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What is happening to my body? HELP!

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I just turned 39 years old and suddenly everything is going south. My periods have become very irregular. My joints creak and crack all the time. And lately if I cough or sneeze hard I leak!!! I've only given birth one time over 11 years ago and this never was a problem before. Why now? And menopause comes later in my family (like mid to late fifties) so it can't be that. Is this just what happens? You hit 39 and you just get old all of a sudden?

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Meno can come a lot earlier than that for some people!!! My sister in law's came when she was 35. I would get your hormone levels checked to see if you have an inbalance of estrogen and progesterone. I had the irregular periods and creaking popping joints and when I had my levels checked I had NO progesterone.


Hope you find your answer!!!

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I found that there were big changes for me at 40 (like the ones you mentioned), and then again at 45. At 45 I have had to break down and get glasses, I don't sleep well, etc. My doc told me in was in peri-menopause last year. I was so surprised. I feel so young that it almost feels like my body has turned against me! :001_smile:

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I feel like that sometimes at 40, but it came about more gradually, I think. My joints creak and crack, periods seem to come more frequently instead of slowing down, energy levels are definitely plummeting, and I have trouble switching from focusing my eyes on something up close to something farther away. If you feel like these things happened to you suddenly, maybe you should get a check up to see if there isn't something specific going on.

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Haven't you been through some big life changes recently? lol


Stress affects us differently as we age, too. Even though we still feel young, it takes our body longer to adjust to environmental changes than when we were young.


Has your diet changed? Your sleeping patterns? Your work stress? Are you taking vitamins or mineral supplements?


Going from homeschooling to having the dc in school changes a lot, too.


You could be showing some early signs of aging and/or hormonal issues. But I would look at nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress, etc first. You have a lot on your plate. Make sure you're taking good care of yourself!


How are things going with your ds? Did I miss anything new?

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I just turned 39 years old and suddenly everything is going south. My periods have become very irregular. My joints creak and crack all the time. And lately if I cough or sneeze hard I leak!!! I've only given birth one time over 11 years ago and this never was a problem before. Why now? And menopause comes later in my family (like mid to late fifties) so it can't be that. Is this just what happens? You hit 39 and you just get old all of a sudden?


Yeah, mine too. But, for me it hit at around 35. In fact, it seems like most women I know are hitting perimenopause earlier than their mother's generation. I wonder if it has anything to do with girls starting menstruation earlier. Maybe it is just pushing the whole cycle to be earlier?

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On top of the hormonal issue you might look into whether this could be caused by your location. I know when we moved from the mid-west to the more tropical south my body started reacting strangely. Allergies popped up, joint pain, and even food allergies (although that could be coincidental).

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I would think most of this is related to changing cultures more than aging. I just read a bit from your blog, and it sounds like you weren't really connected culturally to Malaysia before getting there. If that's so, you really are going through a huge transition. I personally am connected to Malaysia (my husband, of Chinese descent was born there), but I would also experience a whole lot of stress, if not culture shock, being immersed into the culture completely. Just remembering how to "do" things that are routine when you are living in your home country is a stressor.


Good luck and have fun. It's not easy to stretch and learn about a new culture so intimately! :coolgleamA:

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I can't tell you what is causing it, I just turned 42 on Sunday...so I know these past 2 years have not been fun...but I have found the answer (for me, at least)


1. EXERCISE...daily...anything at least for 45 minutes (I do treadmill or work outside with the horses)


2. DIET...we almost never eat white flour except for maybe spaghetti 2x a month...we eat as much raw as we can (mostly fruits, celery, red peppers, carrots, etc.) and drink a lot of water..not the gallon guzzling days but just making sure I do drink at least 4 glasses on top of the unsweet tea/milk into my day...I try to limit my sugar intake to things that have real fruit in it, that way I really don't eat many sweets...I'm too busy to make those kinds of desserts! :)


Those two things really helped curb the joint pains and overall 'ugh' it's morning feeling...I used to bound out of bed, now it's oh, there's the floor...pain..then walk...stiff...then walk...better...and after 12 hours of gardening this past week 2 caplets of Aleve helped me through, haven't had any since....so we can turn to those in acute soreness! :)



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stress. of course!


That could be the problem. It's weird because I don't feel "stressed out" as in going crazy or miserable. But we ARE very busy and things ARE very different here. And our diet IS very different now. I guess I am not thinking enough about the role all of that plays in my health. I mean, even the weather is vastly different from what I am used to (I didn't know it was possible to sweat this much).


We are doing really well though. It's not perfect but things are settling into a routine. We've made some in-roads with Kyle's teachers and he is slowly doing better. But he's all googly-eyed over this girl in his class and I am NOT ready for THAT. I like my job a lot and so does my dh. I still hate the driving. It makes me a nervous wreck.


I think this morning it all hit me..like I have this big zit on my chin out of nowhere and my back aches and my hair won't cooperate in this humidity and I think I am getting more wrinkles and then I start my period and I JUST had it two weeks ago and I feel like I woke up with someone else's body instead of my own. My body has become a TRAITOR. :tongue_smilie:

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