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How old are your dc when you


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Have them be a part of choosing the curr. you use. Up to know I have been the one that searches out, investigates, reads and chooses the curr. we will be using. Most of the time it has worked but there has been the times that, well, I put it up for sale and found something else.

I was just wondering when many of you start letting your dc be a part of that process instead of announcing that we will be using......

Also if your dc have a say what is the process you use and how much merrit do you give their opinion?

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I imagine it depends on the child. I began letting my DD9 give input this year. She wanted to do Ancient History, so we discussed ways we could approach that. I think you also need to take into consideration how your child learns. So, in that regard my DD had more input on how we planned to do things this year more than what she was going to study. I also reserve the veto, with the final decisions being up to myself and my DH. While she knew she could give me her thoughts and ideas she didn't have final say.


In the end we did go with Ancient History in a combination that was a compromise for both of us. We went with the science she wanted, the math and geography I chose. We are having a good year so far.


I don't imagine that would work for all nine year olds though. ;) I figured she is taking sixth grade classes and in middle school is when students usually begin to be given some choices.

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I more or less determine what dd will study, but she has input into the how. We switched math curriculums last year, because she told me what she did not like about the one we were using at the time. I showed her a couple of different choices, all of which acceptable to me, and she picked one. When she starts a modern foreign language, she'll have input into deciding which one to study. I anticipate her input rising as she begins middle school level material.

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In some ways - since birth.

I have always taken DS along with me everywhere - bookstores, homeschool conferences, teacher supply stores, etc. I have always told him that if he finds anything he is interested in learning or reading, to please let me know.

I research outside educational opportunities and ask him what he wants to take. Field trips I generally plan on my own, then do supplemental reading and study based on his interst level.

DS is almost 8. This year he has requested to learn Greek (which he loves so far) and to take an art history class. In the past, he has requested dance (he has taken 4 different styles), swim, chess, music and science. He has picked out some interesting books and curriculum on history, science, Latin, spelling and grammar on his own.


I haven't gotten around to posting yet on the LCC or unschooling post, but want to.

We somewhat straddle the line. We are not totally unschoolers, by any means, but I have always let my DS have a great amount of say in what he wants to study and learn.

I often pause our normal studies and ask him if there is anything in particular he wants to study, then we spend a few weeks on those topics.

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My oldest kids this year had a little input. Specifically they told me what wasn't working in the stuff we used last year and I found something that would work better for those things, they also made some requests that I am accomodating(like greek and handiwork, plus new extracurrics they will be in this year). Over all though I still say what they will study and mostly how as well. When they reach high school they will have much more say in the how and some say in the what, since they will ultimately be responsible for their own educations by that point.

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I ask the kids at the end of the year what their favorite and least favorite parts of school were. Sometimes if I narrow the choice in a subject down to two option, I let them look and give me their opinions. They can choose if we make lapbooks or notebooks for certain subjects. I always make the final decision, but I always consider their abilities, interests, and opinions when I make it. HTH

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My kids have already had a hand in choosing. When we hated R&S Math so much last summer, I got a few differnt ones used and we all looked together. They all liked MUS, so that's what we went with. (Suplimented, which they wouldn't have chosen :) But I am the mom!) And for science this coming year I let them choose between Zoo1 & Botony. Obviously I have the final say. And I'm not tossing them into the sea of curriculum and telling them to pick. But they have had input within predetermined choices.

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My oldest had input on her Math program when she was 5. Over the years I have decided what we would study. Then I would come up with options and the child impacted would make a choice. This year my 8 year old chose between two English program, one that I already had and one that her sister was using. We do two full math programs. I let them decide after each book whether to switch or not.

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Mine have had input from early on. In early elementary, if something's not working even after we've tweaked some, I'll change curriculum in that area. By later elementary, I will picked two or three curriculum choices for a subject, then let the child decide which one. I'll also let older ones have some input into what they want to study. As they get older, they'll have even more input.





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