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Nursery pictures

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If anyone's interested, here are some pictures of Keaton's nursery. He's due in only 2 weeks!


1. DH painted this $20 thrift store bookcase/cabinet for me. As you can see, I had fun with the chalkboard paint on the doors.

2. The quilt was made by my mil and is adorable!

3. The top left locker was mine in 7th grade! However, in 1994 they were turquoise, of course :D. When my school upgraded, I snagged these.

4. This lamp from IKEA is so fun! DH wants one for his game room now. We even have 3 outlets hooked up with a remote control system so I don't have to fumble with the cord. This is what happens when your husband is an engineer.









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it's awesome, and something you can keep for years! He won't outgrow it anytime soon!



Yep, that was my goal! Plus, I hate pastel :D and have a deep-seated aversion to Winnie the Pooh, probably because he was way too popular with my classmates when I was in jr. high.

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Too cute!


An alien themed nursery. Now why didn't I think of that? :lol:


Seriously, very unique. I really love it and I'm sure Keaton will too. :001_smile:


When we were engaged, DH nixed the Americana/cowboy theme I'd been planning since high school. He proposed dinosaurs or space (or dinosaurs IN space :001_smile:), and I picked space with robots/aliens thrown in. My mil actually bought that alien fabric several years ago before we picked our theme, thinking it looked like something DH would like!

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It's so cute. I remember doing my first little guy's nursery.


It was Winnie-the-Pooh!:lol:


No judgment here, it's just not my thing!:D I did get several Winnie the Pooh outfits/blankets/hats at my shower and resisted the urge to return them. I figure he'll only be in that size for a short time, so I can cope! I must admit that I actually did give my mom the idea to add a "Classic Pooh" nursery corner to her guest room because it fit well with the theme of her room and she wanted something cute for visitors with babies.

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