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Dr Hive: I ache all over! Help diagnose me?

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So, I woke up yesterday aching all over like I had worked out the day before. But, I hadn't done anything all day on Sunday! My arms, my legs, my back, my ribs...everywhere! Today, it is worse! I can hardly life my toddler b/c it hurts sooo much. My throat is killing me and feels swollen. It is painful to swallow anything except liquid. However, it isn't "scratchy" like laryngitus or anything. It is "achy". What could this be? I'm fatigued as well...but that's pretty normal. I'm fatigued all the time. I had blood work done last week and everything was normal (they didn't do a Vit. D or iron, though). Blood count was normal so it doesn't seem like a virus or infection. My kids have also been complaining of achiness. Just not as bad as mine. No fever that I can tell.

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That sounds like pretty typical flu symptoms. I'd think odds are "novel A/H1N1"

Hope you feel better soon.


ETA - just wanted to f/u about the bloodwork, viral infection can hit you very quickly so it wouldn't have shown in elevated white counts last week. Also a significant percentage of novel flu cases have NO fever so don't get distracted by lack of fever....this sounds like flu to me.

Edited by hornblower
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We had this too!! I thought my aches were from running a 10K the weekend before. I was also EXTREMELY exhausted. It was really hard! The kids had milder symptoms. The sore throat eventually turned into a really bad cough that is lingering for a second week. Only one of us had a fever (out of the 5 who were sick). I'm waiting for the 6th child to get sick.


I hope you feel better soon!!! It's not fun. But, I sure hope ours was swine flu! I'd like to think it's out of the way and done with for the winter!

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Sounds like the flu, but I wouldn't rule out Mono. (even as an adult), or even tonsillitis(if you still have them)

If you continue to feel this way after 3 or 4 days, or get worse, see a Dr.


And just a note. Do not take any aspirin products until you know what is wrong.


Stick with Ibuprofen/Motrin. Tylenol as a second choice. Tylenol has a high incidence of liver problems.


Hope you feel better soon!

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MONO?!?!:001_huh: Is THIS what I get for sending my dc back to the germ emporium, um, I mean ps? :glare: Nice. I suppose if I get worse I'll se my dr. I have to see her anyway for more blood work and such. Thanks Dr. Hive! :D


LOL.........I got one back in Public High School, so I know the feeling.;)

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I woke up Sunday morning with the exact same feeling....my throat hurt so bad I didn't know if I could actually eat anything, LOL. I ran a fever of 100 on Sunday and Monday morning. I just took Motrin for the fever and sore throat.


I gargled with peroxide mixed 1:1 with water.....in the morning and night. By Monday....my throat was feeling a bit better.....


By Tuesday....a LOT better. I still have a cough....but I never did get a runny nose or anything like that....


Today....I feel great except my throat still feels 'swollen'....but nothing like it felt Sunday morning, LOL! I do still have the cough....



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