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Strange question about DD, and flu germs

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My 5 year old DD goes through "quirks" or something of the like. I'm quite sure she has some degree OCD. She's always worried about germs and things getting dirty, yet she continues to do this annoying habit.....putting her hands and fingers into her mouth and licking them. She also licks her arms sometimes.


Well....with all this H1N1 stuff, I do not want her licking her hands! Especailly when we go out in public. Tomorrow we attend our first homeschool group. It's at O2B Kids (not sure if anyone has heard of it) but it's a place that does playgroups, has gymnastics, art classes, PE classes, science classes, etc. They also run a preschool there as well. So there's kids all over the place. I'm very concerned about her putting her hands into her mouth and licking them all over after touching everything at the homeschool group.


Would it be totally weird or crazy to send her in gloves? It's Florida for pete's sake and it was like 90 degrees today. And then I worry that people will ask her about the gloves. She is extremely shy and has speech problems so she already refuses to talk to people....and this will just give her a reason to be the center of attention. I will not be in the room, the kids all go in together and go to different activities over the course of several hours....so I will not be there to speak for her. Plus, I dont know how she will do art stuff and eat lunch and stuff like that with the gloves on.


What should I do? I really do not want her licking her hands out in public like that. I dont want her doing it at any time, much less with all this H1N1 stuff going around (though I have not heard of any cases in our area so far). We've talked over and over and over about stopping it, but she just can't. I dont even think she realizes she is doing it. Plus, it is one of her "quirks" and I'm not even sure she really CAN do anything about it.

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I can't help with the fingers in the mouth - saying STOP is my new mantra. Repeatedly. :glare:


But man, i have been wanting to be able to do stuff at O2B Kids since FOREVER. We just live too far away... except, i'll be in Gainesville in the morning at the doctors. HMPH.


I hope she has fun!!!!

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I wouldn't send her to a new group of kids with something that would make her stand out more than she normally would. Ds stands out enough in a crowd, so I try to make him dress as average as possible. If you're very concerned about germs, could you give the teacher some hand sanitizer and have her use it on your dd frequently. (Of course, I'm not sure that stuff is safe to lick, so use what you normally use).


I hope you find a solution you're comfortable with.

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I hadn't thought about using gum. I wonder if that's allowed there? If so, I think I will try that.


What about that icky tasting stuff for nail biting? I wonder if I put some of that on her fingertips if it would work? I'm not familiar with the stuff so I do not know if it leaves a residue on the fingers or anything. However, I'm sure she'll be washing her hands during art/lunch and stuff so it would probably wash right off.


And I'll definitely send a bottle of hand sanitizer with her....we usually use that. But I dont know that she'll actually remember to use it though.


Thanks for the suggestions!!


Tracey, it's a pretty neat place. We go to the one in Clay County. We were members when DD#1 was three years old and DD#2 was an infant....but we ended up quitting due to the cost. It is kind of pricey and we were about to have to start paying for DD#2 when she hit a year old. But I'm very interested in their homeschool group. They let us do a free trail tomorrow so I'm excited to see it. It lasts from 10 AM till 1:45 PM and every thirty minutes they go to a new activity room (art, science, book club, PE, etc) with a 45 minute lunch. DD is looking forward to it!

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I am a bit germophobic, especially these days! But I dont know if I would use sanitizer too much with her IF she is licking her hands! It can be pretty toxic if ingested.


If you are concerned about her and the flu, I would think about keeping her home. We have decided to not be as involved this year with outside activities for this reason.

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When my kids are engaging in a bad habit I try to get them to replace it with something else. When my eldest was breaking herself from biting her nails I taught her to rub her fingers together instead. People who have these sort of tics/habits/whatever have trouble stopping cold turkey but can usually replace it with a habit that is less bad.

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And I'll definitely send a bottle of hand sanitizer with her....we usually use that. But I dont know that she'll actually remember to use it though.



Hand santizer is extremely toxic to young children. I would not use it at all on a child that is prone to sticking their fingers in their mouth or licking their fingers. Please google this. It can be fatal.

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How about putting that awful tasting stuff on her nails? The stuff you use to avoid nail bitting.


You could try putting on some nail ploish on her nails & tell her the polish will peel off if she puts her fingers into her mouth. I use this whenever mine starts chewing nails.

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