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What to read after Percy Jackson?

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Ds9 is finishing up The Last Olympian. This poor kid is a picky reader (he gets it from me, but, unfortunately our tastes aren't similar) and he's asking what I think he'd like to read next.


He's liked The Hobbit, Kingfisher's Beowulf, and pretty much anything to do with Greek Myths. He also likes horses, so I might be able to get him to read a book that has something to do with horses.


The Chronicles of Narnia are out (he won't read them because ds10 is), along with Peter and the Starcatchers (he didn't like it). He's a strong reader with good comprehension.

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Anne Ursu -- Cronus Chronicles series

Kevin Crossley-Holland -- Arthur Trilogy

Diana Wynne Jones -- Howl's Moving Castle and sequels

T.A. Barron -- Lost Years of Merlin series

Gerald Morris -- The Squire's Tales series

Megan Whalen Turner -- The Thief and the Queen of Anatolia (maybe not the third one... it's more YA, and I haven't skimmed it yet)

Cat Weatherill -- Barkbelly and Snowbone

Joan Aiken -- Wolves Chronicles

L.M. Boston -- Green Knowe series

Michael Buckley -- Sister's Grimm series

Suzanne Collins -- Underland Chronicles series

Jeanne DuPrau -- City of Ember and sequels

Garth Nix -- Seventh Tower series, Keys to the Kingdom series

Nancy Farmer -- Sea of Trolls and sequels (third due out next month)

Jeff Smith -- Bone series (graphic novels, but very good)

Sylvia Waugh -- Space Race and sequels

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I think the Septimus Heap books are similar to the Percy Jackson ones in reading level and such.


I enjoyed The Amulet of Samarkand and the other books in that series. :)



I'd forgotten about those. My 17 yr old enjoyed the series very much when she was younger. Which reminds me how much she loved The Dragon's Milk books.

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