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s/o will you/your family get the swine flu vaccine?

Will you/your family get the swine flu vaccine?  

  1. 1. Will you/your family get the swine flu vaccine?

    • Yes!
    • No!
    • Unsure - haven't made up my mind yet.
    • Not immediately...but if things get worse, I will/will consider it.

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Yes, absolutely. I have Sjogren's and asthma. The Sjogren's makes me dry and puts me at increased risk from lung infections as does the asthma. Everyone else in may family is required by me to get vaccines for flu both regular and H1N1 since I am not interested in dying quite yet. Youngest dd is at greater risk herself as she gets asthma with viral infections. The other children have no special risks but are a risk to us. DH is military and will get one because of that but he also has cold induced wheezing and should get it for that reason too plus to protect myself and my youngest.


I have never had a flu nor has anyone in my family and we don't want to start now. I find it miserable enough to suffer my debilitating migraines about once a month, sinus and bronchitis infections a few times a year, and sometimes, even more serious infections.

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What do you know...we have some sitting in our spice cabinet. Now it is time to figure out what all I can put tumeric in! LOL


Anyone know just how much of this one needs to eat for it to be beneficial?


I sprinkle it in soups, on eggs, chicken, vegetables, and stir-fried dishes. It's in most mustards, and I've even seen it listed as an ingredient in some yogurts (for color).


I'm not sure how much you need to consume for it to be beneficial, but I try to use some almost every day.

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Age 23 ds went to doctor for eye infection today and was told he had swine flu last week and the eye infection and lingering cough were just part of it. He was told to take Mucinex for nasal congestion and cough and given cort drops for conjunctivitis. The doctor showed no concern. Is it a non-event?


19 year old ds and 14 year old dgd had mild cases of what we thought was a cold but were fine after a couple of days. We eat foods containing probiotics, take VD3 and VC when we get a cold and drink lots of juice and it seems to work. If this was flu, it was mild for our guys. Thank the Lord! I really like the homeopathic list posted on here late last week. I agreed with most of the advice given and think you have to work on keeping your immune system strong. We also drink a good amount of green tea and sodas are rare here for all our guys. We try to eat organic or as close to organic as possible most of the time and we drink raw milk and I bake my own bread. We are trying to teach our last few that you are what you eat.


Here is a link that sort of put the whole issue in perspective for me:



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Fresh turmeric is a root that looks like ginger on the outside, but is orange like a carrot on the inside. The fresh root is the most potent source. Shred it up into food or tea. Whenever we start to feel any sickness or soar throat, we shred up ginger and turmeric and boil it for tea and add honey and milk, it feels really good on the throat.


Turmeric powder is still very beneficial. It is usually mixed with rice powder to make it not clumpy, so it is not as potent.


One of my family members has lupus, an autoimmune disease. Going on an anti-inflammatory diet with turmeric powder in every meal plus flax seed oil and hemp seed powder, and all has been well with no lupus outbreaks for 2 years now. So, I can say that eating turmeric powder everyday, even just a teaspoon in a pot of food, is beneficial.


Like other mamas said, it doesn't have much flavor, but it is very yellow and will stain your clothes permanently, so be careful when using it.

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Are they seeing the cytokine (sp) storm thing now with this flu...or is it more that younger people are less likely to go to the dr until it gets really bad and they they are too far gone? If it is the latter, then I can be diligent. If it is the former, well, that scares me. How do you prevent cytokine storm?


ACE inhibitors, some antiinflammatories will help dampen down a cytokine storm. So can optimal D levels. Read on.


share as needed/interested. All information is mine and from evidence based sources. I didn't have time to cite......so do with it what you will.




Virtually all flulike illnesses currently presenting are H1N1. It's possible that 50% of cases are presenting without a fever and very likely many more. This makes meaningless, the recommendations to "stay home from school or work until fever free for 24 hours" as many with the flu will never have had a fever. Children are unknowingly being sent to school with H1N1; adults with H1N1 will continue to go to work not realizing that they are spreading the flu.


Contagion is a factor from 24h prior to onset of symptoms and for 7-10 days after *onset of symptoms*.


It's wonderful that most people are reporting being sick for 1.5-2 days. Yay! For those at risk for respiratory complications though (including our pregnant friends and family members) it doesn't matter that 'most' are sick for 1-2 days. For them, this is not a typical flu so please stay home if you have any symptoms. Please keep your child home if they have any symptoms. If one is sick, keep them all home.


What can you do to prevent or treat the flu?



•Anti-Virals if you think you have the flu [CDC recommendation not mine] Keep in mind that there is a 50-90% false negtive rate on the rapid flu tests. Yes, you read that right. Just b/c you have a negative rapid flu test absolutely positively does not mean you are home free.


Effective treatment:


•Anti-Viral Medication started within 24h (less helpful but still helpful if started later....though drug resistant cases are emerging)


•High Dose Vitamin D3 therapy aka Stoss Therapy. (reduces cytokines) Stoss Therapy is 1,000 IU D per one lb body weight per day
then back to normal dosing: 1,000 IU per 25 lbs body weight. Stoss therapy is not appropriate for those with kidney disease. Take sufficient calcium and magnesium while taking vitamin D.

Likely Helpful adjuncts effective treatment - will reduce and/or moderate cytokines or act as ACE inhibitors:


Adults only;
never children or adolescents
(reduces cytokines).


•Green tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines). Consider drinking


daily and/or gargling with it.


•High dose vitamin C therapy to bowel tolerance. Use cheap ascorbic acid unless you personally need buffered - avoid time released for this usage.



Effective Prevention:


•Optimal blood levels of D3 (reduces cytokines)



•50-80 ng/mL is optimal; some say 50-70 ng/mL, some say 55-80 ng/mL - it depends on who's writing and when they wrote it. Anything less than 50 ng/mL=substrate deficiency which is a Very Bad Thing. Our 50-80 ng/mL translates to 150-200 nmoL in any other place in the world
Moderate levels are correlated, by some data, with increased cytokine activity (20-40 ng/mL). We don't want moderate levels or even 'normal' levels. We want optimal levels in the middle of the 'reference range'.




•Remember that because of problems with Quest's test, any D result from them should be divided by 1.3 to get an accurate number.




•Optimal vitamin D levels are your very best defense against influenza, some researchers posit that it may be as or more effective than a vaccine.



•Green tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines).


Drink it or gargle.


•Probiotics. Take daily.

May be helpful adjuncts to effective treatment and/or prevention in addition to above measures:


•Black tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines)


•Quercetin (possible ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines)


•Pomegranate (ACE inhibitor)


•Proanthocyandin containig foods, supplements (ACE inhibitors): grapeseed extract, pinebark extract (pycnogenol)


•Turmeric (reduces cytokines). 1/4 tsp powder can be placed on tongue and swallowed with water


•Black pepper (reduces cytokines)


•Raw crushed garlic (reduces cytokines). For easy dosing, mix with tsp raw honey.


•Coconut oil (reduces cytokines)


•Echinacea (increases some cytokine activity but overwhelmingly reduces cytokine activity)

Assess carefully:


•Elderberry aka Sambucol (known to increase cytokines). I am avoiding.


•Astragalus (reduces activity of some cytokines, increases activity of other cytokines). I am avoiding.


•Olive oil (may increase cytokines). I will continue to use as needed but will use coconut oil for cooking/baking.


•Fish oil (may increase cytokines). I will continue to take significant amounts.


•Chocolate (ACE inhibitor but increases cytokines). I will use moderately;p

Cannel on preventing and treating H1N1:



Randomized, placebo controlled trial shows D3 prevents and treats colds and flu:


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We won't as the first swine flu vacc. in the 70s created lots of Gullain-Barre reports. We have already had one scare of GBS with my son and I don't want to go there again.


I am limiting our sugar intake and starting a course of daily vitamins to boost immunity.


Dd already has had friends in her homeschool ministry classes that had swine flu and they came out just fine.

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  • 1 month later...

We are almost all vaxed here! :) My kids need to go back for their second dose next month. My dh will be going this Sunday but I'm not concerned for him as I really think he already had the virus. He doesn't want to take any chances.


I got the mist one week ago and my children got their 1st dose on sunday. I hope they have at least partial protection until their next dose.

Edited by Jumping In Puddles
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