different is the genetic code of the virus which the used to make the actual vaccine. The other procedures are exactly the same as in the seasonal vaccine as far as I can tell. So anyone who would normally consider the seasonal vax should consider this one as well IMO.

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I'd like to refer you to this link where they outline the various vaccines on the market, their testing etc:




Honestly, I'm not persuaded by the supposition that the novel H1N1 vaccine is somehow more dangerous &/or less tested than the seasonal flu vax. It's made the same way, all that's different is the genetic code of the virus which the used to make the actual vaccine. The other procedures are exactly the same as in the seasonal vaccine as far as I can tell. So anyone who would normally consider the seasonal vax should consider this one as well IMO.


Actually, the H1N1 (the dosage for 6mo+) has a much higher level of thimerosal than the seasonal flu vax, and the thimerosal legal limits were "suspended" so it could be distributed and the limits will be reinstated after they're done vaccinating. So no, it does not follow that the two vaccines are the same apart from genetic coding. "Each 0.5mL dose contains 25mcg mercury." The legal limit in states such as WA and CA is "no more than 1.0microgram per 0.5mililiter." "In 1994, the EPA revised its Reference Dose (RfD) for methylmercury exposure, lowering its guideline for safe exposure from 0.3 to 0.1 microgram per kilogram body weight per day."




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