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Rear End Writing

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I thought it might have been a writing program/theory that began with the finished composition in mind?!?! Like copying an essay's style???


I thought it was something about how to keep your children in their seat until they actually accomplished some writing! :lol:


But I agree TOTALLY with the OP. Hate the rear-end writing. It's not even close to allowed in my house. But I used to wear shirts with writing across the chest--and everyone is right--it's really the same thing. Convicting.

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I have a funny story from a friend who is an English teacher. She and another teacher were commenting about this trend of wearing shorts with writing on the back. The other teacher said, "I don't need a word, I need a paragraph or a short story to cover my behind." :lol: It's only funny because I can relate!


I can relate, too. But perhaps it should be a 'short' story!




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The thread title sounds like the weirdest homeschool writing (composition) program I ever have heard of ! I could not imagine what the topic possibly could be, so came in to read.


That is just what I have been thinking every time I looked at the thread title - who in the world would name their writing program that?! :lol:

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oh and I found this funny blog about rear end writng alternative words:


Crabby Old Man (warning; a couple swear words)


Some of my favorites are:




“Kick Meâ€


“This Space for Rentâ€


I love this. My oldest says that the only way you are going to find writing on her rear is if they make a pair that says, "Exit Only". :tongue_smilie:

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This is something that makes my husband's head spin around. I got my oldest daughter a pair of pants once at Goodwill that were the type she likes, not even realizing that there was a word written across the bottom. He was not happy with me. In his opinion, the only reason to have writing in that location is an invitation to look. He wants no one looking at our daughters' bottoms.

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I was just wondering the same thing. Why is writing across the front of a girl's shirt ok? How is it any different?:confused:


I've honestly never thought about it until now. No, it isn't any different. I'm going to have to go through our closets. I already have to see if I can get the writing off of one pair of pants. I'll have to look at shirts too.



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The thread title sounds like the weirdest homeschool writing (composition) program I ever have heard of ! I could not imagine what the topic possibly could be, so came in to read.



:iagree: I thought so too! Of course, I livei in a country where a nice, new housing development was named "Mildew!" So I am used to weird names for stuff!

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